
Gingseng soup

Next day

Henry gets semi consious on hearing vessel dropping voices.

" Aah....what is this noise... Maids can't you people do your work slowly.."

suddenly he hears " Aaah....."

Henry wakes up and rushes kitchen , " What happened..can't you...?"

He stopped shouting on seeing Melanin pink left hand .

Her right hand was holding her left hand wrist..and tears were floating in her eyes

And she was bitting her lips not to shout in pain..

Henry in roaring voice , " What happened ? Why did you shout? "

Melanin shakes her head as " No..."

He goes close to her and holds her shoulder , " Already..my head is aching like hell..and you are..."

Melanin in a worried voice " I am sorry. I know it's your waking up time and I know your head will ache as you drank yesterday so I was preparing gingseng soup to you...and"

Henry shouted " Aah " as his leg came contact with hot soup in floor