
Everything belongs to me!

Alexander Curry, born and raised to be the ideal servant for the Dove family, faces punishment when he defies his master's orders. Forced to donate his eyes for his master's daughter's transplant, as atonement for his disobedience, he vows revenge. [CONGRATULATIONS, MR. ALEXANDER CURRY. THE GODS OF VENGEANCE AND POSSESSIONS HAVE HEARD YOUR CRIES OF DESPAIR AND HAVE GRANTED YOU THE POSSESSION SYSTEM. RICHES, TALENTS, SKILLS, KNOWLEDGE, AND ANYTHING ELSE YOU CAN EVER DREAM OF ARE YOURS FOR THE TAKING.] Empowered by a mysterious system, Alexander sets out to take vengeance by seizing wealth, talent, and everything else from those who wronged him.

South_Ashan · Urbain
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20 Chs


Just like at the Gustav Emporium, both men came out of the car and headed into the jewelry store. This time, however, Alexander was the one who told the driver to come with him because he didn't want to leave the man alone and risk him driving away to avoid carrying out his part of the deal.

Not that it mattered now that Alexander had been given the new clause feature in his system.

Because of how powerful the system was, no matter where the driver goes to hide from taking up his side of the deal, Alexander could still take whatever possession he wanted from him.

With that assurance, Alexander only told the driver once to go into the jewelry shop with him and the man did as told. The reason for this is that now that the man knew just how rich Alexander was, and money also equating to power, the driver felt powerless to challenge Alexander.

Alexander had completely conquered the driver, and he didn't even have to do much except spend his own money to buy something he wanted. The system had really changed his life for the better.

Alexander took the package with him into the shop because he needed to show the suit to whoever attended to him so that they'd help him find a watch that would match it perfectly.

Once in, Alexander did a little survey of the area. He noticed that, minus the workers behind the display glass, there were a small number of people in there, all customers, and they all wore relatively expensive clothes.

Alexander and the driver stuck out like a sore thumb the moment they walked in. However, between the two of them, it was mostly Alexander, because of how he looked.

He really needed to change into the suit as quickly as possible.

Alexander walked over to the closest salesperson he could find. A beautiful woman with blonde hair and red lipstick.

"Excuse me, but I would like to buy a wristwatch for a special event. Can you show me your collection, so I know which to choose?" Alexander said.

The sales lady looked at him, saw how rough he was, then she chuckled, rolled her eyes, and looked away.

Because the store works based on commission, the higher the number and the more expensive the jewelry a salesperson sells, the more they earn, and so after seeing Alexander, she judged that he wasn't worth her time.

Instead, she focused on the other customers who were looking around. She and her other coworkers competed for who could sell the most.

Confused whether she didn't hear or understand him, Alexander cleared his throat to get her attention.

He looked at the name tag on her uniform and said "I don't think you heard me the first time, Stacy, so I'll speak more clearly. I said I would like to see your collection of wristwatches—"

Stacy cut him off.

She swiftly looked at him, frowning as she said "I heard you the first time and I chose to ignore you. What about that, don't you understand?"

Alexander furrowed his eyebrows and asked "Why would you do something like that? Isn't it your job to attend to every customer?"

Shocked that the young man in front of her could even ask that question, Stacy looked at Alexander from head to toe, her gaze very condescending.

"Are you serious about asking such a stupid question? I mean, have you looked at yourself in the mirror lately?" She said, sneering at Alexander, who was speechless to find out that someone who should treat customers with respect could talk to him the way she just did.

After sneering at Alexander for long enough, Stacy rolled her eyes and smacked her tongue.

"Get out of here kid and go back to high school. I have a very important customer coming soon, and I can't have you distracting me" she said, then went back to ignoring Alexander.

The driver was right there, and normally he would have laughed, but now that he knew the truth, he just felt uncomfortable. He could only think that very soon he would have to lick Alexander's shoes until they were clean.

Not wanting to deal with any further insults, Alexander huffed and said "If you don't want to do your job and attend to a customer as you should, then I'll just have to ask someone else."

Stacy looked at him and chuckled mockingly.

"What?" Alexander asked.

"Sorry to disappoint you, but my coworkers are all waiting for the same special customer too. The one among us who gets to sell him something will receive a shit ton of commission, so you think they are going to waste their time attending to you? Unless your first and last name is Alexander Curry, then I suggest you get out of here before I call security", Stacy said, then threw her face away.

'Hmm? Alexander Curry? But that's my name. Wait, is the customer they are all waiting for, me?' Alexander asked himself, then looked and saw how all the salespeople were focusing their attention more on the door than the customers in the store.

Normally, he would have smiled at the irony of the situation but the way the salespeople, most especially Stacy, were behaving just irritated him.

How could they focus on a customer who wasn't there yet— even though he was and was hiding in plain sight— over the ones that were already there?

So rude.

Just then, the door opened and a gentleman with two security guards walked in.

Everyone turned to stare at the gentleman, seeing how fashionable he was dressed. For the people there, he did well to draw and retain attention.

Suddenly, Alexander started hearing the salespeople, including Stacy, murmuring whether that person was the Alexander Curry that they were looking for.

He had to be him, they thought. However, their assumption was as wrong as it could possibly be.

In the entire showroom, only Alexander and the driver knew for certain that the man wasn't.

The gentleman and his two security guards walked over to where Alexander was, instead of going to another salesperson who was free. He had seen how attractive Stacy was from afar, and he wanted her to be the one who served him.

Happy to have been chosen by who she thought was Alexander Curry, Stacy, who had a huge smile, said "I don't know if you'd think of this as wrong or not, but please sir, what is your name?"

With a confident smirk, the gentleman said "It's no problem at all. It's not the first time people have been curious to know who I am after laying eyes on me. Anyway, my name is Alle—"

Stacy cut him off before he could finish.

She clasped her hands, her smile becoming even more prominent as she said "I knew my guess was correct. Anyway, sir, it's nice to finally meet you. We've been expecting you for a while now."

"You have? I didn't expect that, but I like what I'm hearing", the gentleman said.

"I know you would, sir. On that note. How may I be of service to you today?" Stacy asked, showing all the jewelry in the display glass she had to offer.

"Let me take a good look—" the gentleman said, wanting to step closer, but was blocked by Alexander.

Annoyed by the nuisance, the gentleman and his two security guards, who were standing behind Alexander, glared at the rough-looking young man and frowned.

"Do I have to tell you before you get out of my freaking way?" The gentleman asked.

Alexander furrowed his eyebrows, crossed his arms, and retorted "Excuse you? What did you just say to me?"

"I'm not going to repeat myself to a peasant. Instead, I'll have my security do the work for me" the gentleman said, then raised his hand and snapped his fingers.

"Jeff! Jerry! Do your job and get this trash out of my way. I have business with a fine-looking lady", the gentleman said, then winked at Stacy.

She blushed.

"Got it, boss," Jeff said, then he and his partner approached Alexander.

"Hey, kid. You heard what the boss said, so get out of here if you know what's good for you. Go home and watch cartoons or whatever children your age do", Jerry said, trying to intimidate Alexander.