
Everything belongs to me!

Alexander Curry, born and raised to be the ideal servant for the Dove family, faces punishment when he defies his master's orders. Forced to donate his eyes for his master's daughter's transplant, as atonement for his disobedience, he vows revenge. [CONGRATULATIONS, MR. ALEXANDER CURRY. THE GODS OF VENGEANCE AND POSSESSIONS HAVE HEARD YOUR CRIES OF DESPAIR AND HAVE GRANTED YOU THE POSSESSION SYSTEM. RICHES, TALENTS, SKILLS, KNOWLEDGE, AND ANYTHING ELSE YOU CAN EVER DREAM OF ARE YOURS FOR THE TAKING.] Empowered by a mysterious system, Alexander sets out to take vengeance by seizing wealth, talent, and everything else from those who wronged him.

South_Ashan · Urbain
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20 Chs


Chapter 19

Allen grimaced.

"What are you talking about? You asked me my name, and I was about to say it, but you cut me off before I could finish. You acted like you knew and were expecting me, so I thought nothing of it because this is my first time visiting my uncle, so in my mind he had told everyone about my coming", Allen said, then looked at his uncle.

"Uncle, what's wrong with your staff? I thought she was good-looking, which is why I wanted to talk to her, but I didn't know she was crazy", Allen said.

Stacy pulled away from Allen, saying "I'm not crazy."

She took a second to regain her bearings and come to terms with the fact that she had made a massive mistake, confusing Allen with Alexander.

Once she had gotten herself, she cleared her throat.

"Anyway, it doesn't matter. What we should focus on is the fact that this bastard came into the store and caused a nuisance when we were expecting a very important customer. I was about to call the police to come pick him up, so I'll just go ahead and do that—" Stacy said, and was about to return to the landline but was stopped.

"Stop!" The manager instructed.

"Why sir?" She asked, her hand on the landline already.

"Have you forgotten that we're expecting to receive a very important customer any moment from now?" The manager asked.

Stacy shook her head.

"No, I haven't, sir," she replied.

"Then what do you think he would say if he came in and saw the police arresting someone? What type of impression do you want to give him? What about our other customers who are here too? Do you want to give them an even worse experience than what has already happened?" The manager asked and Stacy realized the mistake she was about to make.

"You're right sir. Sorry about that. I won't call the police", Stacy said, then let go of the landline and stepped away a bit.

"I wasn't thinking, sir, but I've learned my lesson," she said, then looked at Alexandra.

"But what about him? We can't just allow this bastard to get away with what he just did, can we?" She asked.

The manager looked at Alexander, who had walked up to them. He observed that the young man looked like a reasonable individual.

Minus how rough his clothes and hair were, he didn't look like the person Stacy had described him as. The manager thought.

"Young man, I don't know why you came here, but to prevent escalating this matter any further and involving the police, I would like to kindly ask you to leave the premises," the manager said calmly.

After being chased, Alexander sighed and replied "I guess there's nothing I can do about it. I'll be taking my leave now. I'm sure there are other stores I can get what I'm looking for. It's just unfortunate that I couldn't get it from here after being recommended"

"Good" the manager replied.

Alexander walked over to where he had dropped his package on the floor, then he picked it up and was about to head for the door.

The manager who watched him noticed something very peculiar about the package that drew his attention.

"Young man, hold up for a moment," the manager said.

Alexander turned and looked at the man.

"What is it?" He asked.

Stacy and everyone else also looked curious, wondering why the manager was stopping the young man who they all wanted to be gone.

"That box that's in your hands. It looks very familiar. Can I see the logo on top?" The manager asked.

Alexander looked at the package in his hand, grimaced, then looked at the manager and asked "Why?"

"I'm just curious, is all. If you don't mind, can I see it?" The manager asked.

Alexander, who was already annoyed by everything so far, replied "Well, I'm not moving from this spot. If you want to see it then you'll have to come here and check it yourself."

"Why you!" Stacy exclaimed.

The audacity of such a young man who looked like Alexander to speak to the manager like that, the thought.

"Why don't I go there and slap that arrogant mouth of yours—?" Stacy said, attempting to approach Alexander and do as she said, but the manager gestured that she stop.

"But sir. How can you allow that bastard to talk to you the way he just did?" She asked.

"I'm the one who told him to stop after telling him to leave, so I can expect such a response. Anyway, I'll just check what I want to see", the manager said, then walked to Alexander.

The moment he got close enough, his eyebrows furrowed, then widened when he saw the logo.

"If I'm not mistaken, isn't that the Gustav Emporium logo?" The manager asked.

Alexander shrugged and said "Obviously. I mean, the name is right under the logo, so why ask what you can already see?"

The manager blinked rapidly as he pondered.

"You're just coming from the Gustav Emporium. But everything over there is expensive and this is the package they put all of their most expensive things in. Umm, excuse me young man, but are you delivering this to someone?" The manager asked.

".." Alexander said nothing back. He only frowned and twitched his nose.

He had been insulted and attacked just for coming into the store, and so, he felt disgusted to even stand there.

"I want to confirm something, so please answer the question," the manager said.

"Sir, why are you begging that bastard?! Just chase him out right now—" Stacy said, but was interrupted.

"Just shut up, Stacy! I'm trying to do something, and you keep interrupting me!" The manager yelled.

Witnessing the exchange between the two, Alexander's eyes widened with surprise. He didn't think the man would talk to his employee like that, but he kind of enjoyed it.

He finally replied "I'm not delivering this to anybody. It's mine. I just bought it from the Gustav Emporium and I came here directly after."

The manager gulped "Umm, if you don't mind me asking, what did you come to do in this shop?"

"I came here to get a watch. After I bought this suit, the lady at the Gustav Emporium recommended this place and told me that you guys would help me find a wristwatch that'll fit it perfectly, but I guess she was wrong."

The manager cleared his throat. He was becoming nervous the more Alexander revealed.

"If you don't mind me asking, what's the name of the lady that recommended this shop?" The manager asked.

"Her name was Laura. Honestly, her service was much better than what I received here", Alexander replied.

The manager was starting to pant little by little.

"One final question, if you don't mind. Please, what is your first and last name?" He asked, looking at Alexander's cold and emotionless eyes.

"It's Alexander's Curry," Alexander said.

Immediately, the manager's knees trembled. He almost fell but managed to catch himself.

His entire body was trembling when he realized who was standing in front of him.

"Stacy, come over here!" the manager instructed.

"Okay sir," Stacy said, then walked over to where Alexander and the manager were.

She glared at Alexander and rolled her eyes, then looked at the manager.

"I'm here sir. What do you want me to do for you? Have you finally decided to call the police on this bastard? That's good news if you have. I'll go make the call right—" Stacy said, but out of nowhere, the manager grabbed and pulled her ponytail.

"Sir? What are you doing? Ouch, let go! You're hurting me—" She complained but wasn't able to finish when a powerful, wide-handed slap landed on her face.

Shocked at what just happened, Stacy could only look at the manager, speechless.

She tasted blood, then touched her mouth and saw that there actually was blood on it.

"Sir, why did you do that—?" Stacy asked, but the manager punched her in the stomach, and she fell to the ground.

"You stupid bitch! What the hell have you done?!" The manager yelled.

Grunting and grimacing in pain as she held her stomach, Stacy looked at the manager and cried "What did I do sir? I haven't done anything, so why did you attack me?"

"You haven't done anything? Is that what you think, you fool? Do you know who this person is?" The manager asked, pointing at Alexander.

Stacy looked at Alexander, and then she looked back at the manager.

"Him? He's the hooligan I've already told you about? Have you forgotten everything I said—" Stacy said but was cut off.

"Shut your mouth, you idiot! This person you've insulted is the one we've been waiting for. This is Alexander Curry!" The manager yelled and immediately all the salespeople, including Stacy, gasped.

She looked at Alexander and she couldn't say anything. She had completely messed up.