
Everything On My Palm

Zerahab, a man frequently haunted by nightmares, finds himself trapped between dream and reality. One night, after an incredibly vivid and terrifying dream, he hears the voice of God bestowing upon him an unexpected mission. God blesses him with extraordinary powers and sends him to a new world called Cosmara. There, Zerahab is granted the ability to create and transform everything with just his words. Initially, Zerahab is bewildered and frightened by his newfound power. Every word he speaks brings about drastic changes in Cosmara. From a black-and-white field of flowers transforming into vibrant colors to mute creatures suddenly able to speak and dance with joy. However, this miracle also brings great responsibility that he must face. In Cosmara, Zerahab meets Verdantus, a wise, ancient tree and the only creature that could speak before his arrival. Verdantus explains that Zerahab is the long-awaited God of Cosmara. With his presence, the once desolate and silent world of Cosmara is now a place filled with color and life. Zerahab's journey in Cosmara is not without challenges. He must learn to use his power wisely, confront his own fears and doubts, and understand the essence of hope and balance. Throughout this journey, Zerahab realizes that true change does not only occur in the physical world but also in the hearts and souls of the creatures around him.

KADDRTheWriter · Fantaisie
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9 Chs

Full Moon Mission: Darkness Vs Hope

In the main square, the heart of Food Talk, a large bonfire blazed, radiating warm golden light over the gathered crowd. The fire crackled and danced, its glow reflecting in the eyes of the assembled creatures, transforming their faces into masks of steadfast courage. The air was filled with the aroma of various foods—savory, sweet, and spicy—adding to the spirited atmosphere.

The residents of Food Talk, a colorful array of food creatures, gathered in tightly-knit groups, their voices rising in a chorus of enthusiasm and solidarity. Bread and pastry inhabitants, with their tough exteriors and soft interiors, shared stories of past victories and inspiring legends. Cheese inhabitants, robust and bold, exchanged strategies and bolstered each other's spirits with hearty laughter and firm handshakes.

In one corner, a group of vibrant vegetable creatures, with their bright leaves and vivid colors, prepared emergency weapons from kitchen utensils and garden tools. Their eyes gleamed with strong resolve as they tested their strength and practiced war cries. Nearby, fruit inhabitants with shiny, colorful skins offered words of comfort and wisdom, their sweet aroma blending with the joyous air.

Little Muffin, who bravely volunteered as bait, stood proudly before Zerahab, his small form radiating great inner strength. His eyes, a mix of fear and determination, met Zerahab's with unshakable steadfastness. Zerahab placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder, and the crowd cheered, their voices merging into a powerful roar of support.

Zerahab stood before them, his presence exuding confidence and strength. Beside him, Verdantus, the wise old tree, stood tall and impressive, its leaves rustling with a soothing sound. Tochtli and Merathor floated above, their eyes scanning vigilantly, ready to move at a moment's notice.

"Let us prepare! The full moon will be visible shortly. Do not lose hope; victory will surely favor Food Talk!" Zerahab exclaimed.

"For Lord Cosmaraaa!" the entire population of Food Talk replied with fervor.

"For Lord Cosmaraaa!"

"For Lord Cosmaraaa!"

The atmosphere of fiery enthusiasm felt so strong as Zerahab, the residents of Food Talk, and their allies prepared to face the crucial night. The city, usually filled with the aroma of freshly baked bread and sweet cakes, now teemed with purpose and genuine determination.

A large banner woven from wheat stalks and colorful fruit skins hung above the square, proclaiming: "Together We Fight Against Darkness!" The banner fluttered in the wind, a symbol of their collective resolve. Inspired by the banner and the presence of their leaders, the crowd began chanting in unison, their voices growing louder with each repetition.

"We are Food Talk! We are strong! We fight for our home! We fight for each other!"

The shouts echoed through the streets and alleyways, rebounding off sugar-coated walls and caramel stone, creating a symphony of determination that filled every corner of the city. Even the youngest and smallest residents joined in, their voices adding a powerful crescendo.

As the night grew darker and the moon rose higher in the sky, the energy in Food Talk reached its peak. The air buzzed with anticipation and excitement, the bonfire burning brighter as if mirroring the spirits of the brave inhabitants. They knew tonight would test their courage and unity, but they also knew that together, they could face any challenge.

With a final rallying cry led by Zerahab, the residents of Food Talk moved forward, their hearts ablaze with determination and hope. They were ready to confront the darkness, reclaim their home, and bring back the light to Cosmara.




That night, they began to execute their plan. The residents of Food Talk hid in strategic locations, keeping watch for the approaching monsters from various angles. Tochtli and Merathor flew high in the sky, signaling if they spotted anything suspicious.

Slowly, on the eastern horizon, a soft glow began to radiate, signaling the appearance of the moon. The light grew brighter, illuminating the dark night sky. The full moon gracefully ascended, casting its enchanting silver glow. Its bright light enveloped all of Food Talk, creating long, mysterious shadows on the ground. As the moon reached its zenith, its light became stronger and clearer. Soon after, the sound of heavy footsteps echoed in the distance.

With a voice trembling with fear and filled with apprehension, Little Muffin called out for his father. "Father? Father, is that you?" His voice was hoarse and trembling, reflecting deep-seated anxiety and fear. Every word that escaped his lips felt heavy and filled with almost desperate hope.

"DAD!!! Please, it's me, your child!" he cried again, louder this time but still filled with fear. His cries echoed among the food buildings, creating a chilling echo. Tears streamed down his face, wetting his soft cheeks, his small hands trembling as he fought to hold back sobs.

When the glowing red eyes emerged from the shadows, Little Muffin's gaze turned to panic. "Father, please no! I'm scared!" His cries grew louder, pleading for mercy from the monster that was once his father. The sounds of heavy breathing and the clanking of chains echoed in the distance, adding to the ominous rhythm.

Under the bright light of the full moon, the monster emerged from the shadows, emitting a growl that sent shivers down the spine. Its large, muscular body moved swiftly and ferociously, its steps causing the ground to tremble with each massive claw hitting the pavement.

Little Muffin, with tear-filled eyes and a face reflecting both fear and determination, stumbled as he ran away from the pursuing monster. His small legs strained to keep moving despite his exhaustion. Every time he glanced back, he could see his father, now transformed into a monster, drawing closer at a terrifying speed.

"Father, I'm here!" Little Muffin cried out with a trembling voice, trying to lead the monster towards the Crystal Sugar Tower. Each cry and sob from Little Muffin shook the hearts of all the Food Talk residents who heard them. They could feel the fear and helplessness that the child was experiencing. The monster responded with a roar of anger, its glowing red eyes focusing on Little Muffin. Its terrifying speed made it look like a dark shadow darting among the buildings.

Little Muffin ran with all his might, his breath ragged, but he didn't stop. He knew that only by leading the monster to Zerahab could his father possibly be saved. As they approached the Crystal Sugar Tower, the sound of the monster's footsteps grew louder, like an approaching storm.

"Lord Zerahab! They're almost here!" Tochtli shouted from the sky, flying alongside Merathor.

The residents of Food Talk signaled to Zerahab using spotlights to guide him on the path he needed to take to lead the monster chasing Little Muffin.

Little Muffin continued to run, his body nearly giving out. Suddenly, the monster leaped with claws raised, trying to strike him. However, with his last ounce of strength, Little Muffin jumped aside, evading the monster's attack. The monster landed heavily, smashing part of the road beneath it. With extraordinary courage, Little Muffin got up and ran towards the Crystal Sugar Tower, where Zerahab awaited with his plan.

Atop the Crystal Sugar Tower, Zerahab looked down with determined eyes, ready to confront the monster and save Little Muffin's father from the terrifying curse.

However, as they reached the base of the tower, Little Muffin fell to his knees, exhausted and panting, while the monster emitted a terrifying roar, preparing for its next attack. Zerahab, seeing the critical situation, ran with all his might. He leaped between the monster and Little Muffin, pulling the child into his embrace just in time.

"I hope this monster returns to its former self!" Zerahab shouted loudly.

Whoosh! The wind blew strongly, flipping the wet hair and clothes of Little Muffin, drenched in sweat and tears. The monster began to glow brightly under the light of the full moon that illuminated Food Talk. The moonlight reflected off its large and frightening body, casting shimmering colors before slowly fading away.

The transformation was not instant. Slowly, the fierce shadow of the monster turned into a more human-like figure. Its sharp claws became gentle fingers. Its eyes, once glowing with anger, turned into eyes full of love and compassion. Its large body shrank back into the recognizable form of a father to Little Muffin.

"Uhm a ... human?" Zerahab said puzzled by the heart because they saw a human with his character that was with them in Food Talk.

Little Muffin cried tears of joy at this miraculous transformation. He ran to embrace his father, who had returned from the darkness of the curse, holding him tightly. Tears of happiness flowed freely from his eyes, filled with gratitude. His father, now back in his human form, returned the embrace with love and relief.

The residents of Food Talk who witnessed the scene emerged from their hiding places. They rushed towards Little Muffin and his father, greeting them with cheers and thunderous applause. Happy smiles adorned their faces, celebrating this great success.

That night, the atmosphere in Food Talk was filled with joy and mixed emotions. They had successfully overcome the looming darkness, proving that unity and strong determination could conquer any obstacle. Embracing each other and laughing joyfully, they celebrated their victory over darkness, while expressing gratitude to Zerahab and his friends who had brought about significant change for them all.

Although questions now lingered in Zerahab's mind about the human-like figure that turned out to be the same as him, Zerahab smiled with relief, proud of their collective effort.

"Our cooperation has paid off. Now we know that with courage and determination, we can overcome any challenge."