

A warm breath blew on her neck.

Someone removed the sleeve garment covering her face and like an animal, bit her earbud.

He tugged at it ferociously.

Linlang woke up from the sharp sting.

The dim light in the man's long and narrow eyes carried a hint of bloodthirstiness, as though he would crush her at any moment.

"You...you're back."

The woman's voice still sounded drowsy. As she sat up, her clothes slid down her shoulders. Around her neck was a scorching red string, and the jade pendant pressed against it gave off a gentle feminine charm.

"I'm back." He enunciated his words.Please read this at onemachineshow.blogspot.com

Linlang yawned lazily as she reached out to remove the man's outwear. "It's already late. Fujun should retire to bed soon."

Hooking his lips, he spread out his arms and let her undress him.

Just when Linlang opened the quilt and prepared to lay down, the man's domineering attributes manifested, and did not hesitate to confine her in his arms.

The hot body temperature drove the cold of the night away.

Wei Young buried her face on Linlang's neck and chuckled.

That low voice carried a bit of charm in the darkness.

Splendid, he won.

"Is fujun very happy?"

He rubbed the jade pendant hanging from her red string and greedily embraced every inch of his territory.

"Happy, very happy. The person who was in the way is finally gone."

The person in his arms still belongs to him.

She belongs to him alone.

As he thought about this, Weiyang couldn't help but raise his lips, and the colors staining his eyes were hard to make out.

"Fujun, I'm sleepy." Linlang grabbed his restless hand and placed it on her shoulder.

"Fine, you get away this time."

His teeth suddenly sunk in, and the unexpected pain left him in a state of clarity and delight.

The future was long, no need to rush.

In the middle of the night, both master and mistress woke up to the sounds of a child's cries.

The nanny couldn't coax him no matter what she tried.

Linlang put on a garment and shoes. The man couldn't fall back to sleep and simply got up to follow her.

He saw the swaddled baby. It looked so young and feeble, and its mewls resembled a kitten.

With such a sickly appearance, one could see that he wouldn't live very long at first glance.

Although it was his and Linlang's child, Weiyang's heart did not have even have the slightest fluctuation. He even felt that this kid who made Linlang coax him in the dead of the night was an eyesore.

"Fu'er, be good. Mother's here, won't you stop crying?"

She brushed his hair with her slender fingers and placed a soft kiss on the child's face.

As the man watched this from the side, his eyes sank slightly.

A killing intent gradually surfaced.

How could he tolerate anyone else having a share of his person?

Her lips, her touch, everything about her must solely belong to him.

Anything that gets in the way between them deserves to die.

The next day, the Fang family's back door was knocked on.

A purple box was handed over.

Zhu Jinse stepped away from the maid, and when she opened it, her pale face immediately flushed.

She knew that her brother loved her and couldn't bear to let her die.

The man returned late at night.

Linlang greeted him, and like a virtuous woman, unfastened cloak and hung it up. She turned around and said with a smile, "Fujun has worked hard today. It must have been exhausting traveling so far to take Fu'er to see the physician. I ordered the kitchen to boil some millet congee in advance. Fujun should have some right away to warm your stomach. By the way, bring the young master over. I'd like to see him."

The servant girl said in confusion, "Furen, the young master did not follow."

Linlang was stunned a moment.


"He's dead." Weiyang said faintly.

The woman's complexion blanched.

"I, I don't understand what you just said."

She quickly grabbed his sleeve, and because of using too much force, her nails left a light scratch on the back of his hand, "Fujun, you are lying to me, aren't you? Fu'er, how—how could he be dead? I clearly hugged him this morning..."

"On the way to see the physician, he coughed up blood and couldn't be saved."

Weiyang lied without blinking.

Her eye sockets gradually turned red and tears began to slide down her face.

He was slightly startled.Please read this at onemachineshow.blogspot.com

For the first time, he saw her crying.

"Fu'er, my unfortunate Fuer..."

She fell down in a dead faint.

Weiyang was quick to catch her body.

"Call the physican!"

He couldn't hide the anxiety in his tone.

Linlang was asleep for three days.

After waking up, she lost the liveliness from before. Her face was dull, and as she sat dazedly in front of the bronze mirror, she resembled a walking corpse.

Can the loss of a child be such a blow to a woman?

Although Weiyang was somewhat puzzled, the pain in his heart was relentless.

She hadn't eaten a proper meal for several days. When she finally falls asleep, she was often awakened by nightmares and would cry bitterly while holding onto him all night.

She said, 'Fujun, what should I do, is Fu'er suffering alone over there?'

She said, 'Fujun, it's all my fault. I wasn't by his side and left him helplessly alone.'

Because she longed for the child that passed away, her body quickly deteriorated and appeared emaciated.

After soothing her to fall back asleep, Weiyang invited physicians to look at her, but they all shook their heads and gave him the same response.

They said, 'Furen will not live for more than a few years'.

"A group of quacks!" He laughed grimly, "Roll out!"

The physicians quickly ran away with their medicine chest for fear that it would be heads that roll in the next moment.

Weiyang turned around and sat on the bed, gently stroking the brows furrowed in her sleep. He muttered to himself, "I will not let you die."

Don't imagine you can escape me in this life with death.

After finishing some matters that needed to be dealt with, Weiyang carried her into the carriage. He made plans for them to go out.

Ever since Fu'er died, Linlang stayed in the room all day and refused to take a single step outside.

That place was full of children's clothes, shoes, and hats. There were even a number of toys. Looking at these things so often will undoubtedly worsen her condition. It was detrimental to her recovery.

Linlang woke up in the swaying carriage. She opened the curtain and asked, her voice a little panicked, "Fujun, where are we going?"

The man driving the carriage turned around and smiled at her, "I wish to elope with you. We'll travel around the world and take any place as home. What do you say, it will be just the two of us.

"But, but..." She bit her lip. In the end, she did not mention a word of refuting.

However, Linlang's expression was always sad and couldn't muster any interest.

She was like a marionette he puppeteered.

Weiyang did everything himself; he clothed her, fed her, and coaxed her to sleep. He did all he could to his utmost.

At times, he would resort to bitter tricks and acted pitifully to earn her sympathy.

As long as a person was soft-hearted, things were much easier.

In the beginning, he simply occupied Linlang. He didn't want her to die and was solely driven by his possessiveness. But later, he became accustomed to putting her needs first. The first thing he did when he woke up was to reach out and touch her to confirm that she was still there.

Once someone takes root in a person's heart, their fall is inevitable.

He just didn't know this yet.

It was not until one night, in a town where they stayed held a lantern festival.

The lights were as bright as daytime, and men and women were walking together.

A rare occassion.

"Fujun, I want that lotus lamp," the person beside him suddenly said.

Weiyang looked at her in surprise. She had been silent as of late and wouldn't say more than a few words in a day. This was the first time that she asked for something.

"Wait here for me. Your fujun, will bring it over for you."

The crowd of people at the front was relatively packed, and a few brawny men were glaring fiercely at the young girl to the side. Weiyang felt uncomfortable seeing it.

"All right."Please read this at onemachineshow.blogspot.com

Linlang nodded.

He was about to walk over when his sleeve was pulled back. Turning his head, he looked at her drooping eyebrows and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Weiyang, thank you.

"If there is another life, I still want to be with you."

She gave him a smile.

The man dazedly recalled the first time they met. Her sweet smile, that breath-taking night, as well as the dazzling lights.

They all crashed into his heart.

"Fool, you and I are husband and wife. Why speak so courteously?"

He kissed her gently on the forehead.

Taking care of you is something I'm more than willing to do for the rest of my life.

He comforted her then rushed to buy the lantern. He picked one with pair of mandarin ducks welcoming the spring. Its harmonious significance was quite obvious, and he was teased by the stall owner.

"Furen, look, this mandarin duck..."

He looked up but saw no trace of her.

The man's face suddenly turned unsightly.

He searched all the nearby places where people can hide, but there was nothing.

Where did she go?

Where would she go?

Suddenly, Weiyang thought about the words she said before her disappearance. He cursed fiercely and immediately ran towards the lake.

In the receding night, the lakeside's water was heavy, like a thick inkstone, and the chilly air had a touch of gloominess. He vaguely caught sight of a figure. The waterline went past their chest.

A kind of dread gripped his heart.

He didn't think twice before diving in to save her.


Cold water gurgled in from all directions, invading his nose and ears. He couldn't breathe at all.

He was actually very afraid of water.

That cruel woman once nearly drowned him by pressing his head into a water tank. He was in a coma for several days.

His mother was driven insane by the pressure from the outside world and thoroughly perverted him into becoming a person with two souls residing in his body; one clean person, and one filthy person.

He killed the other person, leaving behind a sinister heart.

Cold-blooded, mercilessness, this was his consistent way of doing things.

But by a surprising turn of events, he fearlessly jumped into the lake for the sake of a woman, so much so that he wished to catch her himself.

Weiyang's consciousness began to wane when he vaguely heard someone calling from the shore.

One second before he passing out, he cried out hoarsely, "Please, save my furen first!"

The first person he ever gave into was none other than her.

I beg you all, save her first.

She was only eighteen years old. She shouldn't just die like this.

If someone has to die... then let it be him.