
Evil Naruto: Teuchi died, so Naruto turned Evil

They say a lot about butterfly effect. How a single change can create an entire multiverse of different possibilities. What if during Kyuubi attack, Teuchi died? Without the presence of Sage of Six Bowls, how will the story unfold? Read to find out.

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As Naruto was under sleep due to genjutsu, he entered a weird placd like a gutter. 

"Huh? Where am I?"

He was confused. Wasn't he trying to get the bells from that old bastard? What happened?

He started walking around the area, trying to look for a way to exit this horrible place. The sheer eeriity that this place held was crushing him. 

After a while, he noticed a big cage. What the hell is in it!?

Suddenly, a pair of eyes, even bigger than himself, red with slits, and full of hatred appeared behind the cage. 

Naruto felt a chill down his spine, and froze in place, unable to even move his mouth. Was he going to be eaten by this monster!?

Then, the entire thing came out of darkness. A large, massive fox appeared in his sight. 

"Scared, are we?"


"I am Kyuubi. So this puny and weak creature is my jailor? How about you come closer so that I can get a better look?"

It's the Kyuubi that is sealed inside him!?

Naruto hesitated, but slowly walked forward. The village hates him, and calls him a demon. But he still looks a human. So what had this Kyuubi had to suffer? Naruto couldn't even fanthom how it felt being locked up inside a kid as pathetic as him.

If he can't trust humans, he will try with the demon. 

As he hesitantly got close to the cage, he half expected the Kyuubi to claw him, but it... he, since his voice sounded manly, didn't even move, and kept laying down. 

"How about it brat, want to be friends?"


The Kyuubi suddenly didn't feel scary anymore. He even smiled!


"Then seeing that paper there? If you want to be friends with the great Kyuubi, you have to prove your worth. Tear it."

"That's it? I will do it in a flash!"

Naruto was excited for the first time in his life. Not only he was getting a friend, he was getting a friend that was so powerful that it devastated Konoha!

But it was high... 

Well, he will just climb it!

He tried, but couldn't climb the slippery rods of the cage.

"Tch. You are pathetic. Here, I will help you."

Kyuubi brought out a claw, and Naruto held it. With his help, he successfully reached near the weird paper on the door. See! Even Kyuubi was smiling!

Just some effort, and he will make his first friend!

But suddenly, someone grabbed him and brought him away from the cage.

"Hey! WHO IS THIS!?"

Kyuubi's eyes went wide, and he angrily thrashed at the cage.