
Everything On My Palm

Zerahab, a man frequently haunted by nightmares, finds himself trapped between dream and reality. One night, after an incredibly vivid and terrifying dream, he hears the voice of God bestowing upon him an unexpected mission. God blesses him with extraordinary powers and sends him to a new world called Cosmara. There, Zerahab is granted the ability to create and transform everything with just his words. Initially, Zerahab is bewildered and frightened by his newfound power. Every word he speaks brings about drastic changes in Cosmara. From a black-and-white field of flowers transforming into vibrant colors to mute creatures suddenly able to speak and dance with joy. However, this miracle also brings great responsibility that he must face. In Cosmara, Zerahab meets Verdantus, a wise, ancient tree and the only creature that could speak before his arrival. Verdantus explains that Zerahab is the long-awaited God of Cosmara. With his presence, the once desolate and silent world of Cosmara is now a place filled with color and life. Zerahab's journey in Cosmara is not without challenges. He must learn to use his power wisely, confront his own fears and doubts, and understand the essence of hope and balance. Throughout this journey, Zerahab realizes that true change does not only occur in the physical world but also in the hearts and souls of the creatures around him.

KADDRTheWriter · Fantaisie
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9 Chs

The Awakening of Merathor

"Lord Zerahab, allow me to lead the way. I am highly experienced as I've always delivered paints for the seer. Let me show you the path," said Tochtli, the rabbit, who now appeared more respectful towards Zerahab than before.

"Of course," Zerahab replied, not refusing and full of confidence.

Tochtli agilely hopped ahead of Zerahab and Verdantus, leading the way through the increasingly dense forest. After a while, they arrived at a gently sloping hill, giving them their first view of the Hidden Mystery Mountain. The mountain towered high, its peak obscured by slowly moving thick mist, creating an aura of mystery and captivating power.

Zerahab, holding his breath, gazed towards the mountain. "Tochtli, is that the home of the seer?" he asked.

Tochtli paused for a moment, nodding slowly. "Yes, Lord Zerahab. The seer we seek resides in a cave at the peak of the Hidden Mystery Mountain. However, reaching the summit is not an easy task."

Verdantus looked at Tochtli with concern. "What makes it so difficult?" he asked.

Tochtli sighed deeply before answering, "This mountain is full of mystery and danger. The path to the top is very steep and almost impassable. However, there is one way to reach the summit more safely."

Zerahab raised his eyebrows. "How so?"

"The seer has a red dragon guarding the cave at the top of the mountain," Tochtli explained. "This dragon is the only creature that can take us to the summit. However, the dragon has been turned into a statue that encircles the cave entrance, cursed by Vortemar when he wreaked havoc on all of Cosmara."

Zerahab looked at Tochtli with keen interest. "Is there a way to restore the dragon to its original form?"

Tochtli nodded. "That's what we need to find out. Only the red dragon can take us up, and only with the dragon's help can we meet the seer. Vortemar cursed the dragon to ensure that no one could reach the seer and get his prophecies. However, I believe that with your power, Lord Zerahab, we can break that curse."

Verdantus, with his branches trembling softly, asked, "How can we break the curse, Tochtli?"

"I'm not sure," Tochtli replied with determination in his voice, "but I believe that the hope and words from Lord Zerahab have extraordinary power. We must find a way to awaken the red dragon."

Zerahab took a deep breath, feeling the increasing weight of responsibility. "Then we must continue our journey and find out how to break the curse."



"I hope the seer's dragon returns to its true form, and I hope the seer is well until now." Whoosh, the wind blew.

At the peak of the Hidden Mystery Mountain, in the darkness of the deep and cold cave, the seer sat in contemplation. His sharp and knowledgeable eyes stared at the cave wall gleaming with ancient prophecies written in mysterious symbols. Vortemar's curse had imprisoned him in this place, separating him from the outside world he once knew.

Suddenly, from the distance, an unusual light began to emanate. The seer felt a vibration in the air, a vibration that brought long-lost hope. He rose and walked towards the mouth of the cave, sensing that something great was about to happen.

From where he stood, he could see the statue of the red dragon that had long been cursed. As Zerahab's words echoed in the air, a soft light began to emanate from the statue. The light grew brighter, enveloping the entire body of the dragon statue. The seer's eyes widened with hope as the stones that formed the dragon statue began to crack and fall, revealing the glowing red scales of the dragon.

"This could be it..." the seer whispered to himself, his voice full of astonishment and hidden joy. He tightly gripped his staff, watching with unblinking eyes as the stones encircling the dragon fell, revealing the glowing red scales of the dragon.

With graceful and majestic movements, the red dragon began to stir. Its large wings stirred up dust and stones, breaking the long silence that had enveloped the place. The dragon's eyes, which were golden in color, glowed with warmth and newfound strength. Then, the dragon turned towards the cave, as if aware of the presence of the seer who had been waiting for it for so long.

The seer staggered back slightly, unable to contain the emotions raging within him. "Finally," he whispered, tears of happiness streaming down his cheeks. "Finally, there is hope."

He knew that Zerahab, the long-awaited figure, had arrived and successfully awakened the red dragon from its curse. With renewed conviction, the seer raised his staff high, sending a signal of light to Zerahab and his group. "Come, saviors of Cosmara, come to me. The answers you seek are here, inside this cave," he said in his heart, patiently awaiting their arrival.

He stood at the mouth of the cave, his eyes squinting through the thick fog that shrouded the mountain peak. With his staff carved with ancient symbols, the seer chanted a mantra, summoning the red dragon to approach. With a hopeful heart and eyes fixed on the red dragon flying closer, the seer felt more confident than ever before. Zerahab and his friends would soon arrive, and together, they would confront Vortemar and restore peace to Cosmara.

"Merathor, my guardian dragon, your awakening is a sign of new hope for Cosmara. Now, I require your service for one important task," the seer said with a voice full of strength and wisdom. The red dragon, newly freed from its curse, approached gracefully, its golden eyes gazing at the seer with loyalty.

The seer reached out his hand, touching the head of the red-scaled dragon. "Down below, in the valleys and forests, there is a figure who has uttered words of hope and freed you from your curse. His name is Zerahab, and he comes with his companions, Verdantus and Tochtli. You must find them and bring them to me. They are the key to defeating Vortemar and restoring Cosmara."

Merathor nodded slowly, understanding the seer's command. With a powerful flap of its wings, it flew off the mountain peak, piercing through the mist and clouds. The seer watched his red dragon depart with great hope in his heart. He knew that Zerahab and his companions would soon arrive at his cave.

Meanwhile, below the mountain, Zerahab, Verdantus, and Tochtli continued their journey with strong determination. They were unaware that the red dragon was flying to find them, guided by the words of the seer.

Suddenly, a large shadow loomed over them from above. Zerahab looked up at the sky and was surprised to see a large red figure approaching. "What is that?" exclaimed Zerahab, his eyes widening with astonishment.

Verdantus, who had lived long enough to know much about legendary creatures, said, "It looks like a red dragon."

"Perhaps it's Merathor, the guardian of the seer's cave. If he's coming to find us, it means we've broken his curse," Tochtli exclaimed joyfully.

"How is that possible? We haven't done anything since earlier," Zerahab wondered.

Merathor, the red dragon guardian of the cave, appeared before Zerahab and his companions in a magnificent display. Its large, muscular body towered over them, casting a fearsome shadow. Its glowing red scales reflected the sunlight, making it appear as though it were ablaze with fire within. Its large wings flapped gallantly, creating strong gusts of wind. Its golden eyes shone with wisdom and impressive strength, emitting an aura of unparalleled confidence.

As Zerahab looked at it, he felt as though he stood before an extraordinary force of nature. Merathor was ten times larger than Verdantus, the old tree that had existed since ancient times. Its long, sturdy back supported its large body, giving off an impression of immortality and undeniable strength. As the dragon raised its large head, its sharp fangs protruded, ready to protect the seer's cave by any means necessary.

Verdantus, standing beside Zerahab, looked like a child next to the greatness of Merathor. Although the old tree was tall and sturdy, the presence of the red dragon brought an indescribable sense of awe and respect. With its combination of strength, grace, and physical grandeur, Merathor was the perfect representation of astonishing natural power.

Merathor landed gently in front of them, its gleaming eyes staring directly at Zerahab. With a nod, the red dragon signaled for them to climb onto its back. Zerahab, Verdantus, and Tochtli exchanged glances before ultimately deciding to trust this magnificent creature.

As they climbed onto the dragon's back, Verdantus whispered, "I never imagined we would ride a red dragon one day."

The dragon spread its large, powerful wings, then gracefully took to the air, carrying them towards the peak of the Hidden Mystery Mountain. The cold mountain wind blew against their faces, but in their hearts, there was a burning hope.

From a distance, the seer watched as the red dragon returned with Zerahab and his companions on its back. He nodded in satisfaction. "Soon, the truth will be revealed, and hope will lead us to victory," he whispered to himself, patiently awaiting their arrival.