
His Eyes

Henry left and in few minutes Bernny enters from the door which is not locked..Yes Melanin forgot to lock the door after Henry went..

she was sitting in coach and in lost thoughts..Her heart was aching about Henry words . Each words became a pointed arrow and it directly pierced her heart repeatedly..that she didn't note Bernny arrival..

Bernny shaking Melanin , " what happened ? Why are you like this? Still thinking about him ? "

Melanin looked at Bernny and hugged her and pours her heart out..

Melanin , " What will I do ? How will I forget him he is mixed with every breathe of mine..I can't forget about him Bernny..The day I forgot about him will be the day I ..."

Bernny patting her shoulder , " shh... don't think so much ok..Relax ...Relax.."

Bernny, " Now tell me did that demon meet you again.."

Melanin don't want Bernny to stress it out..So she lied, " I didn't meet him..."