

Linlang immediately turned around in order to flee, but the sturdy man with a height of 1.86 meters lunged at her like a natural hunter. The woman hadn't managed to get very far before she was grabbed from behind. She couldn't escape.

Xie Yaohua was struck dumb.Please read this at onemachineshow.blogspot.com

No, how could the situation deviate so far from his imagination?

Didn't the boss hate Ji Linlang?


"Fu Xi, let me go, you bastard! Wuwu!"

She was stuffed stock and barrel into the car. The man was like a robust cheetah as he rushed forward with a fierceness. Her head slammed against the window and the pain drew out a sharp gasp from her.

"Fu Xi, please, don't be like this. I'm scared! You had better just kill me!"

The woman was crying for mercy and he could taste the salty bitterness on his lips.

His movements stopped. Dark eyes that matched the deep night swept over every inch of her expression; panic, breakdown, and despair. The bright and dazzling appearance was now covered with a layer of death, causing his heart to ache.

I'm sorry.

I'm so sorry.

He opened his mouth and told her not to cry. Her voice was hoarse and she could barely make a sound.

The desire to possess her had intensified. He was afraid of not paying attention and her leaving without the slightest hesitation as she did before.

"You're coming to live with me." He concealed his feelings and feigned a hardened tone in his voice.

The woman curled up in the corner, not saying anything.

Fu Xi felt terrible again.

"I'll buy you anything you like."

He reached out and gently touched her tear-stained cheek. The person shrank slightly but didn't dare to avoid him. Her obedience made him feel sad.

"I won't hurt you so long as you're good and don't run away." The man sighed and tried to soften his voice.


The woman suddenly raised her head and her widened eyes were as clear as spring water. Like a finely woven net, they drew a person in. Once trapped, escape was no longer an option. There was even a willingness to await death.

He was done for.

He was absolutely done for.

Fu Xi's chest felt smothered and inside was a small animal scratching desperately.

"Really, I promise."

It turned out there was a person who could make him destroy his own principles.

Bending down, he kissed her forehead tenderly. He quietly cradled her in his arms as if he had recovered a lost treasure and so didn't dare to be inattentive. "If you're not willing, I won't force you."

What should he do? As soon as she cried, he felt scrambled inside.

The general whose armor was disarmed by the beauty already had a mortal weakness from long ago. It could be struck with one blow and the flaws were all revealed in her lustrous eyes.

The other person was hesitant. After a long while, she slowly placed a hand on the man's back and the softness carried the faint and delicate scent of a woman.

Fu Xi was startled before he nearly went wild from the joy. He didn't dare believe she had taken the initiative to approach him.

He desperately tried to suppress his emotions from welling up. He and embraced her gingerly for fear he would disturb the warmth of this moment.

As expected, a woman's charm and submissiveness really works.

Linlang meekly rested her head on the man's shoulder. The eyelashes stained with teardrops fluttered lightly, and a subtle flower was blooming at the corner of her lips.

The roles of the victim and perpetrator have been reversed. She was now on the offensive.

Fu Xi, you better be careful.

Although her current face was like a delicate white flower, she was a carnivorous plant at heart. Once it became vicious, it could swallow people and leave no bones behind.

The next day, Fu Xi confidently led her to the company with their hands clasped together and did not avoid people's gazes. Yang Lu, who was cracking jokes with her colleagues, turned around to see what the commotion was about and accidentally broke her favorite mug.

"From now on, Linlang will be your lady boss".

The cold man rarely showed that kind of warm smile. The corners of his eyes and eyebrows carried soft and tender feelings as he tucked Linlang's hair behind her ear.

Xie Yaohua's words of opposition were swallowed back down.

From the boss' current expression, it could be seen how deep-seated his feelings were.

Linlang didn't need to make any extra movements. The women's hateful gazes had long since locked onto her.

Of course, it would be strange not to hate her.

So far she had made a complete comeback, firmly occupying the role of being the sole person in the male lead's heart. Because of the previous matter of going abroad, the wary Fu Xi kept her on a short leash. She couldn't even leave his sight.

How will the innocent and simple-minded heroine win the hero over?

She was looking forward to it!

According to the current situation, she would become the 'other woman' if she got involved!

Look at this evil-hearted female match. How far will she push the female lead?

Linlang felt she had a great talent for doing bad things. She was going to take full advantage of her prowess in the future.

She couldn't help laughing out loud just thinking about it. Someone hugged her waist from behind and nipped the lobe of her ear. The husky voice uttered just after waking up was dripping with sex appeal. "What did you think of that made you laugh so happily?"

"Naturally I was thinking about—you," Linlang answered with a crisp voice.

The expression in Fu Xi's eyes turned murky. He wanted to kiss her right then and there.

"Aiyah, don't cause trouble! You haven't brushed your teeth, you pervert!"

The woman pushed him with a smile and ran away on her bare feet and turned around to look at him with a playful grimace.

"Insatiable men are really terrible!"

Fu Xi dotingly replied, "Okay, okay, I am a pervert, an insatiable pervert. Little ancestor, hurry up and come put on some shoes. You'll catch a cold." He closed the distance between them and grabbed her. After patting the white and tender soles of her feet, he lowered his head to prepare her shoes.

A pair of blinking eyes turned sly. Suddenly, Linlang reigned her foot back and stepped right on the man's face. Fu Xi was so shocked he sat flat on the ground, thereby giving her a chance to jump off the bed and ran away.

Feeling annoyed and amused by her antics, he couldn't help but laugh as he brushed back the hair from his forehead.

How come he didn't know she was so rowdy before?

But what to do, he seemed to be more entrenched than he thought.

In the former period, he attempted suicide and fell into depression. How he hated that he wasn't able to cut the woman down.

But now he couldn't even bring himself to force her too much.

Just what kind of magic did she cast over him to make him so head over heels in a way that wasn't like him at all?