
Everything On My Palm

Zerahab, a man frequently haunted by nightmares, finds himself trapped between dream and reality. One night, after an incredibly vivid and terrifying dream, he hears the voice of God bestowing upon him an unexpected mission. God blesses him with extraordinary powers and sends him to a new world called Cosmara. There, Zerahab is granted the ability to create and transform everything with just his words. Initially, Zerahab is bewildered and frightened by his newfound power. Every word he speaks brings about drastic changes in Cosmara. From a black-and-white field of flowers transforming into vibrant colors to mute creatures suddenly able to speak and dance with joy. However, this miracle also brings great responsibility that he must face. In Cosmara, Zerahab meets Verdantus, a wise, ancient tree and the only creature that could speak before his arrival. Verdantus explains that Zerahab is the long-awaited God of Cosmara. With his presence, the once desolate and silent world of Cosmara is now a place filled with color and life. Zerahab's journey in Cosmara is not without challenges. He must learn to use his power wisely, confront his own fears and doubts, and understand the essence of hope and balance. Throughout this journey, Zerahab realizes that true change does not only occur in the physical world but also in the hearts and souls of the creatures around him.

KADDRTheWriter · Fantaisie
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9 Chs


Zerahab ran with all his might, his breath ragged and his heart pounding in his chest. The darkness of the forest night made each step heavier, with sharp branches and leaves whipping at his face and arms. Behind him, the growls and heavy footsteps of the evil creature grew closer, creating terrifying vibrations that echoed in the air.

"Help! Please help me!" Zerahab screamed desperately, his voice hoarse and full of fear. Cold sweat streamed down his temples as his eyes wildly searched for an escape route among the towering trees and haunting shadows.

Each time he glanced back, he could see the glint of the creature's red eyes, a terrifying light amidst the darkness. The creature's breath sounded like a deadly hiss, drawing nearer, making Zerahab's hair stand on end. His body was growing weary, but fear gave him the strength to keep running.

"Help! Anyone! Help me!" Zerahab's voice nearly drowned in the roar of the wind and the sounds of the night animals. He could feel the creature getting closer, almost feeling its hot breath on his neck. His legs felt heavy, but he knew he couldn't stop. A single moment of hesitation, and the creature would catch him.

Desperately, Zerahab tried to avoid the roots protruding from the ground and the rocks scattered in his path. Any small mistake could mean his end. But in his heart, he kept screaming, hoping that someone, anyone, would hear his cries and come to his rescue.

"Help! Help me!" he cried out once more, his voice filled with desperation and last-ditch hope. His vision blurred with tears, but he dared not stop. He knew the evil creature behind him wouldn't relent until he was caught.

In his panic and exhaustion, his foot caught on a root jutting from the ground. He fell forward hard, his body hitting the rough ground with a painful thud. Pain shot through his entire body, but fear drove him to try to get up as quickly as possible.

Unfortunately, before he could fully stand, the creature's strong and cold grip seized his ankle. Zerahab thrashed, trying to break free, but the creature's strength was too great. He could feel sharp claws digging into his skin, painful and terrifying.

"Help! Help me!" he screamed with a hoarse, desperate voice. He kicked and grabbed at branches on the ground to defend himself, but his efforts were in vain. The creature easily pulled him closer.

Zerahab turned, trying to see the creature's face in the darkness. Its red eyes gleamed with hatred and hunger, its terrifying face drawing nearer. The creature's hot breath was on his face, foul and deadly.

"No! Help!" he screamed again, tears streaming down his cheeks. But the creature didn't stop. With one strong pull, it drew Zerahab into its horrifying embrace, its grip like iron shackles.

Despair washed over Zerahab. He tried to struggle one last time, but his strength was gone. Fear and pain gripped his entire body. In the darkness and fear, he could only hope that someone would come to save him.

But that night, in the dark and silent forest, Zerahab's final screams faded, drowned out by the sound of the creature's heavy footsteps carrying him away into the darkness.




When he came to, Zerahab found himself in a realm of darkness, where shadows danced with malevolent intent. The air was thick with whispers that made his skin crawl. He tried to move, but his legs felt like they were nailed to the ground. Panic started to rise within him as he struggled against the invisible bonds holding him in place.

"Who's there?" Zerahab shouted, his voice echoing in the darkness. The only response he received was a horrifying laughter that seemed to come from all directions at once. Fear gripped his heart as he realized he was not alone in this malevolent place.

Suddenly, a pair of glowing red eyes appeared before him, piercing the darkness with an otherworldly light. Zerahab's breath caught in his throat as the eyes drew closer, revealing a terrifying figure shrouded in shadows.

"You cannot escape your fate, Zerahab," the figure hissed, its voice sending shivers through every part of Zerahab's being.

Zerahab's heart raced in his chest as he struggled against the unseen restraint that held him in the dark realm. The figure advanced, its twisted features becoming clearer in the dim light. It was a horrifying creature, with jagged horns protruding from its skull and long, gleaming claws.

"Who are you?" Zerahab managed to choke out, his voice trembling with fear. The creature emitted a raspy laugh that echoed in the darkness like a haunting melody.

"I am known by many names, but you may call me Vortemar, the harbinger of nightmares," the creature replied, its words dripping with hatred. Zerahab's mind raced as he tried to make sense of his surroundings and how he ended up in this nightmare-filled place.

"What do you want from me, Vortemar?" Zerahab asked, his voice steadier now despite the fear gnawing at his core. The creature's red eyes gleamed with evil light as it approached Zerahab, its foul breath wafting over him like a putrid wind.

"I want your soul, Zerahab," Vortemar whispered, each word spoken filled with a chilling coldness. Zerahab's blood ran cold as he realized the gravity of his situation. He was face to face with a creature that not only sought to take his life but also his essence.

"You cannot have me," Zerahab declared, defiance burning in his eyes despite the fear gripping his soul. Vortemar emitted a gravelly laugh that sent shivers down Zerahab's spine.

"Oh, but I can, and I will," Vortemar hissed, extending its clawed hand toward Zerahab. In that moment, a wave of determination surged through Zerahab's veins. He refused to succumb to this nightmare creature without a fight. With all his might, Zerahab raised both hands, summoning the last remnants of his strength.

Suddenly, from the deadly darkness, emerged a gentle yet resolute light. The light drew closer, dispelling the shadows and frightening whispers. Within the light, a calm and authoritative voice could be heard, a voice radiating tranquility and undeniable power.

"Zerahab," the voice called his name, gentle yet powerful. "Awaken from your dream."

Zerahab felt waves of peace flow through him, replacing the fear that gripped his heart. The voice was like a warm caress, soothing his restless soul.

"Zerahab, awaken," the voice of God echoed once more, this time clearer and deeper, resonating through every fiber of his being. The light grew brighter, illuminating his face and driving away the remnants of darkness.

With eyes beginning to open, Zerahab could see the radiant figure before him, a face exuding love and strength. He knew, this was God calling out to him.

"Awaken, my child. Your time in the real world is not over," the voice reminded Zerahab of his purpose and responsibility. The light surrounding God was so powerful that Zerahab felt a new strength flowing into his body. With the last of his remaining effort, Zerahab summoned all his strength to fully open his eyes and break free from the shackles of his nightmare.

In the real world, Verdantus, the old tree that served as Zerahab's dwelling, sensed the unrest emanating from its master. Its leaves trembled softly, as if sensing the fear that enveloped Zerahab. "Master Zerahab, awaken," Verdantus whispered, its voice gentle yet full of concern. Its branches moved slowly, gently touching Zerahab's sweaty forehead. The ancient tree sought to transmit calmness and comfort through each tender touch.

With one final defiant shout, Zerahab lunged forward, breaking free from the magical bindings that held him. The force of his escape sent ripples of shadow and darkness scattering, and in that brief moment, he caught a glimpse of Vortemar's glowing red eyes, filled with surprise and rage, as the creature vanished into the shadows from whence it came.

"Awaken, Zerahab," the voice uttered the final call, full of love and hope. The light of God grew brighter, filling the entire realm of dreams with warmth and peace. And in that instant, Zerahab awoke from his nightmare, his breath ragged but his heart filled with calmness. He knew, God had saved him from the terrifying nightmare.

The soft moonlight filtered through Verdantus' leaves, creating soothing shadows dancing around Zerahab. "Was that a nightmare, my lord? Calm yourself, my lord, you are safe here," Verdantus whispered once again, trying to break through the walls of the nightmare that held its master. Its leaves caressed Zerahab's face, as if comforting and soothing the troubled dream.

"Verdantus, do you know Vortemar?" Zerahab asked urgently after waking from his nightmare.

"Did he come into your dreams, my lord? He is the one who plunged Cosmara into darkness and silence. I thought Cosmora would forever be like that, but your presence is a miracle for Cosmara," Vardantus answered anxiously mixed with joy at Zerahab's presence as the God of Cosmara.

After Vardantus delved deeper into the character of Vortemar who made Cosmara a dark world, Zerahab realized that Vortemar was not alone, but part of an ancient order of creatures of darkness determined to plunge the world back into eternal darkness. With each step, Zerahab drew closer to unraveling the secrets of this order, and with each secret, he found his heart tainted by the horror of the world and the knowledge of the darkness lurking beneath it.