

Zyan Pov :

After our marriage Bernny didn't utter a word to me . Even in flight she didn't sleep a bit . As soon she entered my room now our room , she silently looked the whole room around .Her eyes shedded tears on seeing the arrangement Merry sis did. She silently laid on floor without taking pillow or blanket. " Bernny sleep on bed " , I said her..

She closed her ears and turned other side..I tried to keep hand on her shoulder she shouted " DON'T TRY TO TOUCH ME. THE MORE YOU SPEAK THE MORE I HATE YOU..PLEASE STAY AWAY FROM ME..I BEG YOU ". My heart started cracking to pieces..I couldn't see her cry more. she suffered a lot these 2 days..she needs rest . I decided to head out. I am sure she will cry few minutes or few hours but she'll sleep after that. I opened the door and shocked to see Merry sis..