
Everyday Life with Magic (On Hiatus)

Ren, a soon-to-be high school student, was caught up in a hero summoning. After around a decade of fighting in the world of swords and magic, he could finally return to Earth, where time had temporarily stopped working due to the hero summoning. He tries to live a peaceful life as a high schooler with the convenience of having magic but somehow seems to get involved with lots of troublesome people. Might I also mention he has to over the godless world named Earth with the aid of a god from his previous world? The tide of time is ever-changing and he must adapt to it in order to protect his world and his loved ones. Uploads once a week on Monday Discord: https://discord.gg/XvGSuuP6

Moduo_Ren · Fantaisie
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37 Chs

Chapter 26 - Public Announcement

(Third person's POV)

In a classroom, the moonlight shone through the window, illuminating the features to two people. A beautiful girl with silky long black hair and light blue eyes sat at one of the desks, this girl had her chin held by and tilted up towards a handsome boy with short black hair swept to the side and dark blue eyes who sat on top of the desk.

The boy was looking at her with lustful eyes and a playful smirk on his face while the girl's face was deep red and her eyes were shaking in disbelief.

"Heh, why is your face so red, Hina? You knew exactly what would happen when you followed me to the classroom; you also wanted this, didn't you?" Ren tenderly stroked Asahina's beautiful silky hair.

"N-no, it's not l-like that. I-" Asahina tried to come up with an excuse, but Ren didn't let her finish as he leaned forward and planted another kiss on her delicate lips.

"No need for excuses, I know you want me just as much as I want you right now. See, they've already perked up" Ren stared lasciviously at the pointed tips poking on Asahina's white shirt under her blazer before lightly brushing one side with his thumb.

"Ah~!" Asahina's shoulders shook and she let out a soft moan in response to his touches.

"You even came braless just like I asked, what a naughty girl. But, here's your reward for following orders" Ren gave her a passionate kiss with tongue before using one hand to grab her sizable mounts while teasing the tips and the other one to support her head.

"Mfm~ Mmm~ Mmh~…" Asahina's moaning was muffled by Ren's lips; her body shook every time he squeezed her chest and brushed her tips.

After a while of passionate kissing, Ren pulled back and used his arms to support her limping body while he enjoyed her flushed out of breath face with beads of sweat running her face.

"How about we get to the main course, Hina?" Ren got off the desk and carried her bridal style before whispering those sweet words close to her ears, making her shiver all over. Asahina's expression showed great anticipation while she panted heavily, still not having recovered from the passionate kiss.

Seeing her face, Ren's smirk grew wider as he gently laid her on the desk and he began unbuttoning her shirt, slowly revealing her bare gorgeous white supple chest and cute pink tips.

He got on top of her then slowly reached out one hand to fondle her chest while also moving his head towards the tip of one of the two hills and the other hand going down under her skirt.

Asahina closed her eyes, bracing herself for the surge of pleasure, anticipating the touch of her beloved childhood friend.

That pleasure came at a far greater voracity than she had expected as his two skilled hands and tongue assaulted both her chest area and her privates, bringing her to climax in mere moments.



(Third person POV)

Slowly opening her eyes, Asahina had just woken up from her hot steamy dream. She sat on her bed and stretched before letting out a blissful yawn.

Asahina, in a white nightgown with black linings, got out of the bed and walked toward her desk to grab her phone. Checking the time to see it was 6:13 am, she tidied her slightly messy hair while walking to her wardrobe to get a fresh change of undergarment before taking a shower.

'Hmm? Why was this my fi-?' Asahina didn't finish that thought as she felt something wet sliding down her slender legs.

All of a sudden, all the memory of her wet dream flooded Asahina's mind making her face red at the many things Dream Ren did to her. She stood there for two whole minutes, silently digesting the fact that all of that was only in her mind, it made her feel a bit disappointed somehow.

However, Asahina quickly shook her head to get those embarrassing thoughts out of her mind.

'What do I need to be disappointed about? Ren already confessed that he loves me, we can do all those things now that we're in a relationship' Asahina thought positively about it and anticipated their future activities.

She smiled happily while getting a new pair of panties from her wardrobe when all of a sudden her movements stopped as she remembered she hadn't answered Ren's confession yet and their relationship has not been officially confirmed yet.

The fact of the matter is, she hasn't told him her feelings yet and now she's getting nervous about it even though she knows he feels the same way she does. Even if the possibility of rejection has gone out the window, the thought of expressing her love for him gave her butterflies in her stomach.

'I don't think I can face him yet, after his change he just looks too handsome' Asahina crouched down while holding her flushed face, recalling all the events in the past two days from him calling her beautiful to his confession.

After some time of contemplation, Asahina resolved herself to also confess her feelings today; after all, it'd be weird to drag it out for more than a few days considering their feelings are mutual.

'But, maybe it's too soon to do it in the morning, lunchtime would be better, no scratch that, let's do it at the end of the school day, yeah I'll do that' Asahina quickly closed her wardrobe and went to her phone to text Ren about walking to school alone for today.

Asahina felt she needed some more time to prepare her heart, and yet at the same, she also felt kind of impatient and wanted to confirm their relationship as soon as possible.

Asahina has liked Ren ever since their first year in middle school and the same also goes for Ren since he started to like her shortly after she realized her feelings.

As they say, a girl in love is the most beautiful; this is even more pronounced when you're the one she likes.

After she became conscious of him, she started to make herself more attractive in his eyes whenever she was around him, always trying to get his attention; she started trying to get close to him little by little, wanting to touch him and also wanting him to touch her.

Eventually, it was so obvious that she likes him that everyone in their class knew and always tries to help her out here and there. Of course, there are some who do the opposite, either because they had a crush on her or were jealous of her.

However, their plan to harm the two's relationship never came to fruition as Keirou and Suika always foiled their plans and any guy trying to get close to her would be stopped by Ren either peacefully or forcefully.

Hence why the two had gained embarrassing nicknames of "Princess" for Asahina and "Black Knight" for Ren from their classmates and peers.

Tis the dark history of the two's past that they never want to be remembered, however, life is never that easy as the past always comes back to haunt you one day.


(Ren's POV)

I see Hina's expression turned pale when she saw me; I can tell she thought I would misunderstand this situation. I mean, if it was the me before then maybe my mind would spiral out of control while thinking about all the possible scenarios for this.

Thinking maybe she had fallen out of love with me, thinking maybe this is just like that one NTR doujin, thinking maybe I was wrong about her liking me in the first place, thinking maybe she got tired of waiting for me, and many more scenarios before running out the door to escape from the overwhelmingly cruel imaginary realities I made up.

However, those fake realities are just that, fakes; I now have far better control over my mind and those false alarms of the mind no longer affect me.

I've got complete and total control over this situation.

'It looks like I have to nib this minor annoyance in the butt now rather than later'

As I looked at Hina's scared expression, I smiled gently at her to reassure her not to worry about a thing.

"What's going on, guys? Someone's birthday or something? Why the crowd?" I joked while nonchalantly walking to my seat, completely ignoring the blond second-year guy.

Monoa also followed along with me to his seat while looking warily at the second-year guy up and down, seems he felt the same thing I feel from this guy. Akirou was called over by Miyako and Namaii away from the soon-to-be warzone.

Silence just permeated through the classroom as our classmates were dumbfounded by my obviously sarcastic questions, the tension in the air before dissipated and the temperature returned to normal.

"What is he doing? Didn't he hear that guy asking his childhood friend out?" Wakaba whispered in complaints to no one in particular.

"Maybe he's not interested in her" Another guy reasoned.

"No, he definitely likes her. I was in the same middle school as them" Anzu commented with arms crossed and staring at me with a slight trace of fear and curiosity.

"But, why isn't he doing anything? With his good looks, he can definitely fend off this clueless second-year guy" Wakaba looked to the second-year guy while frowning then turn to observe Hina, who was just sitting tight in her seat trying to calm her anxious heart.

"He is doing something; he's laying out traps and pitfalls for the second-year guy and waiting for him to fall for it" Kitsuki join in the conversation, this made our classmates turn their attention to their little group.

"Yuuto-kun is right, he and I have been on the receiving end of his attacks and it was not pleasant at all" Anzu shuddered a bit while remembering all the words I've said to him.

"Wait, does that mean?" A girl pipes in with a look of disbelief.

"Yeah, we both have had a crush on her since middle school, but the two of us agreed to give up a few weeks before graduation" Kitsuki stared off into space with a look of melancholy.

"Mhm, we knew it wouldn't have worked out no matter what so we decided to move on from it. There are plenty more fishes in the sea" Anzu looked down with a sad smile.

This moved our female classmates' hearts and brought tears to our male classmates.

"No worries, bro! I'm sure there are a lot of girls out there to fall in love with you" A guy put his arms around Anzu, trying to cheer him up.

"Don't be sad, Anzu-kun. You'll find love one day, I just know it" A petite girl encouraged Anzu with a serious face.

"Hey! Why is no one comforting me?" Kitsuki complained.

"Shut up, ikemen! Lots of girls already want to date you, you don't need no sympathy from us" Another guy chimed in.

"But what I want is not some shallow feelings of admiration, I want to experience…True Love~" Kitsuki looked up to the ceiling in a sad dramatic way.

The others just stared deadpan at him before unanimously deciding to ignore him.

By the way, while this was happening, the second-year guy was just staring me down and not paying attention to what was going on around him. If he didn't lack the ability to read the room, he would've already noticed Hina's change in expression, picked up that they were close, and been more cautious.

"Hey, can you not read the room? Can't you see I'm trying to ask someone out here?" The guy snorted and gestured to Hina without even glancing at her.

This statement left everyone speechless as they're all probably screaming the same thing in their mind, which are 'You're one to talk!' or 'Have you looked in the mirror!?'

"Wow, you are the absolute definition of clueless, aren't you? Do you not think before you speak? Are you even hearing your own words right now?" I laughed at him.

"Well, if you weren't clueless, you would've realized she doesn't have any interest in you" I smirked while looking at him like I was looking at a clown.

"What do you know!? This has nothing to do with you, so back off!" The guy got angry real fast at my insulting words and said the words I was waiting for.

"I know her better than you do and it does in fact have everything to do with me because you're asking my girlfriend out, so you're the one who needs to back off" I dropped my bag on my desk then went to Hina and put my arms around her from behind, making her freeze up for a moment before blushing profusely.

At my statement, all sounds cease to exist as time also seems to have frozen stiff. Though, I can assure you that time is most definitely moving along, it's just that the complete and utter silence that replaced the noisy background made it seem so.

This, however, does not last long as the entire class including Hina erupted into a same pitch "EHHHH!" scream with shock coloring their faces.

"*Hina, can you go along with it?*" I whispered softly near her ear, making her shudder for a bit before she gave me a slight nod with her face even redder.

"N-no, y-you're lying!" The second-year guy accused while pointing his shaky finger at me.

"Why would I lie to you? I confessed to her yesterday on the rooftop at lunch break, isn't that right, Hina?" I tenderly stroked her soft cheeks while resting my head on her shoulder.

"Y-yeah, R-ren said h-he likes me" Hina stuttered those words and she unconsciously showed a silly smile after she recalled it.

"You can ask Monoa-kun and Miyako-san since they were there" I played my last card to completely erase all doubt.

"I-is that true, Class Rep!?"

"Y-yeah, spill the beans!"

"Monoa-san, tell us the truth!"

"T-tell me this is a lie!"

Monoa and Miyako, who were swarmed by our curious classmates and barraged with questions, looked towards me with annoyance before turning to each other, nodding, then back to their respective crowds.

""Well, to be exact, he didn't say he likes her…"" The two smile mysteriously while saying the same exact line, word for word, I kid you not.

Some sighed in relief, some showed puzzlement, some got a bit mad, a select few quick narrowed their eyes in suspicion, and many other kinds of reactions. However, it wouldn't last long…

""He did however say and I quote…"" The two cleared their throats and continued without pause while trying to imitate my voice.

""Hina~ I love you~ *sparkles*"" They kinda paraphrased it in a different tone, but eh, details. I felt it was coming so I used light magic to make some sparkles around them for the extra flare.

It looked like no one really paid attention to the sparkles though as they were processing those words, then everyone turned to me and Hina. Hina was still blushing hard after they resaid it but I think she noticed my heart beating hard.

On the surface, I kept a calm, confident smile while eyeing the second-year guy down; however, my racing heart exposed everything to her. Not like I mind her knowing anyway.

"So, there you have it. I'm afraid she's already taken, Senpai~" I smirked at him and that seemed to piss him off.

"Is that so? I'll take my leave then" The second-year walked out with gritted teeth without saying anything further, to everyone at least that might seem so, but to me, I heard every single thing he muttered out of his vile mouth in Chinese.

「*Just you wait, I'll teach you a lesson after school and r*pe her in front of you*」 He angrily muttered under his breath as an evil grin flashed out for a bit.

'Alright, I was going to let him off, but now I need to check his record first before I decide whether to kill him slow and painfully or quickly so I don't get his disgusting blood on me'

"Ren, what's wrong?" Looking at her, Hina showed a worried expression, probably at my sudden change in expression.

"Nothing, don't worry about it. How about we go out after school?" I smiled gently and spoke near her ear, getting a shudder from her.

"Mhm, let's do it" Hina meekly nodded, she looked so gosh dang cute I want to hug her tightly, but sadly we're about out of time.

"Great, it's a date then" I smoothly took my arms off her and went back to my desk while she dove into her desk, covering her face before anyone saw but sadly for her everyone saw it.

Everyone who was single sucked in a deep breath and had an expression of "I want to have a boyfriend/girlfriend so bad!"

Getting back to my desk, at this point everyone had already scattered and went back to their seats since the drama was over, plus homeroom was about to start soon.

"Sorry, looks like I won't be joining you guys after school" I pressed my hands together with an apologetic smile.

"It's alright, this is more important; I'll just hang out with Akirou-kun after school" Monoa waved his hand.

"Yeah, have fun on your date, don't worry about us. We'll keep up with the training even if you're not there" Akirou spoke spiritedly with that brilliant smile again; I swear girls will be swarming him in the future when he gets more confident.

"Wait, wait, that's not what I-" Monoa tried to fix this misunderstanding but stopped when he saw Akirou's face.

"Good luck" I patted his shoulder with an amused smile, which made him slump down on his desk.

"Oh, Akirou-kun, you should get to your class, homeroom's about to start" I reminded him when I sensed some stir in the classroom above.

"Ah, see you guys at break time" Akirou snapped out of his thoughts and hastily went out of the classroom.

"So, Monoa-kun, did you bring the right bag today?" I turned to him with a teasing smile plastered on my face.

"Of course, I have! Why do you two need to remind me of that?" Monoa covered his face from the embarrassment.

"Because that's what friends are for, to be there to make fun of you when you mess up" I sagely imparted him with great wisdom.

"Ugh…I need new friends" Monoa looked like he wanted to refute me but couldn't.

"Hahaha, no you don't"


Osuji-sensei walked in and went to the podium, by the time he got there, everyone was already in their seats.

Miyako did her job as Class Rep and partway into homeroom, the Brusion twins came in. They both apologized for being late and Osuji-sensei just told them to be on time next time. Alice went to her seat and Alex, who seemed to have a milder attitude, introduced himself to everyone before going to his seat next to his sister.

While this was happening, I took a look through that bastard's record with [World Archive] and what I found was very great. By that, I mean, I don't have to get my hands dirty with his filthy blood.

'I'll make sure he rots away in prison with his family, very slowly and painful for ever even having the thoughts of harming my Hina'