
Everything On My Palm

Zerahab, a man frequently haunted by nightmares, finds himself trapped between dream and reality. One night, after an incredibly vivid and terrifying dream, he hears the voice of God bestowing upon him an unexpected mission. God blesses him with extraordinary powers and sends him to a new world called Cosmara. There, Zerahab is granted the ability to create and transform everything with just his words. Initially, Zerahab is bewildered and frightened by his newfound power. Every word he speaks brings about drastic changes in Cosmara. From a black-and-white field of flowers transforming into vibrant colors to mute creatures suddenly able to speak and dance with joy. However, this miracle also brings great responsibility that he must face. In Cosmara, Zerahab meets Verdantus, a wise, ancient tree and the only creature that could speak before his arrival. Verdantus explains that Zerahab is the long-awaited God of Cosmara. With his presence, the once desolate and silent world of Cosmara is now a place filled with color and life. Zerahab's journey in Cosmara is not without challenges. He must learn to use his power wisely, confront his own fears and doubts, and understand the essence of hope and balance. Throughout this journey, Zerahab realizes that true change does not only occur in the physical world but also in the hearts and souls of the creatures around him.

KADDRTheWriter · Fantaisie
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9 Chs

Welcome to Food Talk!

"This crystal will take you into the heart of the dense forest where you must find the Guardian of the Forest. Only by earning his blessing will you gain the power to understand and control nature. This scroll will guide you to the hidden library beneath Cosmara, where ancient wisdom is concealed. There, you will find answers about the past and how to defeat Vortemar. The mirror is the final and most difficult test. It will show you the shadows of your deepest fears and weaknesses. Only by facing them can you discover your true strength."

Eryndor's words echoed in Zerahab's mind. "Remember, Zerahab, don't forget anything. Be useful, my brain!" he muttered to himself, gently tapping his head.

"What's wrong, Lord Zerahab? Why are you hitting your head? Are you in pain?" Verdantus asked, worried about Zerahab's strange behavior.

"No, nothing's wrong. I just realized we haven't rested. I'm hungry and tired," Zerahab replied with a small laugh, trying to hide what was really on his mind. They had been adventuring all day looking for the seer, and Zerahab hadn't slept because he wasn't ready to face nightmares of Vortemar. He felt he wasn't strong enough to defeat Vortemar yet. In his last nightmare, he was lucky to escape Vortemar's grasp, otherwise, he might have...

"I know a place where we can eat as much as we want! Let's stop by Merathor first, you also need to eat well after being a statue for so long, " Tochtli's enthusiastic words broke Zerahab's reverie. He looked impatient to eat well.

Zerahab wasn't particularly interested in eating. Though he was hungry, he was used to enduring hunger from his life in his real world. What bothered him more was his frequent memory loss. He often couldn't remember what he had just done, except for the bad memories, which seemed to stick around for some reason.

"Tochtli, I'm curious. Is there any food that can strengthen memory?" Zerahab asked.

"Of course, Lord Zerahab. At Food Talk, any food you desire is available. However, magical foods are specially made by food wizards at Food Talk. To get them to make it, you have to offer an equal exchange. It's terrifying; they won't hesitate to ask for your eyeball or tooth in exchange for the food you want."

"It sounds difficult, but it's worth a try," Zerahab said confidently. For him, the main problem that needed to be solved right now was his memory, which was easily lost. "If I can't remember well how can I defeat Vortemar," he said to himself.

They flew for quite a while, not realizing it was already evening because they were so captivated by the view of Cosmara from above. Verdantus, the old tree, also seemed to enjoy the journey and the scenery. His eyes sparkled, enthralled by the beauty of Cosmara he had never seen before. He looked like he wanted to soak in the sights as much as possible before growing older and losing such precious moments.

That evening, Cosmara's sky transformed into a grand, breathtaking canvas. The sun gradually descended, bathing the entire land in a palette of orange, pink, and purple hues. Golden sunlight shimmered through the tree leaves, creating beautiful shadow patterns on the fertile ground.

Thin clouds hung low, painted with soft brush strokes, reflecting various color gradients that changed with each passing minute. A few glimmering-winged birds flew low, singing harmonious evening songs, completing the beauty of dusk.

A gentle breeze carried the scent of blooming flowers from vast meadows. Each blade of grass and flower swayed rhythmically with the wind, creating a mesmerizing natural dance.

In the distance, Cosmara's mountains projected majestic silhouettes, bathed in the fading sunlight. Small rivers meandered quietly, reflecting the colorful sky like a perfect natural mirror.

The sound of flowing river water, birds chirping, and whispering winds formed a calming natural symphony. Cosmara's creatures, with their unique colors and forms, moved slowly, as if reluctant to leave the evening's beauty.

As the sun neared the horizon, the sky became more dramatic. The colors deepened and intensified, creating an almost magical panorama. Recognizing this sacred moment, all of Cosmara seemed to pause, savoring the tranquility and beauty only dusk could offer.

In that moment, Zerahab felt an overwhelming peace. He realized how special the world of Cosmara was, with its unparalleled wonders and beauty. Evening in Cosmara was a time when the universe seemed to celebrate beauty and harmony, inviting everyone to pause and reflect on the grandeur of creation.

When Zerahab and his friends finally arrived at Food Talk, they were greeted by an amazing sight. Food Talk was an extraordinary place, a small town filled with unique and colorful creatures. Every creature was a piece of food that could move and talk like humans. There was a tall and slender baguette, a solid and dignified parmesan cheese, and even a cluster of grapes that moved together as one entity.

The buildings around them appeared to be made of various food materials: walls of chocolate blocks, roofs of cheddar cheese slices, and windows of gleaming crystal sugar. In the center of town, a large fountain spewed fragrant chocolate sauce.

Zerahab stopped in his tracks, mouth agape in disbelief. "Wow, this is truly incredible," he murmured, his eyes darting around, trying to take in every detail.

The air was filled with an enticing mix of fresh baked bread, exotic spices, and ripe fruits. Each breath felt like a new flavor adventure. The sounds of laughter and friendly conversation from the inhabitants of Food Talk busy with their activities filled the air. They worked enthusiastically, creating delicious foods that delighted not only the stomach but also the eyes and heart.

In one corner, a group of dough creatures enthusiastically baked bread. In another, a slice of pizza had a serious conversation with a carrot about the best tomato sauce recipe.

"I never imagined a place like this could exist," Zerahab said, eyes sparkling.

An ice cream-shaped creature approached them with a wide smile. "Welcome to Food Talk! Are you hungry? We have everything from appetizers to desserts. And don't worry, we're here to make food, not be eaten."

Zerahab chuckled, awe still evident on his face. "I can't wait to try everything," he said.

With a sense of excitement and wonder, Zerahab and his friends ventured deeper into Food Talk, ready to explore every corner and taste every dish this magical place had to offer. They knew this would be an unforgettable experience.

"Merathor, wait here. I'll bring you various types of meat," Tochtli said to Merathor, who couldn't enter Food Talk further due to his large size.

"Mr. Ice Cream, could you prepare ten giant plates of meat-based dishes for this red dragon? This dragon is special because he belongs to the seer living at the peak of the Hidden Secret Mountain. You know the prophecy of the Cosmara god, right?" Tochtli asked in an odd way, looking proud of himself.

Mr. Ice Cream finally realized who had come with Tochtli. The unfamiliar figures of Zerahab, the seer's red dragon no longer a statue, and a tree that could walk freely were an astonishing sight. "Sir, forgive me, are you the prophesied god of Cosmara? I've never seen you before, and now that Food Talk is back to normal, is it really because of you?" Mr. Ice Cream asked, bowing to Zerahab.

"Yes, it's because of me, but there's no need to bow. Stand up, you're making everyone stare at me," Zerahab whispered, not wanting to draw more attention.

Mr. Ice Cream sprang up from his bow, eyes wide with panic and joy. Without wasting time, he dashed into Food Talk, shouting excitedly, "Everyone! The god of Cosmara has arrived!!! The god of Cosmara has arrived!!! The god of Cosmara has arrived!!!"

Zerahab and his friends, who were mesmerized by the beauty and uniqueness of the place, turned in surprise. Mr. Ice Cream's voice echoed throughout Food Talk, triggering a swift and extraordinary reaction from its inhabitants.

"There's a Cosmara god at Food Talk's gate!!!"

Mr. Ice Cream shouted again. "Let's welcome the Cosmara god!!!

The Cosmara god has arrived at Food Talk!!!

Prepare your best dishes for the Cosmara god!!!

The Cosmara god has arrived!!!"

Within seconds, the place bustled with activity. The various food creatures rushed out of their shops, cafes, and restaurants. Baguettes ran quickly, carrying baskets of warm, crispy bread. Grapes clustered together, bringing colorful fruit dishes. A slice of pizza balanced a large tray full of mozzarella cheese-laden slices and fresh tomato sauce.

The dignified parmesan cheese led a group of other cheeses, each carrying carefully prepared cheese pieces. They were followed by a group of tart cakes, briskly carrying trays of fruit tarts adorned with whipped cream and bright red cherries.

They all hurried to the gate of Food Talk, where Zerahab stood wide-eyed, still trying to grasp what was happening. The food creatures stopped right in front of Zerahab, carefully placing their dishes on the ground and bowing in unison before him.

"Welcome to Food Talk, god of Cosmara," they said in unison, their voices filled with respect and admiration.

Zerahab looked at the scene before him with a mix of confusion and awe. His heart pounded. He had never imagined being greeted so grandly and with such reverence.

"Um, thank you," Zerahab said, trying to calm himself. "But I don't deserve any of this..."

However, the food creatures seemed not to hear or believe his words. They continued bowing, welcoming him with utmost respect and joy. Zerahab could only stand there, feeling like a king who had just found his kingdom.