

Henry Pov

After Riva fed him, he gave his signature giggle at her..

I looked at him.. He too looked at me and then shifted his gaze to Riva

This won't work. Right..Right..If he is a demon I am his dad..Let me see he or me..

I took him from Riva..though he tried to go to her I held his hand tightly..

He looked at Chasper , I snapped my hands at him..

" Look at me..I am your dad.."

He looked at me..., " Now giggle for me.." ,I said..

He didn't reply and kept staring at me with his big eyes..

" What are you looking at?..I said Giggle.."

He made bubble with his saliva

How attitude he is..

Fine..I should be more strict with him..

I furrowed my eyes , " Giggle..." I screamed

He closed his mouth with hands and yawned..

What the hell..Such a irrespectable kid..

I heared Riva and Chasper laughing..

His eyes started closing...I think he is sleepy..