
Evil Designs: Fire Emblem Across Realms (Oneshot)

Hector, the Champion of Tiamat had taken over several Dimensions in her name. Primordial Creatures that caused slights in the past were paid by her Champion. All the places with Dragons that needed to be brought to heel before her partial brother Bahamut brought them under his fold. Moving to the next destination, Hector was in for some trouble. Especially with the setup he was given this time. Having a twin younger sister awaken long-buried feelings he was able to make do without. The mother as normal had weird circumstances and the father was something lacking in his eyes. Hector is struggling with the decision if he should form a contract with his sister and make her a champion. But that would introduce her to a world of warring Pantheons and secrets as old as Existance itself. To make it worse, Hector's kids from previous Dimensions have tracked him down. Wanting to still learn and fight with their father. They were grown, why was it so hard for them to understand to stand on their own!? What's a champion to do with all of the trouble especially when he needs to still take over the Dimension for Tiamat without an issue.

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Fire Emblem Chapter 12 Legendary Bow Devoured Part 1

After a lengthy discussion, events settled to a point that at least none other were killed. The Kutolah tribe asked what Hector's plans were and he happily told him he planned on setting up an entire Country with Bulgar as the capital.

Since the Sacaens could bring order or keep the safety of the neighboring towns as a priority, he planned on bringing those who agree into his Control. Any outside resistance from the tribes who thought him an invader would be dealt with.

The Nomads of course did not like this. As they were all to deliver a message to the young leader of Bulgar to stick to Lycian instead coming to their Native lands.

"Humph, maybe the Djute tribe really is the better one." Hector scoffed seeing them ride off. Barely resisting firing a bow and killing all of them. "What say you Wallace, plan on staying with them?"

"I am. Lady Madelyn has my lance still." The Knight said little of what he really wanted to. After seeing an entire structure created from magic, he was not going to take Hector lightly at all. "I am sure we will meet again."

"Hopefully as friends." Lady Madelyn did not remain quiet during this. "My uncle must be dealt with and I must save my father." She pulled out some coins and offered them to Hector's side. Serra grabbed the hefty bag and secured it. "A bigger bonus to have you help."

"Serra will take the mercenaries that helped here to make sure you all make it. I have to head back to Bulgar before heading somewhere. If I am needed, they can get in contact with me at once."

"Haa, guess I am on guard duty then?" Dart asked already knowing the answer. A nod of confirmation was all he received as an answer. "Fine, let us go you lot, we have to prepare to make sure these foolish clients do not die!"

Serra would make sure to give orders and follow the rules laid down by Hector. Dart was there to make sure her mouth didn't get her in to much trouble.

Jumping on a fresh horse, Hector worried about those who attacked his forces. If "those" people were making moves then he would have to act a lot faster and get the Legendary Weapons to increase his own strength quicker.

"Hector," Eliwood called out to his ever growing stranger of a friend. "I am heading back to Pherae and can pass a message along to Ostia if you like."

Hector shook his head no as he trotted off on the horse. Waving goodbye as he had more important matters to deal with right now.

Hassar and Wallace watched Hector closely while departing. Aware the young lord's mind was elsewhere and thought little about the unrest in Caelian. With a Sacaen tribe that needed rebuilding and overall safety, not to mention the safety of Caelin if Lundgren takes over, they put Hector on a danger list to be wary of.


A week Later-


After making it back to Bulgar, Hector was greeted by patrolling Pegasus riders. Vincent and his squad rode ahead since the fliers would take over escorting at this time. A solemn look on their boss's face did not go unnoticed most of the trip.

"Fiora, report." Hector said simply to the leader.

"Boss," Her pegasus dropped down and moved at a trot next to him. "everything is going well. The villagers have done the work as they were hired to do well. Patrols have gotten into a routine to cover the area to be able to respond rapidly."

"And the subject I ask to be checked on before?"

"The location has been found. Flying from above we are sure it is what you are looking for." Fiora wondered what he planned on doing with the ruins particularly but made sure not to ask in the open. "Young Sigune has kept a firm hand on interactions with those of Ilia who came over."

"That is good." Hector brushed his horse on the neck to get it to slow down a little. The animal was wanting to run in the open area despite his intentions. No matter what horse he rode on lately, the actions and desires were the same. "A few minutes more then you can run all over."

The horse bobbed its head and then trotted a little slower.

"Has everyone rested well?" Hector asked about the general welfare of his people.

"Yes, they all have. Ready to get back to work and earn their keep though." Fiora grinned as she could understand the need to do so. Something about the rumors and reports was a little scary to think about. "Do we set out soon?"

"Tomorrow I will take all the Pegasus riders with me, the Horse riders will be in charge of security during that time. Tell them all to be ready for volleys from Nomadic tribes." He would not put it past any of the Sacaen tribes to act now. "After the attack by bandits on one of their own, they will not adhere to that honor they speak about so much. It would not make any sense at all."

"Yes, sir!" Fiora understood the order and flew up to inform the others. She looked down noticing he looked a little tired but Hector jumped off his horse to let it run around freely as he said. "I could just be overthinking this."

She was not wrong in noticing he was tired. But a lot of it came from being annoyed in transportation methods. Hector wished he had a car to get back and forth faster still.

'Worry not.' Tiamat thought to him as she floated in the Primordial Sea. 'As a Rider, your mount is quite fast. Both a Pegasus and Wyvern are available to you for use thanks to your magic. But not for long periods of time.'

'What about horses?' Hector had thought about the way the mounts acted more and more. 'They have acted the same a little more each time.' Passing a few townsfolk, he waved with a gentle smile.

The people returned the greetings. Grateful that Hector didn't do to much to them in the way he was rumored to do.

'Because of the frequent use of horses mind you, they are basically all the same when you do ride them. However, you are essentially killing a part of the horse each time you change up. I suggest sticking with one to solve that issue in the future. As well as preserve your own magic.'

'Good to know.' Hector stopped at his home and disrobed completely. He just wanted to rest and relax the rest of the day while making plans. But that was not to be the simple case. "Come out, I can feel you lurking!"

*Warble!* A magic circle broke apart as an elderly woman and a young man with purple hair stepped out. The circle continued to break apart as three men in a comatose state were in wheelchairs trailing behind.

"You have grown stronger but not overly so in the sensing department. Should have been able to detect em miles away with your skills." The elderly woman stated smugly. It was the Hermit Niime. A powerful Dark Magic User and one who refused to teach Hector due to his personality really. "I am here about the offer you made before."

During the years he trained, Niime was just one of the people he tried to get close to. Learning by himself was good but something about one of the famous Dark Magic-Users themselves teaching him would be perfect. Her children were relatively decent people Hector got along with before the current issue they found themselves in anyway.

They showed such promise.

Well, the son Canas anyway. The other children were in a coma from Dark magic use going wrong.

"Oh, why the change of heart?" Hector was annoyed she snuck into his home and bypasses all his security. Not to mention the danger if one of the others found her by mistake and attacked. "Next time send a letter to meet."

"Because the information you gave me panned out. The Dragons tied to Bern's History and the Temple they fought from are most concerning. I am not as young as I use to be or I would have dealt with it myself." Niime gestured towards her children. "Treat them and I will offer you, my aide. But I will not be doing anything reprehensible mind you."

"AS long as your material is offered in this, then we have a deal." Hector needed confirmation on a few more "secrets" and possible truths in the Dimension. He just couldn't head to Nabata Desert or the Dread Isle to get it with his current strength. 'It is this, or head back to the Eturian Library...' He shuddered at the memory of dealing with the pain in the ass people.

"Mother..." Canas held back his tongue. The usually upbeat Shaman was reluctant after hearing the recent news that traveled in Elibe. Especially involving Hector's movements.

"Then when can my children be healed?" Niime wanted it done as soon as possible to prepare for what was coming. "Hmmm?" The Hermit felt the rise in magic from Hector and thought he was going to attack at first, this was not the case.

*Brrrpp!* Three balls of concentrated Dark Magic left the comatose individuals and shot into Hector. As if beckoning to him or flocking to him like a meal at supper time.

"Uggh!" Wobbly on his feet, Hector fell back onto his butt. The eye of Tiamat opened on his forehead before vanishing instantly. "Take them to a room to recover, they should awake in a few minutes."

Wanting to be alone, Hector didn't care if they did so or not. He focused on his Internal Space and the Primordial Sea inside. Tiamat had already eaten the three balls of Dark Magic with a smile.

"Hector, are you ready to learn better Dark Magic Spells to use without a Tome?" Tiamat's eyes shined dubious colors sporadically. The piece of the Deity was giddy as she recovered faster on the spot. "Your Shaman spells are lacking."

Changing into the form of a Shaman, the training started immediately without any approval from Hector. Which was fine by him considering he needed to burn off the magic coursing through his veins.

Who needs rest really?


The Ruins-


A few days later and it was time for the forces to move. Even the smallest of movements needed to be done with accuracy before the medium ones were started up.

The Crusade against the bandits were all well and good for Fame, Power, and making Veterans but the real show of his forces would come when starting a Black Crusade. Which would be the attacking and sacking of various Duchies and Territories to bring under heel.

Hector was currently derived from his armor and wore casual clothes as he flew on the back of a Pegasus. Not only were the Ilia mercenaries astonished in his aerial skills, but they also couldn't get over how he flew with such ease on the Black Pegasus.

Most had to overcome a fear of heights when riding. But that was not the case for Hector.

If they knew he had been higher before in Airplanes and such, he could laugh at the faces they would make. Not to mention parachuting or mountain climbing.

"Lord, Hector.. when did you learn to fly a Pegasus? And how are you able to?" Fiora couldn't hold back anymore her curosity. "Males don't have that ability or understanding to do so!"

"A long time ago and because of magic." Hector had a field of Anima and Light magic flowing over his skin to deal with the wind. The Pegasus couldn't feel a difference in his presence that usually let the beasts know the members that tried to ride were males. Plus the pegasus was composed of magic and not normal. "Don't think about it to much."

As they descended from high up in the air after several hours, way above the clouds, the riders removed the masks and face coverings that allowed them to breathe easier. Provided and designed by Hector of course from modern designs with the addition of magic.

The Pegasi had no trouble breathing thanks to their anatomy, but to high up and the riders would die. Or worse, fall off and plummet to the bottom to the earth.

Landing at different points around the surveyed ruins, they watched as Hector reached out and walked around. His fingers traced along the air with magic trailing behind in the air. Each step he took and the place he touched, vanished as if erased from space.

"Boss, what are we hoping to find here really?" A Pegasus Rider asked. "I mean, I know this saves money by taking it for ourselves and gives bandits and thieves fewer places to hide but would someone really leave a Legendary Weapon here unguarded?"

"Well, people hear Legendary and sometimes do not believe it to be true. But the Bow is here, I can feel it actually. A very dangerous Magic inside it that needs to go bye-bye to make it better for us." Hector felt the Primordial Sea growing as he moved at a steady pace. "Plus, once this one has been taken and the other in Ilia, the weather conditions can improve for those who refuse to move away."

The former Ilians nodded at that as they still loved their Homeplace but did not want to continue to suffer there. Even when just visiting or worrying about loved ones who refused to leave.

"So that is why Farina is still out with the others!" Fiora nodded her head quickly at the revelation. With the numbers they took and those hired to stomp out the few bandits in Ilia, surely they would succeed in both missions. "The Legendary Lance Maltet really exists... is it really that powerful?"

"Yes, yes it is." Hector finished breaking down the Ruins at an increased speed then previous. Like a current of water, it all headed toward him quickly nonstop. Corpses and discarded weapons all doing the same.

Those with him only saw it all vanishing in light as they walked on the solid ground behind him. It was only a few hours before it was all finished up with the stopping to take a break before they were ambushed.

The Bow Mulagir rested on an altar untouched for a number of years. Countless centuries unused at that.

'Good work, the power within is greater than I thought. In its importance to your later plans and higher achievement of magic. You will definitely be able to change the climate with magic much easier now. However, the Bow has strong ties to that of Wind, and everything else is vastly weak.' Tiamat watched as the Primordial Sea grew beyond regular sight and the "waters" grew in depth. 'It will take some days for the ruins to dissolve, but my little Architect, a wall can be erected around your capital faster.'

After checking his reflection in the Primordial Sea, Hector looked at the permanent increase gained from the bow getting disposed into the Primordial Sea. +5 Speed was nice but the sight of an ice-blue egg caught his attention.

Hector Ostia

Martial Rank: Lord

Magical Rank: Page

Reap: 92

Enthralled: 30

Level 10 →

HP 51 →

Str 22→

Skl 20→

Spd 22→ 27 (5)

Lck 17→

Def 29→

Res 18→

Con 27→

Mov 7

Affinity- All

Axe - B→ Sword- C→ Bow- B→ Lance- C→ Stave- D→

Anima- C → Dark- B→ Light- C

Attained Martial- Journeyman, Cavalier, Fighter, Mercenary, Myrimdon, Rider, Archer, Pirate, Thief, Knight

Attained Magical- Page, Priest, Mage, Shaman, Troubador

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