

On one particular weekend morning, Xue Shao had the rare occasion of waking up early. The servants were so surprised they could hardly believe it.

The young master's nightlife was very abundant; there was drinking, racing, and philandering. Every day, something was done in a new way. No one ever got to see him before noon. Did the sun really rise from the east today?

"Zhou Da, what do you think of this young master's look today?" Xue Shao wore a brown vest, and his ruffled shirt brought out a hint of unruly heroism.

The young butler rushed to smile. "Even Linda said, should the young master wear this outside, Young Master will surely fascinate thousands of girls!"

"That's right." Xue Shao also raised his head pompously. His eyes carried a trace of a determination to conquer.

Although the woman promised to be his tutor, she still wasn't friendly towards him. She didn't even take the initiative to seek him out. Her stubbornness was hateful! Xue Shao had planned to block her at the door but felt it was bad form. As a result, he had to wait until the weekend to use his tried and tested methods.

"Master, Miss Xu is here." Zhou Da rushed to report after receiving the call.

"Okay, follow the plan." Xue Shao blew his bangs in front of the mirror then strode out of the door in preparation for a perfect performance of 'the hero saving the beauty'.

"Awoo!"Please read this at onemachineshow.blogspot.com

He quirked his lips up in satisfaction when he heard the cry of his baby outside.

But when he arrived, he was immediately dumbfounded.

The weak girl was thrown down by the hyena as he imagined. Her white hat had rolled to the curbside, and black hair cascaded over the green grass. As she raised her head, one caught a glimpse of a slender neck.

"Haha, okay. Don't make trouble, you naughty little guy!"

The servant who released the hyena was also shocked.

The African spotted hyena, known as a first-rate predator, suddenly turned into an obedient cat and let this girl rub it all over. Xue Shao couldn't bear to look at it directly.

You are a hyena, not a husky!

He hated this iron for not becoming steel.

First battle, defeated!

The young master was not at all discouraged by this. What kind of person do you think Xue Shao is? He never fights uncertain battles!

After Xu Linlang officially entered the house's main room, she was whisked away to his bedroom.

As soon as she walked into the room, she caught sight of the young master sitting at the table next to the spotless floor-to-ceiling windows. Fine rays of sunlight landed on his head, which he casually propped up with his hands. His bright eyes were staring at her without blinking, and strong hormones filled the girl's senses.

The smile in her eyes deepened.

If the pick-up routine had gone well, Xu Linlang would have been rescued by Xue Shao from the murderous jaws of the hyena. Her brimming affections for the man who feigns an injury would have surely caused the girl to feel very guilty.

Then, after receiving first aid, the young master will earn her sympathy and have her in the bag.

Without casting a side glance, she spread out the things she had prepared on the table. "Which part does Young Master Xue want to learn?"

The person behind her had his hands in his pockets. Leaning over, he rested his chin on her shoulder and had said playfully, "This young master will listen to Teacher."

Before he could finish speaking, the sky and earth spun before his eyes.


"Fuck!"Please read this at onemachineshow.blogspot.com

A tall and sturdy body hit the ground.

"Young Master, what's the matter?" Zhou Da shouted from outside.

"No—nothing..." The person inside responded weakly.

The girl squatted down and tucked the loose hairs behind her ear with one hand. Her smile was as gentle as the springtime sun in March when she blinked at him and said, "Teacher will punish you if you don't behave!"

This devilish smile, why is his heart beating faster?

This is illogical!

Young Master Xue could feel his ears burning.

Second battle, defeated!

Because this shoulder throw almost fractured a bone, the young master didn't dare to make any rash moves. He sat at his desk and practiced semi-cursive script in a proper manner.

Linlang picked up a CD and played it.

Ancient music gradually sounded.

"The strength behind your brush strokes is very uniform, but you're missing the flow. The most important thing in cursive writing is the style." Linlang said.

The young master was not convinced. Flinging the pen down, he folded his hands and sneered at her.

Linlang was standing behind him. Upon seeing this behavior, she bent down to use his writing brush.

Xue Shao felt very uncomfortable. She didn't seem to notice the ambiguity at this time. Her chin was almost resting on his shoulder, and the faint fragrance that carried over was like gardenias after a rainfall.

He secretly glanced at her from the side. The person's long lashes were half drooping as they covered those lustrous eyes. Although the skin on her cheeks was not as delicate and smooth as those wealthy daughters, her plump and ruddy shade gave one have a desire to get a taste.

Xue Shao has never wronged himself, but before he could do anything, the person straightened up and looked at him with a smile.

At this moment, the young master who had never failed his romantic conquests felt a sense of embarrassment from being caught in the act.

The third battle, defeated!

The young master lost to Linlang several times in a row and subconsciously came to pay more attention to this commoner girl. He still wasn't convinced of this outcome. He bet with his charm and pride on the line. How could he be lesser than Xu Linlang?!

Thanks to Xue Shao's wealth, Linlang quickly became a celebrity in school because of his high-profile demonstrations of love. She ended up having a very comfy life.

He thought, if she wasn't deeply involved in the world, then take her to see the prosperity of the world.

If she hasn't experienced the vicissitudes of life, then accompany her on the carousel.

Because he wanted to take her down, Crown Prince Xue did all his homework and strictly followed the playbook down to the letter. He took the girl out to eat top-notch meals, wear high-end clothes and gave her endless streams of small surprises.

Compared to his former girlfriends, this was undoubtedly the gap between plain rice and a sumptuous feast.

The girls were unreconciled, and so they hindered her secretly and overtly.

Linlang simply forwarded the threatening messages to a certain young master. "It seems that your title as crown prince is not very useful, isn't that right Little Chen'er?" She was sitting cross-legged on the grass and teasing the hyena. Xue Shao had christened it the majestic name of 'Jiang Chen'1.

The previously smiling young man turned gloomy. In an instant, he called Zhou Da over and whispered a few words to the man.

Before Zhou Da left, he looked at Linlang with a lingering fear.

——Young Master, are you sure you picked a rose instead of piranha?

Linlang "accidentally" heard the endings of his group of girlfriends the next day.

"You're so cruel. One night as a couple is worth a hundred days of affection. Don't you feel sorry?"

She looked at a certain large wolf-dog lying on her lap and playfully fiddled with his ears. She has seen what it means to be cruel. Perhaps for this prince, women are just one of his many pastimes. He is happy to be served and has lived a life of extravagance. Once he grows tired, they're all expected to get lost.

Zhou Da looked on from the side with shock.

As everyone knows, Xue Shao is not fond of others touching him intimately. Take his ears for example. There used to be an innocent actress who thought she was endlessly favored. She once flirtatiously bit Xue Shao's ear who immediately flew into a rage. It's not known where that little star ran off to be an extra after that.

Sure enough, the young man frowned. He was about to go ballistic when Linlang said, "It's a shame to pierce such beautiful ears with stud earrings. Touching them isn't as satisfying." She even tutted in a regretful tone.

The young butler lowered his head in silence.

This girl with a high EQ could always kill the danger in the cradle.

She merely touched Xue Shao's hair and said a few words last time. The next day, Zhou Da saw that his domineering little master dyed his hair black and got a refreshingly short cut. The madam who had just returned home was moved to tears.

"What's the big deal? Just take them out." The boy was commended with a beaming smile before she quickly turned her attention away.

Linlang smiled as she prepared to remove the earrings made with various gemstones on his behalf. "Tell me if you feel uncomfortable. I'll be gentle."

The girl's brush over Xue Shao's earlobe was like a feather scratching his heart. It made him feel an itch.

He couldn't help grabbing her hand.

"What is it?" She bowed her head and a few strands of her hair slid over her neck.

"Will you always stay by my side?"

Xue Shao could hear his own breathing.

"That depends on your sincerity." Linlang was taken aback for a moment before a spring-like smile appeared on her lips. She half-seriously and half-jokingly said, "You should know, I hate liars the most."

The teenager suddenly fell silent.

Soon, Xue Shao ushered in his eighteenth birthday.

The Xue family decided to hold a grand party for him where they invited many celebrities and distinguished guests to his coming-of-age ceremony.

In the evening, a private get-together was organized. All the friends Xue Shao was close with showed up, and every one of them brought gorgeous companions.

Xue Shao wore a violet western suit paired with a red bow tie. He looked relaxed and handsome. It was likely a result of Linlang's 'mental cultivation'. During this period, he stayed with her almost all day and naturally had to follow her regular schedule. Studying, practicing cursive, working out, and other such hobbies were all done without fail.

Several girls in short dresses looked at him as they whispered.

Where was the rumored overbearing young master?

This was clearly a gentleman from turbulent times of old!

Only Zhou Da knew that his young master was currently absent-minded.

"Where's Linlang?" Young Master Xue had been glancing at his watch from time to time. His brows furrowed from impatience.

Today happened to be the first month anniversary of their relationship. Xue Shao did not forget to prepare a commemorative gift even on his birthday. In fact, he was very much looking forward to surprising her.

"Miss Linlang called earlier to say she was caught in traffic," Zhou Da explained, only to suffer a condensed look from Xue Shao. This was a clear sign of his displeasure, and it was only going to get worse with time. Zhou Da thought for a moment, then promptly asked for mercy. "Young master is today's protagonist. Isn't Miss Linlang afraid of distracting you? Perhaps the miss is preparing a surprise."

Young Master Xue's complexion improved. "So it is," he muttered. Zhou Da let out a sigh of relief once the crisis was averted.

"It turns out you were here, Xue Shao." A beautiful girl with wavy curls accompanied by a fragrance walked over with a glass of red wine in hand.

"Cousin." Young Master Xue was very courteous towards Li Xuehan. Madam Xue's relationship with her maternal Li family wasn't bad, and so Li Xuehan often came over to visit. She was one of the few female relatives that looked at him with an expression of 'don't catch a cold'. Her candid temperament also made Xue Shao have a very good impression of her.

"Why don't I see your little girlfriend?" Li Xuehan quipped, "She hasn't been scared off, has she?"

The female companion next to her echoed the sentiment. "She is a commoner, how much experience can she have? You would think she'd arrive early to such a high-class banquet. I'm afraid she cowered away!"

Her voice wasn't loud, but everyone could hear her clearly. They all smiled.

Xue Shao frowned.

Seeing his expression, Li Xuehan knew he was getting angry. She hated the girl for not having a sense of measure and carried on by saying, "But even an unsightly wife should be seen by her in-laws. What does she mean by hiding away like this? It's not as if she'll have to go on stage or something."

Li Xuehan's parents were highly ranked government officials. Although her family couldn't compare to the Xue family in terms of financial resources, she was still a well-known princess in this circle and had many suitors of her own. Her words immediately aroused the approval of others to follow suit.

The extremely late to arrive Linlang was escorted by Zhou Da and happened to make eye contact with Li Xuehan.

Xue Shao's back was facing her at this time.

The Li family's princess, who was wearing a knee-length flared dress of a lake-green color, smiled slightly. Her expression was faint when she said, "I heard something before I came here. You made a bet with Hua Shao and the others, saying you could win Xu Linlang in a month and would take a photo as evidence."

After receiving her hint, everyone hollered.

"Sure enough, he's Young Master Xue!"

With her momentum, Young Master Xue had no choice but to take out his cell phone.

Inside was a picture of two people kissing.

Li Xuehan wasn't too happy about this.

In the photo, the girl lowered her head to write calligraphy, and the handsome boy took advantage of the moment to steal a kiss from her with an expression of mischievous victory. No matter what point of view was used, it looked like a simple and pure love story.

This was not like in the original plot. Xue Shao took ambiguous photos while they were intimate in order to show off. At that time, Xu Linlang still had hickeys on her neck.

Maybe Xue Shao himself didn't even realize that he cared about this girl.

No, she must not let him know.Please read this at onemachineshow.blogspot.com

After years of getting along with each other, she can figure out Young Master Xue's temperament. She knew he was amenable to coaxing but not to coercion. So, she immediately said with an exaggerated smile, "Xue Shao, look at your affectionate appearance, you won't say you really like this worthless commoner, would you?"

It was like turning on a radio. Everyone was talking all at once and went further than her unfinished words to slander Xu Linlang, all the while casting doubts on the crown prince's tastes.

Xue Shao was an incarnate fiend, and one who cared most about his face.

Although he felt somewhat uncomfortable, he followed the crowd and said stubbornly, "It's just a game. You guys think too much. I'm the Xue Clan's heir apparent. How could I like her?"