
Everything from my perspective

My name is Yuna. I am a simple girl with a simple dream, a simple life, for me everything is simple, but I have big problems. Nobody wants to let me follow my dream ... how cruel ... It all starts with high school, then continues ... It's as if fate wants to laugh at me all the time ... "What's wrong with my dream?"

Jazmin16 · Urbain
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8 Chs

Chapter 6 - She is

She was now heading to her bench, which was in the opposite place to me ...

Damn ...

- You haven't finished the presentation!

Yes ...

I was going to forget ...

This is very important ...

What will he answer?

-Tell me your favorite novel from Kyoko's collection!

Yuna looked confused ...

-You see, our whole class is a fan of Kyoko, said the teacher, not just our class, but the whole high school except for a few ....

- If you want to be part of our class, first say your favorite book.

-It shouldn't be hard, since you said you love to read.

-There is no man or woman who has not read at least one of her works.

- So ... say.

Yes .


Yuna hesitated a bit, then thought and said ...

-I ... I like it the most .... 'Alone in the world'.

Another arrow pierced my chest ...

In my mind she was already on a pedestal just because she could become my wife, but now ...

She has the same book preferences as me ...

Oh no ...

And my heart is beating ...

I have to calm down ...

There are many who love that book ...

The author doesn't do it automatically just by loving the same book ...

But now he had a hidden desire for her to be Kyoko ...

- Pfff .

Everyone laughed.

Why ? Did she say something funny?

-That's a depressing book! But it suits you!

Here you go ?!

Depressing ?!

Of course it's a little sad, but it has an ending that I'm struggling to get!

It's the best book!

It changed my life!

I was about to get up and slap him when ...

My gaze slipped from him to Yuna.

What the ?

Her face had a clear expression of anger and hatred towards Shino, because that was he name ...

I was amazed ...

She seemed even angrier than me ...

All my anger dissipated ...

Suddenly Yuna seemed amazed ..

I think she realized that anger had escaped her face ...

She looked worried ...

I looked back so she wouldn't notice that I was watching her ...

But out of the corner of my eye I had seen her exhale with relief ...

She thought no one had noticed ...

But I noticed!

Now she continues to her bench and sits down ...

I wanted to go ask her more ...

I needed to know if she was Kyoko ...

My heart can't stand much anymore ...

Haruto, who is the leader of the football club, went to Yuna ...

-Good. New girl. Give your opinion.

She looked irritated ...

Of course she did ....

If she were Kyoko these situations would be ridiculous ...

But I want to know her answers, I can't help her escape ....

-Get your opinion about Kyoko ! Who do you think he is?

Ooo! That's a great question!

So what will you say Yuna?

I noticed she was getting agitated ...

She froze at the question ...

- What do you mean? she said.

- What kind of girl do you think she is?

- I ...

- Don't ask her. I bet he'll describe a boring person ,she's definitely a cop! said Nami . Who investigates crimes, and secretly writes stories. And I bet she's very beautiful and intelligent ...

- No way ! She is a volleyball player or does a sport. Haven't you seen how well he describes the fight scenes? She is definitely very athletic.

- No way! She is 100% fashion designer. Didn't you read the details of the clothes that describe them? All a hundred luxuries.


I don't want to hear your opinions!

The only one I want to hear is hers!

In addition, he has written about so many topics, from different fields, he can't be a worker at all!

Why is the world full of idiots?

- So?

- What the ?

- What personality do you think she has?


-I think he's a coward.

Coward !

- Why do you think this ?

Is that so ?!

- Because she writes perspectives on the world, highlighting the mistakes of others, but she can't tell the culprit what she thinks in front of her. So write to get rid of guilt.

What the ...

This is true !

I always believed that, but because of her cowardice, I changed ...

That's why I want to help her change too ...

I want a happy ending for the person who changed me!

-That's a negative outlook.

There are no positive perspectives when it comes to people ... Everyone hides something under a smile ...

Greed ...

Hate ...

Envy ...

Even if they smile frumps the loved one, he still has other people who see the darkness in them ..

The most miserable of human are those who have a good opinion of them even though they know they have darkness in their hearts ....

Those who have negative perspectives, but are different ...

They have no hidden purposes ...

They do not bother to hide desire ...

For example Kyoko in her writings says that she wants change, but no one allows it ...

So she asks for help ...

But no one understands her, and those who do it do not help her because it is a lot of work ...

I will help her ...

I will fulfill her wish ...

Only I can do this ....


The bell rang ...

She left the classroom ...

I was following her ....

She was heading towards roof ....

I can't follow her there, but I can from the other building ...

I took big steps towards the stairs that led to the roof other ...

It was a clear day ...

I saw Yuna sitting by the wall with a sandwich and a laptop in her arms ...

I watched her for a while, then ...

She looked at her watch ...

So did I...

There were 5 minutes left ...

What will he do?

Suddenly ...

The girl stretches as if a marathon is coming and ....



She starts typing on the laptop with amazing speed ...

I was speechless ...

The image in front of my eyes was unforgettable ...

As she wrote, even though she was far enough away, I could see her clearly ...

She had an expression of peace ...

'A free smile' ...

That came to my mind when I saw her ...

Suddenly she pressed one last key with satisfaction and closed the laptop ...


The notification appeared that Kyoko wrote the last chapter of the novel started last week ...

Is it a coincidence?

Not .


She is Kyoko!

I'm sure !

There would be too many coincidences!

I found my saving angel!

Don't get rid of me now ....

I was watching her put her laptop in her backpack ...

'Destiny could not leave me separated from her!'

My face was very happy now ...

Like the night I managed to change ...

Suddenly ...

Yuna was looking at me ... I still couldn't erase the satisfaction on face ... The fact that she was looking it was even worse for me ... After a moment when she was confused, she turned and left ...

I have to calm down ...


I breathe and exhale ..

My non-facial expression returned ...

Heart he was banging ....

I was walking towards the classroom with feather steps ...

I enter.

Yuna glances at me curiously ...


She's looking at me!

I thought I was going crazy!



-What the hell?

- You saw ?

- What the ?

- Kyoko posted the last chapter of the novel!

- No ... When?

- 5 minutes ago!

- I'm going to see!


-I love this novel! I wonder what else he will write?

-Maybe with pirates now?

- Not ! It will definitely be another modern novel!

- What you say ? It will be a romantic novel!

- I'll see your bet ?

- What are you talking about?

-It will definitely be a historical fantasy next!

I glance at Yuna ...

She looked bored and irritated ...

She raises the bottle to drink water when ...

-She's sure to write a detective novel,Nami said.

-Why do you think this ?

- Because I know her as a friend, so ...


Yuna had escaped ...

I was very amused ...

No wonder she laughed ...

I was now looking at Yuna who realized what she had done ...

She looked embarrassed ... embarrassment was all over her face ...

The teacher came in ...

Good timing!

- Good . The high school literary competition is coming up!

Everyone's eyes were on the ground.

What a disappointment!

Why is that period again?

-But I have good news!

What the ?

- This year our class has a new element.

They all turned to Yuna.

To give !

If she's Kyoko, she's good at writing, but she probably won't want to participate ...

You can already see the answer on her face ...

- Yuna entered high school with extra grades. 10 per line at all. Plus her composition in literature was great.

Of course !

It's just Kyoko!

- Yuna will participate on behalf of our class ...

- No.

As I thought ...

After a dispute between them the teacher came out victorious, Yuna seemed overly irritated ...

What should I do now?