
Evolution of Beasts

“Nooooo!!!” He screamed as the wolves bit his wife and ran off. Ketas and his family have been ambushed by a group of silver wolves, leaving him embittered as he yearned to kill every single one of them. He went home saddened, carrying his wife and hoping to create a potion that could heal her from the infectious bite of the wolf. He started mixing potions. Suddenly, the room exploded, and he was unconscious for days. When he finally awoke, he was surprised at what the earth had become: a zone for monsters! He looked for his wife, but he couldn't find her. Not knowing how to undo what he had done, he went into hiding. Many years later, he discovered that the virus he created spawned not only monsters but also mutant humans. As an alchemist with special abilities, he sought to end the reign of the mutant beasts and as such would have to team up with Jack Daniel in the future, one of his direct disciples.

Nelson_Ejumedia · Fantaisie
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17 Chs

College Entrance Exam

Exams are fast-approaching and Dan was preparing seriously for college. He hoped to get a 390 in the upcoming college entrance examination. If one doesn't get into college then it will be very difficult to cultivate or even join the army.

April 1st 2020~~~~~~~~~

In the Examination hall, students focused on their papers, attempting all the questions given to them. Dan was quick to complete his first papers - History and English and went home. The next day, he wrote the final two subjects - Biology and Math. Students dreaded this combo, it was amongst the 3rd percentile most difficult subjects in the college entrance examinations.

During the Math examination, Frank walked into the classroom and commanded everyone to rest their head on the desk. The teachers were holding a meeting at the conference hall, so the senior prefects who had finished their papers patrolled the classes whilst the exam was going on.

Frank walked up to where Dan was sitting and used his head to hit the desk, the whole class was shocked. He pulled Dan's head up and punched him in the face, making him fall face down. Students started laughing.....

Dan stood up angrily, and rushed Frank, firing punches on him like a punch bag until Frank had a bleeding and a broken nose. Just then a teacher walked into the classroom and took both of them to the principal's office.

At the principal's office~~~~

Both of you sit!

You guys know there was a CCTV camera in the classroom, yet you decided to disrupt the examination for whatever dispute that is with the both of you.



As for you Frank, I am very disappointed in you. You a sports prefect picking on other students doesn't tell good of you.

I'm sorry ma.....

Both of you leave my office, that's the end of the Math exam for you guys, expect your result in two weeks.

After the exams, the gist of the day was the handsome nerd who fought with the muscled sports prefect. Students discussed it with their parents, Marlow wasn't Happy, because if Dan had not written something good in the exam then he wouldn't be getting into college. It was just so bad to think of

News reached Dan's parents that their son fought in school during the exams, and they were in so much shock because Dan was never a person to be found fighting in school talk more of in an examination hall.

Dan returned home that evening and didn't say anything, he just went to his room and slept off.

After two weeks Dan was still worried about his score, he knew he didn't do so well in biology but at least he tried his best. His major fear was mathematics and he didn't have the opportunity to finish. He fears that it may affect his chances of getting into college.

At the dining table~~~~

Dan just ignored everybody not wanting them to bring up the story of two weeks ago, as he was supposed to check his result today. He fears that he may not reach the cut-off mark for entering college. His mum was not okay with this attitude hence she said to him "Hold your head up!!!" I can't mama he said.

Never give up my son, keep your head up till you turn your dreams into reality.

Dan got news of Marlow passing his college entrance exams, he was so much happy for him. They celebrated for a while before he went to check his.

At the cafe, there was a long line of students waiting to check their results, each one of them being so anxious to see their performance in the just concluded college entrance examination. As Dan got to the cafe, students began hailing him

Prospective warrior!!!

Prospective warrior!!! Prospective warrior!!! Prospective warrior!!!

Daniel started blushing....

Y'all should stop calling him a prospective warrior already, he hasn't even checked if he passed the entrance exam talk more of the possibility of him having a special energy like that of a warrior.....

Frank burst into laughter not realizing how silent everyone was after the weird man said those words. He immediately comported himself when he saw that everyone was staring at him.

The person talking just now was Frank's Uncle; Mr. Ben.

Mr. Ben's energy core finally showed after three years of being admitted to college, he kept on going to the Energy core room in his school nearly every three months since he got admitted. During his placement test, his energy core was dormant, so he was admitted as a regular student. But he had always wanted to be an elite student, going to the wilderness, taking special training, fighting with beasts....

These options are only available for elite students. All regular students go to school like every normal person, graduate, and start working in a company. Mr. Ben hated normal life, hence he was not satisfied being a regular student. Three years into his stay in college his energy core began to emit a faint energy, he was then identified as a healer and placed in the medicine and surgery department which was one of the elite courses.

Mr. Ben hated Dan's demeanor and how everyone was just so confident that he would be a powerful warrior. The incident that happened between him and his nephew Frank, made him rancor Dan even more.

Soon it was time for Dan to check his result. He went and sat close to the cafe man as he requested his details.

Okay young boy, call your ID number for me


Your full name is Jack Daniel, right?

Yes! How'd you know that sir? Dan chuckled

The news of you beating up that brat in the examination hall is everywhere...

Dan couldn't help but laugh loudly making those outside to be anxious if he'd checked his result already.

Just as they were chit-chatting, Dan's result displayed on the screen

Student ID: 22425325

Student name: Jack Daniel

History: 70

English: 40

Biology: 55

Math: 35

Total score: 200/400

Cut-off mark: 200

Result analysis: PASSED

Dan was raddled dazzle.

Wow! I passed.

Dan didn't know when he all of a sudden lifted the girl who was coming into the office next to check her result; and started shouting - I passed! Yay, I passed!

Everybody outside began cheering for him he was so excited, but when he finally looked at the lady's face and saw that she was smiling no more, he immediately respected himself and put her down apologizing for the embarrassment.

When he stepped out of the office, he met Mr. Ben outside. As they made eye contact, Mr. Ben put his face away.

Dan rushed home like a man who just survived an A-grade beastly attack. He couldn't hide the joy in his heart, everyone who saw him on the street thought he'd gone mad like those college students who visited the wilderness for the first time and ran mad.

On getting home, Dan quickly ran to his mum and hugged her very tightly, she was elated, but at the same time wondered why her son was so excited. Dan finally handed over to her his result sheet making her give him a satisfactory look.