
Cap 12

POV Sayu

Since I was little, my mother always hated me and was never by my side, I never understood why, until I mentioned that it was my fault that I was alone, I demanded an explanation, and she said that thanks to me, my father abandoned us . That fact depressed me for a while, I was a little girl, knowing that I destroyed my parents' life, it destroyed me.

Time moved on and I did not make friends, I tried to get away from everyone with a low profile, I did not want to ruin more life, or have problems with my mother.

Until I met a friend, the first one I had, each day was full of fun and joys, until one day, she did not appear as she always did, and with each passing day, she disappeared more and more.

That fact annoyed me, so I decided to see what happened, and I found out, my dear friend was constantly being harassed, they beat her, they hid her belongings, they threw ice water in the bathroom and took nude photos of her.

She suffered and I didn't realize it, by the time I noticed her problems, it was too late.

I should have done more for her, unfortunately, when I wanted to help her, she was already broken like a doll, she couldn't take any more harassment and I made the decision to end it all, she launched herself from the roof of our high school and be suicidal, try to stop her, I did not make it, as always I was too late.

Before leaving, she told me to never stop smiling.

I tried to fulfill that promise, but I could not always, one day I could no longer bear the insults of my mother, and I started from my home, I could not live longer with her, every day I wanted to die and cry, I did not want to break my promise with her.

And I kept smiling, as she escaped and sought refuge.

A week later, I had no food, I had to steal a bottle of water so as not to die of thirst, and my clothes ... they stunk, they were dirty and worn. Hopefully, I managed to get some coins to wash it, although I had to be in my underwear while that happened, it was good that no one saw me.

With clean clothes, I made a decision, I would seduce a man, a handsome and wealthy one, I would sell my body for a better life, it was the only way not to starve, and to have clean clothes, in addition to a home, I hated to sleep in the street, it was very cold.

I walked the parquet looking for the most suitable man, the bad, many old perverts gave me scary looks, * brrrrrr *, it gave me a chill on my back just thinking of sleeping with one of them, I had my limits and principles ! Besides ... I hated the idea of ​​having to sell myself, but I had no choice, I couldn't go home.

I continued walking, looking around the place, looking for the best possible man, until I saw him, sitting on a wooden bench, there he was, tall, black hair and with good quality clothes, but that was not what I call my previous .

It was something else, a hunch, something inside me told me, go with him! Make it yours and you can be happy, maybe it was love at first sight, I don't know, I have no experience in love.

Even so, I followed my hunch, my body forced me to move, I lifted my skirt a little so that he could see my panties, and I went to seduce him.

Although, I never thought that the opposite would happen, and the one who would fall into the honey trap, would be me.

At first he ignored me, my pride as a woman took a bit of damage for that, I am beautiful, and I know that men want me.

I didn't give up, I spoke until he answered.

He took me to eat at a very luxurious restaurant, with that I knew I was very wealthy, but that did not matter at that time, I had not eaten for a week, the only thing on my mind was the food served in front of me, I never tried anything before so delicious.

After we ate, we talked a little, slowly my heart opened, and from one moment to another, I started crying in his chest as he counted all my problems. He didn't complain, instead, he hugged me and stroked my hair, like a loving father taking care of his daughter, like the one I never had.

My heart felt an enormous warmth, breaking the ice that gathered through the years, now, all my problems disappeared.

After the meal, we went to his house, and one thing led to another, we ended up in the same bed, he told me several times that he loved me, and so did I, but ... I don't know if it's true, we just met Like I said, I have no experience in love.

That yes, I like him a lot, while he is at his house, I will help him as much as I can, I just hope he does not get bored with me, and he kicks me out of the house, but if that day comes, I will leave without disturbing him, It has already helped me enough to screw up his life.

And that's my story.

The next day, the sun hit my face, I covered my eyes with my hand from the sun, apparently it was morning, I slept like an angel, it has been a long time since I rested in such a soft and comfortable bed.

I rolled over in bed and tossed the sheets on the floor.

- "aaaaah" I yawn audibly, I still have some sleep.

I got up and stretched my arms, fixed a little my hair that covered my face, and slapped my butt with both hands, I was still a bit sleepy, that's why, nothing better than a slap to wake up ..., my mother taught me .

After a few seconds, I noticed that I had no clothes, I slept totally naked, and Arthur, I was not anywhere, but I was not scared, the smell of food filled my nostrils, most likely he is preparing breakfast.

The last person who made me food was my brother, that was a long time ago ... I hardly ever saw him, he cares more about the company than I do ... it doesn't matter.

I shook my head, and yelled for encouragement:

- "Don't get depressed so early Sayu!"

I took the sheets and covered my body, they barely covered my legs, and my breasts, I looked at the mirror in the room, and wow, I look very beautiful and perverted, I think that if I go down like this, I will fall in love once and for all .

I ran down the stairs, careful not to fall, I went straight to the kitchen, and what I found, the problem, I was not alone! A woman accompanied him, silver hair, blue eyes, her eyes seemed to be half closed, how does she see with her eyes closed ?, a mystery.

She is a very beautiful woman, and not to mention her breasts, they are huge! I have never seen such a curvy woman before, except for Miko's mother, oh, of course, you don't know, Miko Yotsuya was a classmate, we went together In elementary school, I never spoke to her, but her mother caught my attention.

She was a very affectionate woman with her daughter Miko, she always went to elementary school to look for her and stroked her head, they went hand in hand, sometimes she looked at Miko and wanted to change places, a childhood dream.

- "aaaah, it doesn't matter anymore" I sighed tiredly.

And why does he grab her breasts, and because she doesn't say anything, she even began to sweat, and tremble, is he intimidating her? I don't think, besides, who is she? How do I get into the house? be a thief.

POV third person

Sayu adjusted the sheet, so as not to look like an exhibitionist, and coughed a little to get attention.

- "Cough, cough." It didn't work, the couple didn't take their eyes off each other, so I called out to them - "A-Arthur!"

Arthur looked in the direction of the voice, and smiled, still clutching the girl's chest, which was pressed against the wall.

- "Oh Sayu, this is Tsuki Uzaki, she takes care of the house, she kept it clean while I was gone." Arthur said without flinching, as if the whole scene was so normal.

Tsuki, a 30 year old milf, looked at Sayu and smiled nervously, Sayu gave a slight bow in greeting.

- "Yes, yes ..., h-hello Mrs. Tsuki, I'm Sayu ogiwara, a pleasure to meet you and thank you for taking care of the house"

She was an older woman, so Sayu was respectful when calling her.

- "H-hello, it's a pleasure, W-well I have to go home, so ..."

Tsuki was sweating and shaking, she was trying to look away from Arthur, she was very scared to look at him, also, it gave her a sense of respect that almost forced her to bow down and call him Dana-sama.

Even though Arthur was a minor, Tsuki couldn't erase from her head the idea that Arthur was like an experienced old man. One who was in war and politics at the same time.

- "So, I won't interrupt you anymore, I hope to see you again, and don't forget to bring your daughters, I look forward to meeting them, something tells me that they are as beautiful as you"

Tsuki looked at the ground, to prevent them from seeing how flushed she was, they didn't tell her for a long time that she was cute, her husband was an idiot in that sense, all she did was work and she barely had time for her. On second thought ... this sounds like NTR history, a boring housewife, an idiotic husband who only knows how to work, and a handsome young man, who is also the boss of the boring wife.

An obvious cliche.

- "Y-yes, thanks for everything"

Tsuki nodded, and left, she never looked back, she left with her head bowed, like a servant who does not want to disturb her master, Tsuki did not know it yet, but soon, she would find that the fear that invaded her body, would turn very pleasant.

Arthur walked over to Sayu and slapped her butt hard.

- "Aahh! It hurt!" Sayu complained, puffing out her cheeks.

- "Sit down, it's time for breakfast, I also have to explain your obligations." Arthur said, in a good mood, his day improved every moment, he survived his death, and now he found one of his favorite Milf, he wondered if the heavens blessed him with divine luck.

Sayu stroked her butt, and sat down, she had many questions in mind, but first, she would eat, she was very hungry due to the night army.

Now, the question is, how did Arthur survive? For that, let's go back a few hours.

Featured Characters

Tsuki Uzaki from Uzaki-chan wa Asobitai!

Miko Yotsuya from Mieruko-chan!