
Everything from my perspective

My name is Yuna. I am a simple girl with a simple dream, a simple life, for me everything is simple, but I have big problems. Nobody wants to let me follow my dream ... how cruel ... It all starts with high school, then continues ... It's as if fate wants to laugh at me all the time ... "What's wrong with my dream?"

Jazmin16 · Urbain
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8 Chs

Chapter 2 - Why is life so hard ?

And here I am!

I'm standing in front of the school.

My vine will not change.

Change is complicated. Despite the internal emotion, my face is as usual non-expressive.

I'm taking the first step.

High school can't beat me! I've been through so many ...

Second step.

I will never regret what I do. My life will have a new chapter ...

Step Three.

Why do I feel weird? Someone is following me.

She wanted me to look into her eyes, but suddenly a girl appeared in front of me. I've never seen her before ... Suddenly, she put her shoulder behind my head ...

'What's going on?'

My face remained expressionless, but inside I suddenly asked 100 questions. Before I could make another move, the girl detached herself and began:


She exhaled.

- I won !

A group began to laugh. It consisted of girls and a few boys. The girl turned to me.

-Don't you know how to smile?

I looked at her blankly again.

"I knew the time would come when high school students would wonder why they weren't smiling, but I didn't think it would come so fast ...

" Now what? Could I apologize and leave? I don't feel like I could ever get along with this girl ... 'I look up and a soft smile comes out of my face.

It wasn't particularly bright ... it wasn't fake ... it was simple ...

-I know how to smile. Thanks for the warm welcome. I didn't expect to make a friend in the third step. Please excuse me, but I have to get to the director before the bell rings. So goodbye.

' I succeeded !'

With a non-expressive face again, I was walking towards the front door.

'I didn't give them time to fight back. Looks like the girls in high school got their point. '

Yuna was proud of herself. She has just avoided a complicated situation, but the feeling that she is being followed does not stop.

I'm getting irritated.


I am now in front of my class. The teacher, who is a literature teacher, introduces me to the class.

- She is the student who moved here this semester. I hope you help her recover. Come on, show up.

I, who have not wiped the warm smile on my face since I entered the director's office, began:

-My name is Yuna. Sasaki Yuna.

I take a look at my new class.

'Luckily' for me, the girl I met this morning was with me in class. Even though I didn't look like that, I was tense. Ever since I entered the classroom, the look that bothered me today has reappeared.

The class consisted of 30 students, 13 girls and 17 boys. Most of them were in the laughing morning group. Their gaze hid something.

And I remembered that the girls are very vindictive, he certainly prepared something to return what happened today. It was already weird that they approached me like that this morning.

Unfortunately, I think they found out I was moving here and researched me.

'I already know what their revenge will be. How boring. So it will end like in high school. As I thought. I'm glad I don't have to keep that annoying smile on my face too long ... '

-Yuna days your colleagues your passions. Introduce yourself a little more.

'Annoying. I already know we can't be friends, but adults are annoying. They think everything is easy from a children's perspective. Looks like they forgot their youth ... I can be honest anyway. This information won't help them at all ... '

-I don't have much pleasure. I love to read and learn.

-Only that ? For example, your favorite color ... say whatever you like.

'I'm done. Not. I can't say that, I will seem unfriendly... That would bring too many problems ...

My head hurts when I think about it ... do I have to say more? Why is life so hard?'

-My favorite color is white ... hhmm ... I like chocolate ice cream and strawberries ... hm ... I like to draw ... hmm ... I like cats.

I finished with a smile. Then I look at the teacher and say:

-Where's my bank?