
Everything from my perspective

My name is Yuna. I am a simple girl with a simple dream, a simple life, for me everything is simple, but I have big problems. Nobody wants to let me follow my dream ... how cruel ... It all starts with high school, then continues ... It's as if fate wants to laugh at me all the time ... "What's wrong with my dream?"

Jazmin16 · Urbain
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8 Chs

Chapter 7 - My hero ?

The hour is over, and I couldn't move.

What was I going to do?

I have problems if I win and if I lose ...

I can't avoid the contest anymore, but .... I don't want to draw attention ...

What should I do ..?

What to do..?

What to do ..?

Yuna looked at the bank insistently as if she could answer. She was so deep in her thoughts running various scenes that she didn't notice the group around her ...

Suddenly ...


A boy punched the bench that Yuna was staring at.

She was visibly startled.

What the hell do they want now ?

-You are good at writing, but you are a great Madonna! You don't want to enter the contest because you know you will lose!

Not .

It's the other way around.

I'm afraid I'll win easily, and then I won't be able to get rid of you or the teachers ...

An idea just came to him ...

-You're right.

-Here you go ?

-It's like you said. I think I'll lose, so I don't want to make fun of myself.

-As I said ...

-Wait a minute.

Yuna froze.

The boy on the roof walked over to them.

He had his hands in his pockets, his gracefully ruffled black hair, his green eyes ...

Alas, he is more beautiful up close !

What the hell ?

What are you thinking, Yuna?

What did he want?

She had a serious, bored face, but the atmosphere was changing. Everyone seemed amazed that he was approaching, at the same time happy.

Looks like it was popular.

He stopped in front of my bench and began to look at me. My heart began to pound ...

What's going on?

Who's this?

The boy opened his mouth and said,

-What do you mean by 'I think I'll lose'?

What the?

What do you mean?

Why does he get involved?

Not !

Awakening Yuna !

-What do you want to say ?

-Why do you think you'll lose?

Here you go ?

- Obviously, because I'm not that good at writing.

Her heart ached as she said these words, and her voice was a little disfigured, but there was no one around who could tell.

- Ooo. I understand. So you think the teacher is stupid? She wouldn't lie. If you are good at literature, but you pretend to be stupid, you despise everyone who wants to be really good. Don't you think that would also be disrespectful to books, authors and book lovers?

What is this guy talking about ?

- Yes !

- It wouldn't be right for us !

- If the teacher said you were good, you will participate !

Everyone was looking for the new boy. Apparently he was much admired in class.

Not !!!

My plan!

Who is the guy who ruins my world ?

I was looking with murderous eyes at the new boy.

-Who are you ?

I asked.

He seemed to remember not showing up and said,

-My name is Leo and I'm calling ...hmmm... your hero ! I can't wait to you win the contest.


My hero ?