'I feel like I've just stepped into a drama where I became the main character from being one of the supporting cast. It sounds crazy (or maybe that's just me) but it's true. Stuff like this doesn't happen on a regular basis…and definitely not when you've just come back from a different country.
I look around the classroom, trying not to freak out. Every student is sitting in a completely different seat than I remember them to be. I remember how I was on the 6th seat down from the front and I could see the school yard and students playing their sports or singing a song or debating for something. Now, I'm splat in the middle, no window on my side to keep me company…just this guy who I don't recall being in our class before.
The guy, or student rather, kind of glares at me. I don't know if he's looking at me with hate or curiosity, his dark eyes aren't particularly easy to read.
"Um…I'm Jin-Su and, uh…you…you're new, right?" I smile, rather uncomfortably.
The guy still stares at me with a monotone face then he drops his gaze at my left sweaty hand which is doing a funny 'welcoming' gesture…or just being weird. He elevates his eyes back at my face and sighs.
"You're going to be a terrible class monitive (monitor and representative)." The guy says, tapping the desk impatiently.
"Ah…w-well…" I start but my attention diverts to Mr. Level, at the front of the class, who's making explosive eye gestures to me. The gestures are at me and the bag I bought to school which contains the items he's asked for me to bring back as a souvenir/gift.
I start to stand up but stop. It'll be awkward if I just go to the front of the class to give Mr. Level the bag so, I sit back down and try to indicate that I'll give it to him at the end of the lesson…which fails horribly.
Mr. Level looks at the clock and takes a step forward.
"Alright class. Lesson is starting now. Today we are going to be talking about-"
"Hey." I feel a nudge at my arm.
Glancing to my right, I see the new guy who talked to me before.
"You're coming with me to the Library at lunch." He says.
"Uh…" This is what I manage to get out.
I wonder why he needs me to go to the Library with him (not that I don't already always go there anyway) but I hope he's not going to do anything bad like punch me or try to fight me (which are both pretty much the same thing).