

It hasn't been heard of in centuries He never expected to have another mate Having always wished for a mate, Gianna Walt finally gets what she has been wishing for but she didn't expect him to be Alpha Vladimir of Crest fall pack. Alpha Vladimir of Crest fall pack didn't expect to have a second mate after the tragic death of his first mate and unborn child. So when he begrudgingly goes to the Moon child pack for the soon-to-be Alpha's wedding and meets his second chance mate, he is determined to have her as the Luna of his pack and nothing more. With the mystery surrounding the death of his first mate and a mistake of a drunken night, would his plan of keeping her at arm's length succeed or would she fight to mean something more to him?

Hannie305 · Fantaisie
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27 Chs


"Gracie tell me" Jo implored.

"Jo, Gianna is on her heat and Vladimir isn't here". I didn't have any time to say anything to her, because immediately she finished her statement I doubled over in pain, this time it was a hundred times more painful than the last.

I couldn't hold my weight on the chair anymore and was about to fall on the floor when a set of arms grabbed me before I could hit the ground.

Immediately I felt those arms on me I screamed out in pain. It was as if the touch of that person increased my pain tenfold. I faintly heard Gracie telling whoever it was that had touched me to drop me quickly, as their touch was only hurting me the more.

I couldn't believe my heat decided to happen immediately Vladimir left, why was fate always being so cruel to me. I had to get upstairs and quick. I knew my scent would draw all unmated wolves in this house to me and it was very hard to resist the scent of a she- wolf on heat, it was very bad for me because not only would I be in the danger of getting attacked by God knows how many unmated wolves their touch would only increase my pain. The only thing that could help me now was if Vladimir miraculously appeared here now and i doubted it.

Oh goodness I was in for a night of pain and it was just seven thirty.

"No Shawn get back, get away from her. You don't want to come near her, Vladimir will kill you". Jo said frantically.

"Then why isn't he here, I could help ease her pain" his voice sounded guttural and savage, we all knew that his wolf was in control.

"You guys should quickly take her upstairs, before more unmated wolves get here, there's not much time. I'll try to get Shawn here back in control. Henry, Henry! "John shouted.

"Get her out of here RIGHT NOW! I can only try to stop my wolf from gaining full control for so long". Shawn shouted, he was really struggling with control and with me being here, it wasn't helping matters.

I tried to get up from the couch to go upstairs but I fell back down as another pain ripped through my body making me scream out. Tears ran down my cheeks in waves and I was sweating profusely. I really needed to take off my cloths they felt like pins pricking my skin.

"Here I'll carry her up to her room". Cora said lifting me up before I could say anything not that I really wanted to say anything.

"How do we get to Vladimir he's too far away to mind link him". Gracie said when we got to my room.

"I'll go get John to give him a call. Let's just hope he's able to get here on time". Cora said worriedly, dropping me on my bed and leaving my room.

"Hang in there Gianna, we'll go get the water running". Gracie said going to join Jo in the bathroom.

I was finally able to take off all my cloths and stood in my underwear but even with so little on I still felt very hot. Gracie came out from the bathroom to assist me inside it, when we heard growls from the hallway.

Oh Goodness I really hoped John and Henry would be able to keep the unmated wolves out because it would be bad for me if they were not able to.

Another pain made me double over again, I was sure my scream was enough to bring down the roofs. Gracie quickly took me to the bathroom and placed me in the bathtub that was filled with freezing water.

Immediately I entered the tub, I felt relieved the pain had doused for a while but I knew that it won't be for long.

"We need to get something to overpower her scent, I'm not sure Henry and John could keep those wolves out of here for much longer and that wouldn't be good. Now I regret why most of the guards are unmated" Jo said.

"Wait I have an idea, there's a really strong incense that my mother had given me the last time she came. it's in my room. The scent might just be strong enough to cover up her scent". Gracie said.

"Quick go get it". Jo practically pushed her out of the bathroom.

"Okay, I'll be right back". Gracie rushed out of my room.

If the incense truly worked then I had one less problem to worry about. I looked out the bathroom window only to see that the moon was almost at its peak, which means the pain would only get worse.

Oh God I would need all the strength I have to get past this night if they aren't able to contact Vladimir.

"Don't worry Gigi, we'll get Vladimir here okay". Even as she said it I knew she doubted it. Vladimir might not get here.

She squeezed a napkin and dabbed my forehead. The water was already hot. I was so glad that I had them with me because goodness knows what I would have done. I groaned as another pain ripped through me again. I bit back my scream.

Jo made me get out of the now hot water as she drained it and started filling it again, I immediately entered back in once the water was almost filled. Jo turned on the shower and hanged it above me so that cold water could be pouring out on my body.

Cora came in with a dreadful look on her face, and I immediately knew that Vladimir would not be coming back tonight.

"Vladimir isn't picking up his phone at all. But they are still trying to reach him". Cora said.

"Oh my, what are we going to do now she can't continue like this all night. It's dangerous". Immediately she finished talking I once again doubled over in pain and I couldn't try to hold back my scream this time. This was the worst pain since it started. Even with the cold water pouring on me, I was still sweating profusely. It felt as if the blood running through my veins were hot liquid. I couldn't take it anymore, I just wanted to tear my skin off.

Gracie came in with the incense, which was gladly strong enough to cover up my scent one less problem to worry about.

"We have to call the pack doctor she can't go on like this, maybe she could do something, and also my parents they need to know what's going on. They might be able to help". Jo said, she was on the brink of tears. Cora rushed to do that.

By the time the pack doctor and Vladimir parents came, I was about ready to die, that was just how I felt. I didn't know if I could take this pain any longer. I could hear Colin screaming from outside my room. Immediately he came he had ordered all the unmated wolves out of the house, and they had submitted seeing as he was the former alpha.

"Why on earth would Vladimir not be picking up his phone, and can't you get across to the other alphas in this meeting". He sounded worried.

"We tried but none of them are at the Pack as tomorrow is the meeting and not today. Vladimir went a day earlier". Henry said.

Meanwhile inside my room everyone was running around frantically, they were trying to lessen the pain, but nothing could so they just had to keep the water cold.

The pain was getting too unbearable that I wasn't sure I could endure for much longer, my wolf had channeled me all her strength and now we were both drained. I wasn't sure I was going to be awake for much longer. I was getting dizzy, everything was becoming blurry and I eagerly welcomed the darkness because that was my only relieve from this awful pain.

HEY guys do you think V would make it in time. lemme know what you think.

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