

Belialthorn looked at them and his perspective changed again. He wasn't a hero, nor would he lose any sleep over killing humans but why are these two talking so casually of thousands of people's deaths like that?

He didn't expect them to be heroes or a saint but the way they were teasing each other chilled him.

Kat narrowed her eyes. "And you didn't? You killed more people than all of us combined!"

Greylord cleared his throat and looked up at his students who were now looking at him in horror. He shrugged, that was who he was and he would make no excuses for the past.

"Okay, we killed a lot but I don't go around claiming I'm some mercenary or shit!" Greylord laughed when Kat shot him another look. "I'm an outlaw and I accept it. You on the other hand was doing like some pretend hero."