
Everything On My Palm

Zerahab, a man frequently haunted by nightmares, finds himself trapped between dream and reality. One night, after an incredibly vivid and terrifying dream, he hears the voice of God bestowing upon him an unexpected mission. God blesses him with extraordinary powers and sends him to a new world called Cosmara. There, Zerahab is granted the ability to create and transform everything with just his words. Initially, Zerahab is bewildered and frightened by his newfound power. Every word he speaks brings about drastic changes in Cosmara. From a black-and-white field of flowers transforming into vibrant colors to mute creatures suddenly able to speak and dance with joy. However, this miracle also brings great responsibility that he must face. In Cosmara, Zerahab meets Verdantus, a wise, ancient tree and the only creature that could speak before his arrival. Verdantus explains that Zerahab is the long-awaited God of Cosmara. With his presence, the once desolate and silent world of Cosmara is now a place filled with color and life. Zerahab's journey in Cosmara is not without challenges. He must learn to use his power wisely, confront his own fears and doubts, and understand the essence of hope and balance. Throughout this journey, Zerahab realizes that true change does not only occur in the physical world but also in the hearts and souls of the creatures around him.

KADDRTheWriter · Fantaisie
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9 Chs

The Peak of Hope and Mystery

As Merathor, the red dragon, began to lift them into the air, Zerahab, Verdantus, and Tochtli felt an extraordinary sensation. The cold mountain wind swept across their faces as they soared higher, leaving the ground below.

They looked down and were captivated by the stunning view. The dense forest they had traversed earlier now appeared like an endless green carpet. Rivers flowed like silver threads, glistening under the sunlight, and other mountains stood firm in the distance, forming a breathtaking panorama.

"Cosmara... looks so beautiful from up here," Zerahab said, his voice almost choked with emotion. He had never imagined seeing the world from such a perspective. A feeling of awe and reverence for the beauty of nature enveloped him.

Verdantus, who had lived for centuries, felt as if he was seeing the world for the first time. His branches quivered gently in excitement. "Incredible," he murmured. "I have seen many seasons change, but this view is truly astounding."

Tochtli, usually full of spirit and cheer, was now silent, his eyes wide and sparkling. "Look over there!" he said, pointing to a valley adorned with colorful flowers that looked like a painting from above. "I have often seen Cosmara from this height delivering paint to the seer, but I have never seen anything this beautiful. Lord Zerahab, you are amazing to have made Cosmara this beautiful." Zerahab smiled, seeing his two friends happily enjoying the adventure.

As they rose higher, the cloudless blue sky seemed to expand, and they could see the coastline in the distance, where the blue sea met the sky. The warm sunlight bathed them, giving them a sense of peace and deep happiness.

Merathor flew gracefully, his large wings slicing through the air effortlessly. They felt the power and stability of the magnificent dragon's body, giving them a sense of security at this incredible height.

"This is a gift for the brave," Zerahab said, his voice full of admiration. "We are on our way to something great, and this view reminds us of the beauty of the world we are fighting for."

Verdantus nodded in agreement. "Yes, we are not only fighting to defeat Vortemar, but also to protect and appreciate the beauty of this world."

Tochtli smiled broadly, feeling the same spirit as his companions. "And this journey, seeing all this from here, makes all our efforts and struggles worthwhile."

They continued to fly towards the peak of the Hidden Secret Mountain, with hearts full of hope and eyes wide open, absorbing every beauty they saw. That moment became one they would remember forever, an experience that strengthened their resolve to continue their mission and bring peace back to Cosmara.

It felt like only a moment that they could admire the beauty of Cosmara, and finally, they arrived at a small plateau near the mountain peak. There, amidst the darkness and mist, lay a mysterious-looking cave. Zerahab and Verdantus exchanged glances full of hope and anxiety.

"This is the place," said Tochtli with a voice full of conviction. "The seer is inside this cave. Come, Lord Zerahab, let's meet him and find the answers to all the questions you seek."

With cautious steps, they entered the cave. The atmosphere inside was very different from the outside. The cave walls were adorned with strange paintings and symbols emitting a soft glow. In the center of the cave stood a mysterious figure, as if waiting for their arrival. The figure was a half-human, half-mythological creature.

The upper part of its body was that of a human, wearing a long, dark blue robe embroidered with ancient symbols and stars that glowed softly in the darkness. Its eyes were silver, containing the glint of stars, reflecting deep wisdom and vast knowledge. Its hair was long and silver-white, like snow on a mountain peak.

The lower part of its body was that of a large, elegant deer with white-silver fur. Its strong legs allowed it to move gracefully and swiftly in rugged and difficult terrain. Its antlers, branching like ice crystals, gave it a majestic and mystical appearance.

"Welcome, Lord Zerahab, God of Cosmara, Verdantus, the magical tree, and Tochtli, the messenger. It has been a long time, Tochtli, thank you for your role in spreading the truth," said the mysterious figure in a soft yet authoritative voice. "I have been waiting for your arrival. I am Eryndor, the Star Keeper, the Seer you seek, and I know the purpose of your visit."

"Come and see," said Eryndor the seer, walking further into the cave. Zerahab, Verdantus, and Tochtli followed Eryndor deeper into the cave. The cave walls were filled with paintings depicting stories of the past and prophecies of the future. In a deeper chamber, they saw a large painting dominating the wall. "This is the prophecy about Vortemar," Eryndor pointed to the large paintings adorning the cave walls.

The painting depicted the great battle to come. In the center of the painting stood Vortemar, the evil creature they all feared, with dark power emanating from his body. Around him, destruction and darkness enveloped all of Cosmara. However, on the other side of the painting, a hero holding a glowing staff and scales of justice, with bright light emanating from his heart, stood facing Vortemar. Zerahab looked closer and was shocked to find that the hero was himself.

"This... this is me," whispered Zerahab, his eyes wide with awe and fear.

Eryndor nodded. "Yes, Lord Zerahab. This prophecy shows the great battle to come. You are Cosmara's last hope, the God who will drive away the darkness and bring peace back to this world."

"This is your destiny, Zerahab," said Eryndor the seer. "You must find the glowing staff and scales of justice because only with them can you defeat Vortemar."

Zerahab felt his heart pounding. "Where can I find the glowing staff and scales of justice?"

Eryndor the seer put on a serious face. "The staff is hidden in the shadows of nightmares. You must pass tests and face your greatest fears to obtain it."

"But how?" asked Zerahab, his voice trembling with a mix of uncertainty and determination. "I feel I'm still not ready."

Eryndor smiled gently. "True wisdom comes from within ourselves, Lord Zerahab. You must find the strength within you, a strength that can only be found through journey and sacrifice. And for that, I will give you three tests that you must complete before you can face Vortemar."

Verdantus, with his branches trembling gently, asked, "What are these tests, Eryndor?"

Eryndor stepped closer to a small altar in the middle of the room. On the altar, there were three ancient and powerful items: a shimmering blue crystal, an old scroll with nearly unreadable writing, and a small mirror with an ornate frame.

"This crystal," said Eryndor, lifting it, "will take you into the heart of the dense forest where you must find the Guardian of the Forest. Only by receiving its blessing will you gain the power to understand and control nature."

He then lifted the old scroll. "This scroll will guide you to the hidden library beneath Cosmara, where ancient wisdom is kept. There, you will find answers about the past and how to defeat Vortemar."

Finally, Eryndor lifted the small mirror. "This mirror is the final and most difficult test. It will show you the shadows of your deepest fears and weaknesses. Only by facing them can you find true strength within yourself."

Tochtli looked at the items with curiosity and a bit of worry. "It seems our journey will be more difficult than we imagined."

Zerahab nodded, his eyes radiating newfound determination. "If this is the path we must take to save Cosmara, then we will do it. We will not give up."

Eryndor smiled proudly. "You have chosen the right path. Remember, true strength is not just about physical or magical abilities but about courage, wisdom, and a heart full of love. Now, go forth and begin your journey."

With that, Zerahab, Verdantus, and Tochtli took the items and began their journey toward the first test. As they stepped out of the cave, Merathor waited patiently, ready to take them to their next destination.

They flew back into the sky, leaving the mountain peak filled with mystery, with hearts full of hope and determination to save Cosmara. The sky grew darker, and clouds began to gather around them as if testing their bravery from the start. Their new adventure had just begun, with many secrets yet to be uncovered and great powers yet to be found. Their courage would be tested, and their friendship strengthened in facing every obstacle that came their way.

As the wind brushed against their faces and the view of Cosmara became more mysterious, Zerahab felt a burning spirit within him. He knew the future of this world was in their hands, and they could not fail. With the strong Merathor carrying them towards the dense forest, they prepared to face the first test that would determine their fate and the fate of all Cosmara.