
Locking horns(not eyes!)

As I scrolled through dense meadows surrounded by beautiful tulips, feeling relaxed and overwhelmed at the same time, I noticed a shadow lurking behind the woods, staring deeply at me with empty eyes.. as I tried to approach the ghastly figure camouflaging behind the woods, I was startled with the sound of *beeep* *beeep* *beeep* alarm snooze which perfectly contrasted with the otherwise silence of the room.

'Damn Samayra ! You need to stop watching these sci-fi series, they are messing with your dreams now', thinking aloud i wake up from the bed, streching up both the arms, taking in the view of peeping dusk sunlight visible from the translucent curtains.

I lazily approach the wash to freshen up, and hastily get dressed up for work- wearing a white buttened up shirt over a formal beige trouser, blazer followed by subtle makeup which i subsequently hate but is a part of a job - I mean being a writer for a so called 'prestigious' magazine requires you to be soothing for eyes as well, to be dressed up sleak , why can't your work do the talking? Anyway this is how the world works, dosent it?

Not groomed up enough, not presentable enough, not curvy enough - I mean this was the reason Zayn, my ex, left... Ummm No, "divorced" me.

I still recall his parting words to me - 'Samayra, you are a nice girl, infact too nice, that's the reason I said yes to the marriage our parents planned', but things have changed lately, 'I have met someone who is just perfect, infact ideal for me, and I can't let her go', he said in such a nonchalant tone, like he was asking me to do some chores around the house. I haven't felt love from his side, only duty, like he was being a perfect son to his parents by saying "yes" to the marriage arranged by our families, but at the same time it was a task for him, infact he paid more attention to lifeless objects like his cars then me.. and one day I was longer a duty for him, like I was one of the cars he had because it was accessible, low maintenance, laid back, and one fine day he decided to "sell it off" because it was of no longer use, just like our relationship which was a deal , devoid of any love or emotion.. "Sssshhhhh" whistle from pressure cooker brought me back to reality and i packed my lunch, and rushed to office.

"Shit I am late" i cursed under my breath, as I hurriedly get off the taxi,accidentally bumping into the person standing in front of me. "Are you nuts!!" A tall woman probably in 30s scrown at me, pointing at a little durt stain over her otherwise perfect attire, shoving a perfume loaded handkerchief in my face, mouthing "Clean it". I was not in a very jolly mood today to begin with, plus the woman's attitude dint helped either, so I stepped "accidentally" over her foot, and passed her by, saying -" time and money you invested on your attire and makeup, even if half of it was invested in your education, you would have been at a better place".

As I rushed into the head office of "She" magazine, my colleague aka friend Oshin greeted me followed by the news of directors deteriorating health due to which her daughter, who runs a successful makeup buisness outside India will handle the magazine work as well. As we were talking, I heard a familiar voice in background - "Greetings everyone! as you are pretty much aware that my mother is not well lately, so we have made a decision that I'll see our magazine related work , looking forward to working and learning new things with you all" she said, smirking looking at me.