
Chapter Two: Rambling On

Gathered up my stuff to go ahead and take a shower. Some nights, I take a bath because that helps a lot especially on a bad day, but, tonight I literally just don't have enough energy in me tonight. With my new vanilla body scrub, and my favorite pajamas in hand I headed to my bathroom. Its actually really nice here, my bathroom and bedroom are connected. So nice here, you would almost not even know I come from such a broken background.

No matter how hard it's been or what was going on exactly, my Grandma and Grandpa have always been there and done everything they could to ensure things were going to be okay. But, with everything I've gone through, in the grand scheme of things it really didn't seem like they had done much for me. Up until they had let me move in here at least. When that happened, I was in a really dark place and needed saving fast or else there wasn't going to be anything left of me to save.

Holy shit, I didn't realize I've been having an episode lately, walking into my bathroom it was a disaster and I'm a OCD clean FREAK. Except for when things are bad, then it's like walking into one of those messy, cluttered houses from those shows where they come and "do over" people's homes. I for sure need to get this situation taken care of tomorrow, I'm surprised Grandma hasn't asked me where all the towels are. Based off a rough estimate, I would assume probably 87% of them are currently laying on my bathroom floor.

You can see the steam of the water rising out and my glass panes, all fogged up. I double check to make sure the water is boiling hot, and then I undress to get into the shower.

"Maddison!", yells Grandma.

Of course literally as I was stepping into the shower…

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