
Electric shocks

Chasper , " Henry, I really feel Melanin went to Jasob"

Henry chuckling, " No she'll not. She'll definitely go to a place where I can't find that soon .."

Chasper, " Henry I can't understand one thing. Linda punishment is on..What about Jasob? You said someone helping them. Do you have any clue? "

Henry sad sigh, " It's mom."

Chasper shocked, " Are you serious ? But why will she ? "

Henry, " Because she want Zyan and his descendants to be Watson Heir. "

Chasper, " You are her son too right? "

Henry chuckling hard , " Son..No...I even don't know who is my mother..I was born from surrogate . Instead of her egg she asked doctor to take Surrogate mom egg.."

Chasper holding Henry shoulder, " I am sorrry man.."

Henry , " She betrayed me..For money she did a foolish thing ( soft chuckle)

I entered home in Y city happily after schooling in R city

I was so excited to tell about my Merry to Christiana mom..

I had a belief that she would accept my Merry like dad.