
Everything On My Palm

Zerahab, a man frequently haunted by nightmares, finds himself trapped between dream and reality. One night, after an incredibly vivid and terrifying dream, he hears the voice of God bestowing upon him an unexpected mission. God blesses him with extraordinary powers and sends him to a new world called Cosmara. There, Zerahab is granted the ability to create and transform everything with just his words. Initially, Zerahab is bewildered and frightened by his newfound power. Every word he speaks brings about drastic changes in Cosmara. From a black-and-white field of flowers transforming into vibrant colors to mute creatures suddenly able to speak and dance with joy. However, this miracle also brings great responsibility that he must face. In Cosmara, Zerahab meets Verdantus, a wise, ancient tree and the only creature that could speak before his arrival. Verdantus explains that Zerahab is the long-awaited God of Cosmara. With his presence, the once desolate and silent world of Cosmara is now a place filled with color and life. Zerahab's journey in Cosmara is not without challenges. He must learn to use his power wisely, confront his own fears and doubts, and understand the essence of hope and balance. Throughout this journey, Zerahab realizes that true change does not only occur in the physical world but also in the hearts and souls of the creatures around him.

KADDRTheWriter · Fantaisie
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9 Chs

Full Moon Mission: Fighting Darkness At Food Talk

Zerahab felt awkward with the welcoming that was filled with so much reverence. He immediately tried to calm the food creatures who were still prostrating before him.

"Thank you very much for this warm welcome," he said with a soft yet firm voice. "Please, rise. You don't need to prostrate like this."

The food creatures began to rise, looking at Zerahab with deep respect. Smiles began to appear on their faces, and the atmosphere became more relaxed.

"We are very pleased with this welcome," Zerahab continued. "And we will gladly taste all the delicious dishes you serve. But there is one important thing that brought us to Food Talk. I came to find a wizard who can make food that can strengthen my memory."

The inhabitants of Food Talk looked at each other, their faces turning serious. A baguette-shaped creature stepped forward and spoke with a concerned tone.

"God Cosmara, we deeply respect you and want to help as best we can. However, there is some bad news," he said. "The wizard you are looking for has disappeared along with the darkness that has enveloped Cosmara since Vortemar's arrival. That darkness has brought chaos and fear, and our wizard is one of many creatures who have disappeared since then."

Zerahab felt deep disappointment. He looked at his friends, hoping to gain encouragement from them. Verdantus, the wise old tree, stepped forward and placed his hand on Zerahab's shoulder.

"It's okay, Zerahab," Verdantus said calmly. "We have come this far and received a lot of new information. We will find another way to solve your problem. What matters now is that we remain united and continue to fight against Vortemar."

Tochtli also approached, gently patting Zerahab's shoulder. "Verdantus is right. Let's enjoy this welcome and feast to our heart's content. Perhaps, in our conversation with the inhabitants here, we will find new clues about the whereabouts of that wizard or other ways to help restore your memory."

Zerahab nodded slowly, trying to find the wisdom in this situation. "You're right," he finally said. "Thank you for your support. Let's enjoy this food and talk to the inhabitants. Maybe we can get more information and find a way out."

The food creatures began to smile again, nodding in agreement with Zerahab's decision. They began to serve various delicious dishes they had prepared, and the atmosphere became warmer and full of hope.

While enjoying the food, Zerahab and his friends talked with the inhabitants of Food Talk, listening to their stories about the past, the darkness that came with Vortemar, and their hopes for the future. Although their journey was still long and full of challenges, that evening in Food Talk, they found new strength in unity and the belief that they could overcome any obstacles.

After enjoying the delicious meal and mingling with the inhabitants of Food Talk for some time, Zerahab felt it was time to gather more information about the missing wizard. He approached the baguette-shaped creature who had spoken to him earlier.

"Could you tell me who has gone missing in Food Talk since Vortemar's arrival?" Zerahab asked hopefully.

The baguette creature nodded and said, "Of course, God Cosmara. I will give you a list of the names of the missing inhabitants." He took a small scroll from his pocket and handed it to Zerahab. The scroll contained a long list of names of missing inhabitants, including the name of the wizard he was looking for.

As Zerahab was studying the list, a little muffin-shaped child with big, teary eyes ran up to him. The child was crying and knelt before Zerahab, his voice sounding desperate.

"Please, God Cosmara, bring back my father!" he pleaded, his sobs growing louder. "My father is the missing wizard. I'm sure he's still alive, but he's turned into a monster."

Zerahab knelt before the child, trying to comfort him. "Calm down, tell me everything. What actually happened?"

The muffin child wiped his tears and began to tell his story. "The night when the darkness came, I saw something outside my window. Glowing red eyes peered from the darkness. When I looked closer, I realized it was my father. But... he turned into a monster when the full moon rose."

The inhabitants of Food Talk who heard the story exchanged serious and concerned looks. One of them, a dignified parmesan cheese, stepped forward and spoke.

"What this child says is true," said the parmesan cheese with a heavy voice. "We have seen that monster every full moon. The monster roams at night and devours our people. Many of us have gone missing because of the monster's attacks."

Zerahab sighed deeply, trying to digest all this information. "If that's the case, we need to find a way to restore your father to his original form and stop the monster," he said firmly. "But first, we need to learn more about the darkness that envelops Cosmara and how to confront it."

Verdantus, the wise old tree, stepped forward and placed his hand on Zerahab's shoulder. "We need to work together with the inhabitants of Food Talk because tomorrow night the full moon will appear."

"How fortunate! Alright, tonight we'll stay in Food Talk, and tomorrow morning we'll make a plan. Are you ready to help me, the inhabitants of Food Talk?!!" Zerahab shouted enthusiastically. Perhaps the evening meal had given him a lot of energy.

Equally enthusiastic, the inhabitants of Food Talk united with loud voices, "We are ready to help God Cosmara!!!"

"We are ready to help God Cosmara!!!"

"We are ready to help God Cosmara!!!"

Their voices echoed throughout the corners of Food Talk. Their voices gave strength and hope to slowly but surely restore Cosmara. Zerahab felt the full support of the inhabitants of Food Talk, as if giving him strength flowing through his entire body.

Tochtli also approached the muffin child and said gently, "We will do everything we can to help your father. We will make a plan and find a way to restore him to his original form."

With new spirit and determination, Zerahab and his friends decided to make a plan. That night, after Zerahab and the inhabitants of Food Talk were determined to make a plan to turn the monster back into the wizard and the muffin father, Zerahab rested inside Verdantus's tree house. While Tochtli slept with Merathor, the red dragon.


"Ah, not this dream again!"

Zerahab, who had no intention of sleeping and was lost in thought about the plan for the next day, ended up falling asleep because his head was too tired from thinking. As he drifted off, his dream took him into a world of darkness and fear.

"Please! Anyone, free me, sob sob..." The crying voice trembled, faintly heard in the distance.

Zerahab approached the source of the sound, "Who's there?" he asked.

However, as he found the source of the voice, the figure screamed and growled in fear, "Aaaaaaaaa…. Argh Grrrrrrrrrr." Zerahab watched as the figure transformed into a monster under the light of the full moon.

"Grrrrrr rawr aum aum aum," the monster ran around, looking for prey, kidnapping, and devouring the inhabitants of Food Talk. "Forgive me sob sob," the monster said silently each time it pounced on one of the inhabitants.

"Please help me, this is not me."

"I don't want to be like this."

"Please free me!"

"I don't want to kill."

"Forgive me."

"Anyone, stop me! Just kill me!"

"A monster like me deserves to die."

In the dream, Zerahab saw that the soul behind the monster's body was crying and screaming for help to be released from the curse of darkness that enveloped it. Zerahab could feel the desperation and sadness in the depths of the monster's heart.

"I don't want to hurt anyone anymore, I will kill myself," the soul said.

"Don't say that, it's not your fault! I will find a way to save you." In the dream, Zerahab's hand tried to reach the figure behind the monster. But a bright light shone on him and... "Ahhh"

"Huh... huh... huh..." he gasped for breath.

The dream made Zerahab wake up from his sleep with tears flooding his face. He sat on his bed, panting and sweating. However, the events in the dream strengthened his resolve. With determination, he said to himself, "This mission must succeed, whatever happens!"

With renewed spirit, Zerahab rose from his bed and prepared to face the coming day. The dream that shook him gave him extra strength to fight the darkness and save the cursed wizard.


As dawn broke, Zerahab and his friends hurried to the center of Food Talk. There, the inhabitants had gathered. "People of Food Talk," called Zerahab, "I need your help. Tonight, we will carry out a plan to restore the wizard."

The inhabitants cheered with enthusiasm and excitement. They jumped for joy, some of them even hugged each other. The cheers echoed throughout Food Talk, showing their support and determination to carry out the plan. Some raised their hands high, shaking their heads with wide smiles, and some clapped loudly. Their cheers not only showed agreement but also confidence and belief that they could overcome the challenges ahead.

"This is the plan, please quietly monitor the arrival of the monster tonight. Tochtli and Merathor will fly and monitor the situation from the sky. Meanwhile, I will be at the highest point to observe the arrival of the monster. Where is the highest place in Food Talk?" Zerahab asked.

The authoritative parmesan cheese answered, "The highest place is the Crystal Sugar Tower in the city center. From there, you can see the entire area."

Zerahab nodded. "Tonight, I will go to the Crystal Sugar Tower to keep watch. But I need someone willing to be bait and lead the monster to me."

The muffin child approached Zerahab with determined eyes. "God Cosmara, allow me to be the bait. I can bring my father, who has turned into the monster, to you because I am the one who knows that my father has turned into a monster, and I am the one who wants this plan to succeed the most so that my father can return." The muffin child's eyes were teary, pleading with Zerahab.

Zerahab was taken aback. He could see hope, sadness, and the fear of loss in the muffin child's eyes. "Are you absolutely sure? This is dangerous," Zerahab reminded the child.

"Sure! I will fight," the Muffin Child replied with full confidence. Zerahab saw the unwavering determination of the muffin child, then he nodded slowly. "Alright, but you must be very careful. I will be in the Crystal Sugar Tower, ready to protect you."

That night, Food Talk was engulfed in thick darkness, illuminated only by the pale light of the full moon hanging in the sky. The full moon shone brightly, emitting a silver light that illuminated the entire city, creating long and eerie shadows on the ground. The night air felt cold and silent, with only occasional sounds of the wind sweeping the leaves and shaking the tree branches.

The night sky was a deep, almost black, shade of dark blue, with stars twinkling in the distance but dimmed by the bright moonlight. Thin clouds moved slowly across the sky, sometimes covering the moon and making the atmosphere even more tense. The moonlight reflected on the food buildings, making them look strange and captivating in the night's shadow. Shiny brown walls, glittering cheddar cheese roofs, and crystal sugar windows softly glowed under the moonlight. The chocolate sauce fountain in the middle of the city looked dark and mysterious, reflecting the moonlight brilliantly.

The inhabitants of Food Talk whispered anxiously, feeling the tension in the air. They stood guard in dark corners, peering from behind windows and doors, waiting for the arrival of the monster that always appeared during the full moon. In the air, Tochtli and Merathor floated calmly, their eyes sharp, observing every suspicious movement.

Amidst the ominous silence, there was a faint glimmer of hope, reflected in the bright moonlight. That night, they knew, was the night that would change their fate and bring them closer to victory against the darkness.

"Daddy? Daddy, is that you?"

The glowing red eyes stared sharply, with saliva dripping from its mouth ready to pounce on anyone that night.