
Evolution Of The Strongest Ant

Due to an advertisement on his website, an unknown man found himself reincarnated in a foreign world. In this world, many animal races possess two legs and two hands, just like humans. And that man, he was reincarnated as an unnamed ant in a place called the Kingdom of Ants, which is home to millions of ants from all around the world.

Kyaaorichii · Fantaisie
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1 Chs

Chapter 1: Reincarnation Ant Race

Night had arrived, a large city was being poured by heavy rain with thunder striking and winds blowing fiercely. It was a terrifying sight for everyone living in the city, a sign that a storm was about to strike.

In a small apartment on the outskirts of the city, a man was working part-time on his phone. This unknown man was opening the website he created to get rid of annoying ads that were attacking his website.

So focused, the man diligently removed many ads, from promotional ads to trap ads that invited your browser to open other websites, or ads offering special applications.

These ads were attacking his website in great numbers.

Feeling greatly disturbed, the man gripped his phone tightly out of frustration. His face turned red, his expression showed fury, as if he wanted to slam his phone. He couldn't take it anymore, constantly pressing his phone just to remove the ads. The man cursed loudly in frustration, just as a powerful lightning struck after he removed an ad that read "Evolutioner!"

Ctar! Ctar! Ctar!

The lightning struck several times.

The apartment where the unknown man was staying was completely destroyed, and his entire body turned to ashes, leaving only the phone that was still displaying the Evolutioner! ad lying on the scorched floor due to the lightning strike.


The phone made a sound and emitted a voice.

[Status Activation]

[Natural Energy Detected]

[Power: Natural Tenth Grade Level 10]


The phone instantly went dead after making an unclear sound.

Meanwhile, in a different world vastly different from Earth, a world filled with various animal races, these animals had humanoid forms, with two hands and two legs. For example, an ordinary cow on Earth had four legs, but in this world, cows had two hands and only two legs.

What was even more unique was that all the animals had their own consciousness. They could think, speak, and act like humans.

However, among these animal races, the Human race remained superior. Their thinking was more intelligent than the animal races. Despite having smaller bodies, the Human race was superior because they not only relied on strength but also strategy.

This was what made Humans the most powerful race in this world.

Every year, Humans killed, plundered, and suppressed other animal races that were growing, reducing the power competition in the world. Thanks to their intelligence, the population control system for the animal races was completely suppressed, making Humans even stronger due to their larger population.

The second strongest race in this world was the races living in the sea. They couldn't be invaded by Humans because they lived in the ocean, an area unreachable by Humans.

Perhaps that was what the Human race was thinking. In reality, the Fish race was the strongest race in this world, despite their power being limited to the ocean.

Life in the sea was more peaceful than on land. Races like fish and others such as crabs, lobsters, and many more lived away from warfare and killing. This resulted in the sea-dwelling races having a much larger population compared to Humans.

Their descendants multiplied even faster due to the peaceful environment in the sea. However, this was the life in the shallow waters.

Life in the deep sea was different. The other races living in the deep sea were stronger and possessed cruel characteristics. This was influenced by their slower growth due to the sunlight not reaching the deep sea. As a result, the races living in the deep sea had longer lifespans and greater strength because they had lived for a very long time, accumulating power.

Moreover, there is another creature in the deep sea that the Human race, currently known as the Blue Whale King named Teviathan, considers to be the ruler. Teviathan takes on a humanoid form, measuring nearly fifty meters, and its original power is capable of completely destroying the Human city located on the coastal outskirts.

According to Human observations, Teviathan possesses power equivalent to a Natural Ninth Grade Level 7. It can be said that this power approaches the level of a god, capable of shaking the world with its mere presence.

Despite witnessing the power of Teviathan, the Blue Whale king classified as a god-level disaster with its Natural Ninth Grade Level 7 power, Humans still claim that their race is stronger, based on certain speculations.

Teviathan stands alone, whereas the Human race currently has dozens of individuals with Natural Eighth Grade power. The highest among them is a Human race hero possessing Natural Eighth Grade Level 5 power.

These strong individuals serve as the pillars of the Human race, making them the strongest race.

However, behind the speculations of humans proclaiming themselves as the strongest, they are unaware that a catastrophe from the deep sea is approaching in the coming years. The creatures of the deep sea are planning a war to invade the land.

The appearance of Teviathan, the Blue Whale King, is not without reason. He emerges to assess the strength of the races on land, testing his own power by destroying a human city located on the coastal edge.

And because Teviathan, the Blue Whale King, believes that there is no one with a power above the Natural Ninth Grade, he starts leading the underwater races in planning the invasion of the land.

It is uncertain when this plan will be executed, but one thing is certain: in the future, a war between the sea races and the land races will occur in the coming years.

Before this war takes place, there is a lowly race that used to have a population ratio of 2,500,000 to 1 compared to the human race. This inferior and nearly extinct race was ostracized due to their unique characteristics. They are an unusual species of ants that cannot speak, as they communicate through the antennae on their heads. Additionally, most of them are blind and cannot see the world. These ants were once the strongest race in the world, dominating it with billions of colonies.

However, due to the humans' strategy of combining the strengths of all the races on the land to fight against the ant race, the ants ended up losing and their population decreased drastically.

This was because of the cunning strategy of the humans, who targeted the ant queens instead of engaging in battle with billions of ants that would harm the entire race. The humans devised a plan to kill only the queens of the ant race.

The ant queens were the key to the strength and population of the ant race. A single queen could lay over 100,000 eggs in just a few days.

As time went on, the ant population declined dramatically because there was no more reproduction since many of their queens died.

With each passing day, other races started hunting the ants to reduce their numbers little by little. This continued from day to day, month to month, and year to year.

Until this day, the ant race is on the verge of extinction, with a population of less than 100,000,000.

Humans targeted the ant race for extermination to enhance their own powers by absorbing the Natural Energy from the souls of the ants they killed.

This factor also allowed the human race to rapidly develop their powers through the killings of the ant race, who became their victims.

To this day, the ant race continues to be victimized. Some are captured and enslaved as laborers, while others are killed and their bodies consumed as fuel for Natural power.

Due to being constantly hunted and persecuted by other races, the accumulated hatred of billions of ants who died in the past has converged in a place called the Kingdom Ant, the only place left for the ant race to survive.

And that hatred, this time, formed a transparent black smoke that couldn't be seen by anyone. The black smoke was absorbed into one of the hundreds of thousands of eggs in the underground hatchery.

Due to the intensity of the hatred, it took a very long time for the black smoke to be fully absorbed into that particular egg. While hundreds of thousands of other eggs had hatched and the ants born from them had grown into adults, with hundreds of thousands of new eggs appearing again, this one egg still remained unhatched, continuously absorbing the black smoke of hatred from the billions of ants that died in the past.

For years on end, due to its peculiar condition, the three remaining ant queens, who led millions of ants, were drawn to this particular egg and placed it in a special spot.

The three ant queens took turns caring for the egg, caressing it, showering it with affection, and treating it as if it were the offspring of the ant race's own destiny.

Until one day, the three ant queens conversed and grew tired of caring for the egg. One queen intended to dispose of it, while the others were still willing to care for it.

In the end, only one of the three ant queens remained willing to care for the egg for years on end.

One day, the Kingdom Ant faced a disaster as humans had discovered the ants' nest.

A fierce battle ensued, with the humans targeting the ant queens and the ants protecting their queens.

The battle raged on for so long, as the situation remained balanced, until one of the humans with Natural Seventh Grade power emerged.

That person swept through the ant forces as if they were mere dust in their eyes, causing the ants to retreat after their appearance. Eventually, the ants were pushed back, leading to the emergence of the three ant queens before the person with Natural Seventh Grade power.

"Is this all you've got? It seems like you're on the brink of extinction! Hahaha," the person laughed uproariously, witnessing the millions of ants they had killed scattered around like useless trash.

"Because you violated the rules by proliferating, one queen must die," they threatened, pointing a sword towards the three ant queens with a satisfied smile on their face.

Just as the person was about to kill one of the ant queens, the small egg, white, transparent, oblong, shiny, and sticky, being cared for by one of the queens, cracked slowly.

Outside the structure, one of the queens was killed by being pierced in the chest by the person with Natural Seventh Grade power. The person laughed loudly as they killed her and ordered their people to capture thousands of ants to be used as slave labor.

And as all this unfolded, the crack in the egg widened. Even after the humans finished invading the ant race, the egg was still in the process of hatching.

The two remaining queens returned to the building, sobbing uncontrollably, until they reached the special place where the egg was placed. They were shocked to see the cracked egg, as it had been a very long time since the egg was brought into the world, and this was the first sign of hatching.

The two queens, who were previously saddened by the loss of their friend, became slightly joyful and momentarily forgot their sorrow upon seeing the egg.


The cracks in the egg widened and widened until, after a few moments of waiting, it still slowly experienced further cracking.

And finally.

An ant was born from among the hundreds of thousands of eggs in the Kingdom Ant, a kingdom for the ant race to live in.

The newborn ant curled up and closed its eyes, its body surrounded by transparent mucus that still clung to it. A few seconds later, the head of this antling raised up to see the two ant queens smiling in welcome.

This newly hatched antling had just taken its first steps into the world, gradually opening its eyes to see the world through its clear eyes, in the presence of the two ant queens who had cared for it for years.

To be continued~

[Assessment of Power]

The power in this world is based on the amount of Natural Energy a person possesses, and based on the quantity of Natural Energy, this power is categorized into several grades:

Natural First Grade (1)

Natural Second Grade (2)

Natural Third Grade (3)

Natural Fourth Grade (4)

Natural Fifth Grade (5)

Natural Sixth Grade (6)

Natural Seventh Grade (7)

Natural Eighth Grade (8)

Natural Ninth Grade (9)

Natural Tenth Grade (10)

Behind these rankings, the higher the number, the greater the power. And within each Grade, power is assessed based on levels 1 to 10. The higher the level, the greater the chance for someone to break through to the next higher Grade.