

In Watson villa

A girl looking like a lifeless doll lying on the king sized bed opens her eyes due to sudden moisture on her face

she sees her worst night mare from which she tried her best to escape is now sitting infront of her with all his almight glory , the strong and powerful demon scarier than the blood sucking vampire

The man silhouette is enough to know how cruel the person and one should dare not to mess with him and he is noneother the almighty freaking cruel THE GREAT DEMON HENRY WATSON

Melanin stares at Henry he is .. sitting on a comfy king chair leg crossed with one hand on his thigh and another hand holding glass

(Henry poured water on Melanin to bring her consious)

For melanin now everything seems running in slow motion the villa is like scary house with pin drop silence

Henry stood up and took his each step towards the bed the shoe heels making tok tok sound made her heartbeat to rise.......her breathing gets heavy her body starts to shiver in this freezing cold

he pulls her by hair and kissed her cheek.. in cold hoarse voice " where did you plan to go babydoll?"..

That voice of his was enough to send shivers to her spine and she jerked a little in reflex

Henry keeps his hand on her forearms and starts massaging it to and fro

Melenin disgusted by his intimidating touch she pushes his hand aside

Henry with a smile , " I like it this wild nature my wild kitty "

Melanin, " What? "

Henry , " I have good looks and more wealth and popularity..Girls fall for me easily..But you dont ..That's why I am obsessed with you . You are not obeying me now but I will tame you and will teach good manners and how to behave especially with me babydoll"

Melanin with both hands pushes Henry and trys to run but Henry caught her legs and drags her with the force she hitted his chest hugging her neck tightly , clutching his teeth ," baby doll...Baby Doll...Why are you trying to wake up demon in me. Erase thought of disobeying me from your mind"

He drags her to dark hall

The room had only one chandelier but it was emitting dim light..

Because it was hided by a object..

Henry pushes Melanin with force and she falls in the ground just below the chandelier..

Melanin feels something on her its is red drop with iron smell which is falling from above..

She touched and widened her eyes on realising those are blood drop

She lifted her head up.

She managed to see back leg of man hanging in chandelier

The mans body is tied with ropes attached at top of chandelier..

His hands are tied with rope and bodyguard were holding each ends of ropes

Melanin got shocked and she moved towards front..

Henry signalled body guards

The body guards leaves the ropes..due to which the man hanging fell in ground with a bang.

Now the chandlier gave its full light as the obstacles ( man) which stopped emitting it's brightness throughout the room is now removed

Melanin went near the man. His face was kissing ground

Melanin turned the man face towards her

She stepped back a little ..As the man lying is her friend Reeve ( Melanin was trying to contact him when she escaped from Demon's Den)

She went closer to him..His face has had many scars.

His cheek was swollen.

Eyelids were bulged..

In body there were imprints of rope

And his fingers were slited and blood was coming from it..

There are many belt marks in his back hip waist..

A bullet mark in his toe..

In short the man was undergone a torcher which is much times more than 3 Rd rated one..

No part his body is left unwounded..

One could recognise he is Reeve..when then go close to him..

Henry torchered him a lot but he didn't kill him..

Seeing her friend in this state melanin heart pained and tears started falling from her eyes.. she started cry loudly saying

" Sorry.. Reeve if it's not for me you wouldn't have been this state now ", Melanin sobbed with tears..

Henry got anger and held her hair, " You planned to leave for some other country in opposite pole with this bastard help right ? ."

Looking Melanin confused face Henry left out devil laugh and cold intruding voice, " your each and every move is been watched babydoll"

~ Little rewind

Henry wakes up hearing the thundersound..

He sees Linda laying peacefully sleeping on his chest..

He slowly puts her down in bed like securing her ( porcelain doll that will break just due to little force ) My love is Sleeping tired after a long passionate session at night.......now its time to check on my doll

He goes to Melanin room and finds the room empty and he searched whole villa ...... she is missing.

Henry nose curling in anger , " baby doll..you did it again.."

He goes to security and enquiries about Melanin

Security guard , " Due to continuous lightening and thunderstorm power went off and there were some issues with generator..We were fixing it..So..we didn't "

Henry, " You are fired.."

Security guard started begging in front of him but Henry didn't pay him any attention..

Henry in anger called " Steve.."

Steve is Henry PA..

Steve picked call in second ring , " Hello..Sir"

Henry , " Why didn't pick call in first ring..if it repeated again you are fired "

Steeve , " S..o..r..r."

Henry , " Find where Melanin is and whom he contacted in 10 min.."

Henry cutted call..

Steve who knew Henry anger well traced out Melanin location and person she contacted last in phone and informed Henry

Henry clutching his teeth and fisting his hand , " You did mistake again Sweetheart..I'll ensure that you won't dare to leave me or contact anyone for help.."

He leaves grip and fists and gives a smirk evily..

He tells something in his bodyguard ears..

Henry , " It's time to bring you back sweetheart..."

He left with other bodyguard to location where Melanin signal is found last..

Henry stepping out from car , " The whole day she was unconsious..I am sure her battery would be out.. it's raining heavily from 2 hrs..power went off an hour.. Bodyguard search nook and corner of each and every street.i am sure she would nt have gone so far.."

The body guards started searching for her vigorously..

Henry got a call from inspector , " Sir we are in Z land..and lady who I saw with you in afternoon was about to get raped by 2 guys..I saved her .she is safe now "..

Henry rushes in car to the location inspector said..

Henry took Melanin to his villa back not before eyeing bodyguards signalling at the two guys..

Henry made Melanin to lie on bed and he went to hall..

Reeve was made to sit in chair..His hands were tied..They torchered him black and blue as he didn't reveal why Melanin contacted him last

Henry, " Reeve..why did my babydoll contact you "

Reeve maintained silence

Henry starts slitting Reeve finger and blood was oozing from it..

Even still Reeve maintain silence..

Henry signalls bodyguard..

In few minutes he brings cocaine and feeded Reeve forcefully

Henry again started asking same question by torchering him more..and finally Reeve revelead , " Melanin already suffered a lot..So I helped her getting visa and passport to K city..Her flight is tomorrow..Leave her..she is not happy with you... "

Henry , " He is our guest..We must treat him well. He must be served well " said pointing at the chandelier with his index finger...

He rushed to Melanin room ..

He took cold water in glass and poured it on Melanin to bring her consious


Mealnin, " It's me who escaped..Why did you do this to my friend..(sobs).."

Henry hugging her by neck and pulling her towards him , " baby doll .. babydoll..how will you think I can do this to you..I can't even in my dream.."

Melanin stares at Henry with anger eyes filled with tears..

Henry sniffing her hair and pulling her cheek and kissing it , " Dont waste time in staring me . And take rest babydoll. Tomorrow is a big day for us"

He kissed her forehead..and dragged her towards her room

His eyes got freezed and turned red in anger on seeing her arms ,shoulder..

Hi Readers ,

First of all thank you all for supporting my book. I didn't expect I'll get 600views in first chapter itself..

I like to thank my sissy Srss and my partner Mag for boosting me to write this novel..And without their support I would definitely not written this novel..

Thank you for all all the readers who commented and sharing their love . I would be more happy if you support me till the end..

If you didn't like any part or any idea please feel free to comment that too..

I uploaded picture of Henry Watson and Chandelier which Reeve is hanged..Please do check it..

I would like to recommend you guys to read " My Endless Love Safari " by my sister " Indhu ". it's a love story between Hindu girl and Muslim boy..Please show your love and support by reading her book