
Chapter 12 Getaway

Warning this chapter will contain sexual content, if you are uncomfortable with this skip through until you see where I separated it with a line.

As Jasmine leaned forward I only had a moment to see how sexy she looked with a face flushed pink before she kissed me. I've had a few girlfriends before but nothing ever progressed past kissing, and this kiss was nothing like anything I experienced before.

My head started to get dizzy from the lack of air as she finally broke off the long kiss, I still taste her tongue that invaded my mouth. I only then had time to really looked at her face, she had blue eyes that had a tint of green, soft pink lips, and thin eyebrows. With how pink her face is, still slightly panting from our kiss my blood starts boiling.

Feeling my reaction she starts to grind her hips on my little brother even harder. I try to struggle out from under her, but she was producing strength far beyond what I imagined her tiny frame would possess. She leaned forward again going for another kiss while pinning me down. No matter how I struggled she still stole my lips and drew my tongue into her mouth with her own.

Feeling my resistance lessen with time she starts to feel around my waist and unbuttons my shorts, then breaks off the kiss while removing her shirt. In front of me was two round peaches with bright pinks centers, I could feel myself start to lose control and made one last struggle to break free. I pushed up with my hips and rolled her over, panting as I hold her wrists against the bed. She wraps her legs around my body, in this position my little brother is receiving even more stimulating contact then before. I try to use one of my hands to push off her legs, only to allow her to break her hands free of my hold. She loosens her legs, I try make a break for it, only to have her hook my arm with her own causing us to both roll into the floor.

My back hits the floor hard, Jasmine uses the break in my struggle to pull out my little brother. He stands up straight once released, she doesn't even try to take the skirt she is wearing off, only moving her panties to the side before sitting down. I feel amazing as a soft tightness envelopes my little brother, finally with her leaning over for another kiss I lose all control of myself giving in to her desire.


Finally after three hours we laid there on the ground completely spent. After I surrendered she gave me full control and we battled until neither of us had any energy left.

A knock at the door woke us up from our dazed pleasure, as the door opens Jessica opens the door with a red face. She tells me it's night and asks me if it was safe. Realizing I Broke through the fifty percent margin during our battle I could feel the poison in my body, after some quick adjustments I can feel it being trapped inside. I tell her it's safe and go to get off the floor, only noticing I was naked when I heard Jessica's frightened squeak while rushing out the door.

Looking down my little brother hung their tired from his first battle, only now realizing this makes me a man. I look over at Jasmine who still had flushes of pink all over her body while trying to catch her breath.

If I could choose anyone for my first time I don't think I would have picked anyone else.

Noticing my stare her face goes from pink to red, trying to hide under the shredded blanket only to add to her charm. Seems that once she had her fill she became mentally stable again. I go beside her.

"Are you ok? I'm sorry if I was too rough."

She seemed even more embarrassed, none of that sexy, confident, and incontrol girl from earlier. I wonder if that's a side effect of the poison? It was only then that I say the red stains on the mattress. The sight shocked me, she was a virgin. Feeling enormous guilt I wrapped my arms around her.

"I'm truly sorry, don't worry I'll take full responsibility. No matter what I'm yours."

Her body started to shake as tears formed in her eyes. I hugged her tighter as she curled up in my arms, more accepting of my embrace. We stayed like that for half an hour before she dried her eyes.

Moving from my embrace it looked like she finally understood that we were both still naked, her clothes were in shreds across the floor. With a squeak and the tattered blanket she fled from the room. It was an adorable sight, I also got off the bed and looked for my second set of new clothes. I found some more shorts, this time the athletic type and a blue faded tee. Walking out of my room I went to the kitchen.

Once I got there I found Jessica with a bright pink flush going from her neck to her ears. I started to devour the food, between upgrading my systems and my long battle with Jasmine I was starved. Derek walked into the room and just gave me a wired look, as he got himself some food.

"Hopefully we don't all end up with an appetite like you cub, otherwise we're gonna run out of food faster then expected."

I talked between bites.

"I think it's the side affects of my rapid improvement, between the bloodline fusion and the mutation after tiering up my body used to much energy. I should be back to normal after I replenished my nutrients."

"I hope so, otherwise your going hunting for some rats to satisfy that monstrous hunger. "

Looking away in embarrassment I quickly finish my food. Looking over at Jessica I ask when we are heading out.

"Soon, we don't need any of the others coming over and getting attacked."

Nodding with agreement I go to get my gear ready. Now that I think about it where's Frost. I didn't have time to wonder earlier but now that I think about it.


I go around trying to find a trace of her anywhere. I go into the garage and under the truck I hear hissing, and squeaking noises. I hurried over and look underneath to find Frost eating a live rat.

"Frost where did you find that?"

Looking like she was caught eating candy she lead me over to a trapdoor that was opened. Down below was dark and silent. I look around and find a trouble light used for maintenance work, I turn it on and point it down. What I saw was a crowd of black furry creatures.


They seemed startled by the light and I use that moment to close the trapdoor locking it. From the other side I can hear a frenzy of scratches and occasionally a solid bump. I take off with Frost in my hand wrapping around my arm. I meet Derek in the kitchen.

"We have trouble, the rats are in the basement."

"Fuck. I'll get my gear, you get the girls. We are leaving now."

Derek took off towards his room and I run towards the girl's room. I quickly knock on the door rapidly. Jasmine opens it with an embarrassed face, no time to think of how cute that made her, I tell her to grab her things.

"What's wrong?"

Seeing me in such a rush is confusing her.

"The rats got in the basement somehow."

Her face went pale when I explained, luckily behind her I see Jessica. They grab all their equipment and head with me towards the garage. The pound on the trap door is getting worse and it sounds a lot bigger than a little rat. Derek is already loading up two of the armored buses, they're not the biggest vehicles, only about the size of a short bus but they looked like a fortress. He looks at me and asks if I can drive, nodding he tells me and Jessica to take the one on the left. Jasmine almost objected but a really large thud stopped her, we all looked at the trapdoor. Another thud hit and a screw popped off flying away. We scrambled for the cars and just as we started the vehicles up the trapdoor was blasted away. Derek opened the garage door with a remote and we stepped on it. Just as we shot past the door a black sea gushed from the below heading straight for us. I watched in the rearview mirror as we sped away sighing in relief. Almost to answer me a large rat the size of tiger jumps out of the mass and starts racing towards us.

I go as fast as possible but downtown is a mess. Abandoned cars and tight roads that don't make using an armored bus easy. I follow Derek as we speed away with only the giant rat following us now. I glanced back and it was gone.

"Do you see the rat anywhere?"

"No, it disappeared. You don't think it gave up do you?"

Almost to answer her questing a large thud comes from the roof. I stomp the breaks and a mass flies past us. The rat rolls a few times before stopping when it hits an abandoned vehicle. It seems pretty hurt, it still hasn't gotten back up. Looking around I grab my machete.

"Where are you going?"

"To get it. I feel like that rat probably has a lot of energy in it's meat."

"You want to eat it?"

"No but Frost and the other animals will."

Seeing my logic see gets out with me, we cautiously go towards it. The rat is twitching there as blood flowed through some of the cuts it received from rolling across the ground. Just as we get within five feet it pounces at me. Its beaty looking red eyes glare at me, chomping it's maul at my throat. I try to side step and slash down, I manage to chop an arm off but it bit into my shoulder. I grab it's ears and yank it up, a small amount of blood shots out of my shoulder causing me pain and making me angry. I smash the rat into the pavement once, twice, three times. It's ears rip off and stays on the ground. After twitching a few times it finally stops moving, not taking any chances I quickly chop it's head off.

"Let's get out of here before more come."

I look over at Jessica and she nods, she has a little blood on her face but seems fine. We grab the rat, its chopped off leg and head and throw it into the back. The remainder of the ride was peaceful. Until I notice Jessica's face turning flush.

Well Happy Birthday to me I'm 21 YAY

Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter more to come monday have a good weekend guys

Wolfhuntrecreators' thoughts