
Everyday Life of A Delinquent

A lone High school boy with a troubled past, attempt at a normal life. naturally choosing to be an outcast and wanting to live as peaceful as he can, not for his sake, but his sister's. trouble starts to build on his first day back to school, and learns his past is still following him. even as he left former groups and wishes to not get into altercations. there is no stopping or helping what trouble comes to him. he meets friends, and lovers who see him as he is, but can they handle the harsh truth of the life he had before coming to school. trouble lurks everywhere, home, school and the streets, it's as he can't ever rest. the strain may get to him, or can he overcome the trouble tormenting him? -note: I'm a clutz, I forget set names, I will do my best to not make mistake, but this a hobby, I'll try to still aim to please-

AkaneZero · Politique et sciences sociales
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28 Chs

Ch. 9 - A Dead and A New Family

Back in Drake's house. His mother was getting assaulted by a multitude of men, and some noticed the clothes of a much younger girl. "Hey, boss, how much to buy this lady?" One asked, Drake and Sarah's father replied. "She isn't for sale… yet… then again. I think that boy has served his purpose." He was smoking and burned out his cigarette on his wife's breast. And she didn't react, in fact she was no longer breathing and her crying as well her whimpering stopped a while ago. The man protested. "Oh come on… why wait, I have a bunch of guys wanting fresh and younger ladies… this bitch of yours isn't cutting it anymore…" the other said. And soon one man finished. "I think she's dead…" the father got up and went to check her pulse. And sure enough. "It appears she is, take this whore out to the dump… I'm not selling that girl just yet… I don't even know where she is… that boy hides her" he explained as the other men cleaned up and one talked with him. "Describe her, I'll get some guys to find her… I'll even pay you upfront once we find her to just hand her over… and I'll even spot you some top-grade drugs and the best alcohol… if that's not enough, then even a turn with her if you want or some other ladies if we manage to score more…" The father thought and smirked. "It's a deal. That brat is a blonde, she's no older than 8 and has two different colored eyes. She also goes to school nearby I'm sure. You can't miss her, she looks nothing like me after all. Just make sure to bring her here first before you do anything to her. I want that disgrace of a son to watch as his beloved sister gets torn apart" he laughed. And the other men agreed, even chuckling. "Man, I wouldn't want to be your kid, alright fine by me, old man. See you soon. Let's go find our prize men." They began to leave, and also disposed of the body. Where it wouldn't be found for days to come.

The sun was setting and so when Marlene got home with Drake and Alex, they did explain to Jess that Alex was his childhood friend and that she would be staying only for the night.

"Is Drake alright?" Jess asked. Since she watched something unique. Alex picked up Drake and carried him off upstairs.

"We don't know… he just said. He was feeling sick, we did eat out but I don't think it was that…" Marlene explained to her mother. "Anyways mom, thank you… for giving me this chance… I'll make up to you okay, and can you do me a favor?"

"Anything for you dear" Jess smiled and held her daughter. "What did you need?"

"Can you get father to come home today? I want to talk with him about something…" she wanted to tell him what Drake said in their outing with Alex earlier. "Sarah is in danger… and… I can't shake this feeling… Something is gonna happen to Drake. I might be worrying for no reason… so I just want to talk with papa a bit." She hugged her mother for comfort.

Jess smiled and hugged her daughter. "We raised quite the strange girl… I'm happy you can care so much… okay dear, I'll call papa and get him here so you two can talk…" she gently combed her hair. "Go take care of Drake… or that cute lady will steal him…"

"Oh… about that…" she looked up to her mother. And whispered. She explained the situation. "So yeah… bye mom, see you" Marlene left in a hurry and blushing while having to admit it.

"Oh my…" Jess went to a cabinet. And grabbed a wine. She couldn't believe the news and now felt so perplexed. "That daughter needs to keep some things secret… still she looks happy… I guess I can celebrate a little… I'll try to forget that secret" she said. And went to her phone as she drank only in moderation and portions respectfully. In a way, she was having fun with how lively it's been in her home.

Marlene went upstairs to see Alex, undoing Drake's shirt with her saddled on his hips. "Oh my god…?! What are you doing?"

"He said he wasn't feeling well, so I figured he should lose the clothes…" she explained casually.

Drake then sat up. Without a shirt. "No… I'm fine… just let me compose myself" He looked at Alex, and she slipped off his lap.

"What's up, Drake?" Marlene asked, walking over to his right side.

"I don't know… I just have this gross feeling… things have been going a bit too well, and I'm just sensing… something bad is happening" he explained.

"That seems unreasonable though Drake," Alex said and was seated on his left side after moving.

Marlene agreed. "Yeah… but, if something is troubling you, just let us know how we can help"

"Yeah, I know, but… you know what, forget it in any case… I need to get ready and head back to school. I'm feeling much better than ever now. Thank you both. So, how are we going to spend the night?" He asked. Before the door was opened. And a small figure was there. They all looked and saw Sarah.

"Draky, we didn't get to play at all together… Where have you been?!" She pouted, but then saw Alex. "Wait… Big Sis!" She ran over and jumped on her happily. "You're back in town?! Oh my gosh, I've missed you? Are you back with my brother? How long are you staying?" She was happy and her eyes were lit up.

"Easy cowgirl" she held up Sarah and smiled. "Gosh you're cute… I've missed you too, and I'll be around a lot more. I'm staying around for sure and yes, I'm with your brother… but also… Marlene is your big sister too okay" she said, making sure to include her in their relationship. "Drake, I'll stay with her a bit!"

"No! I wanna stay with you all…" she grabbed Drake's hand. "Please? Big bro?"

Marlene smiled and spoke up. "The princess has demanded. It must be done…"

Drake chuckled and nodded. "Fine fine… you can sleep with us tonight… okay," he said, patting his sister's head.

She smiled excitedly and hugged him. "You're the best…!" She squeezed him and soon Jess walked by.

"How about all you hurry to get into the bath already… I'd like to talk with Drake in private if that's no trouble" she asked politely.

"Sure… come on let's go," Alex said, speaking for everyone, and picked up Sarah as the three of them left. Jess walked in closing the door and walked over to Drake.

He had a bit of sweat down his brow. "How can I help you? Did I do something?"

"You brought another girl home… just what am I to do with you Drake…" she said, holding onto an ominous aura. She walked closer and sat beside him.

Drake naturally felt uneasy. "I still plan to keep my word… if that is your concern ma'am…" he said, since before they did leave her home. He spoke valiantly to her just a while ago.

"Oh I'm not worried about that, actually she told me before she came up… she also let me know you weren't feeling well, so how are you feeling?" She asked, scooting closer and caressing his cheek gazing at him with kind and concerned eyes, though how she held and looked at him did make it seem she was trying to seduce him.

He wasn't sure what this feeling was. It was warm, soft, and relaxing. That ominous aura turned into one of nurture and care. "Im... feeling much better…" he sank into this feeling. He remembered it from Maria. When he was younger. "Maria used to caress me like this…"

This surprised her. "Why bring her up?" She asked, bringing his head to her lap, it was obvious how much he relaxed, so she took advantage.

"She… is like a real mother to me… and her husband is like a real father… you remind me of her… I'm sorry I shouldn't be saying something like that… or indulging myself in this…" he said, but really didn't want to stop.

"Just relax… I'll take care of you while your girls are taking a bath…" Jess would softly comb his hair, and rub his head. "Has something been bothering you? The girls got worried just from you saying you feel sick… yet you're saying you're feeling okay…"

"I told them, I feel sick, but… not physically. I feel fine and I don't feel any abnormalities within my body… but… I have this gut feeling… and it keeps tightening, making me nauseous. And I can't help but feel like something bad is going to happen… I don't know when or what it could be. But, I just feel anxious… everything around me has been going so well" he explained his thoughts and feelings to her.

"So… you think you're due for something bad then?" She asked, and tried to imagine herself in his position. "It must be hard for you… to sleep… to relax… and find peace isn't it?" She said and looked at his tattoo. "Whatever you think it is… just be prepared for it… and think before you act. I don't think I can help, but I will be here to be your mother if you need me too… just like Maria" she told him. As she found herself liking the young man. He wasn't violent. He didn't purposely try to be alone. He wanted help and wanted to seek it, he has people around him. And he was in pain. He needed support and she wanted to be someone he can look up to.

"Thank you…" he teared up a bit. But didn't show it. Not wanting to show his weakened state. "May I stay a while like this?"

"Of course…" she continued to pat his head and watch over him. 'What a very strange boy… even though he has been a lot, he trusts others so willingly' She began to examine his body. Saw closes scars and wounds of a time past. "If you don't mind my asking Drake. What did you do to survive living in that house?" She asked him a tough question. "Don't feel the need to answer…"

"I… that is hard to answer… but since you have been so kind to me, and my sister. As well as giving me your blessing to be with your daughter. I think it's only right to tell you…" he said, showing his tattoo to her more clearly by moving his hair. "I was once part of a gang in this neighborhood…" he began to go into detail with her. "I was a runner and a dealer for drugs. And, I have a police record. Breaking and entering. Theft. I am not proud of my past. But… when you have a kid sister and are forced to work and pay bills. What else could I have done to make money… However, that's not all of it. For a time I also participated in fights… underground ones. It was very difficult to call what I was doing just making money. Every day felt like I had to do this or I would die. Or my sister would. Any money I made would be taken from me. I had to hide a bit just to feed myself and my sister. This tattoo. Is a symbol of the hand life gave me. I wish I could say, I regret it. But I don't think I would have done anything differently." He remained silent. And when she didn't respond. He believed she must have disliked him now. "I will go stay at Maria's place… and I can end things with your daughter… if you dislike this history of mine… i know its very troubling."

She was lost for words. When she saw the scars, they looked small for just fists. So clearly he didn't say what kind of fights he was in. But, he didn't have to say anything. She could tell he had been against knives and blunt objects. She didn't like his past. But, complaining about it wouldn't do anyone good. It won't change what was already done. She couldn't think. But, she did start to cry. "Why…. Why did such a young boy have to live like that…" she spoke. Trying to keep her composure. "There are some ugly people out there… so Drake. Please treat my home like yours… you're welcome here. Anytime." She gently patted his head and smiled. "You know… I always did want to try and have a son…" she said, changing topics and attempting to lift the heavy air.

Drake grabbed onto the edge of her dress and began to cry into her lap. "I'm sorry… I don't deserve such kindness…" He held back his emotions still but did shake. "Thank you… so much… even if we just met… I'm so happy… to be with your daughter… and be a part of your family…" It felt like he was choking. As he was holding back. But he got it out. "Thank you… Mom…" he finally let it out and cried more into her lap silently.

She smiled and held onto him as she watched him open up. He wasn't bad. Sure he looked it. But she knew he had to just be put together. "Now… we just need to convince dad huh…"

He had chuckled into a broken smile. But nodded. "Y-yeah…" he kept his face hidden as he lifted his head, and wiped his eyes looking away from her.

"Well, Drake… please start going back to school okay… starting tomorrow." She said, encouraging him, and soon witnessed something great.

Drake turned to her and gave her a sincere smile. One where it hid all his pain and sorrow. But, it is one of clear happiness and joy. "Okay… I will…" he was genuinely thrilled to have her help just now. Not only was he able to lift a weight on his chest. He was accepted for who he was. "I vow… right now, to make sure you don't regret entrusting me with your family… I will keep you all safe. I promise"

"Hehe… okay" she reached and hugged him. "Take your time son… please be safe out there okay…" she smiled and held onto him tightly.

"I will…" he hugged her back, and slowly eased away after a brief moment.

The girls while they were in the bathroom talked. "Do you think your mother is pissed?" Asked Alex. While she undressed for the bath.

Sarah asked. "Why would Jess be mad? Did Draky do something bad?"

"No no no" answered Marlene. "I doubt my mom would scold him… she is a very understanding mother and she has this sixth sense for the oddest stuff… so I'm guessing she is having an emotional talk with him… or something she isn't the type to judge and made sure I learned that trait of hers."

"So that's where it comes from huh." Said Alex. "And I can't see him being emotional"

"What do you mean?" Marlene wondered what she meant by it.

"Well, you don't judge him or me… and that's not exactly normal, look at him and then me… we're not exactly the kind-looking type," said Alex.

"Big bro is kind… and he looks nice I think… Do you two not like him? Or something?" Sarah asked, in innocence. As well she even looked sad.

"No, we both love your brother… and you, don't worry… Alex, let's talk about it later…" she said, and picked up Sarah and got to shower her and wash her before slipping into the bath together to relax.

"Of course…" Alex agreed, and relaxed with them as she cleaned off her body after and joined them. Sarah stared at Alex's body and couldn't help but attack her large breast and play with them roughly.

"Your boobs are huge Big Sis Alex…!" She giggled and kept playing, she was just massaging her in her mind.

"Hey… don't be rough, and they aren't that big are they?" she felt weak and was helpless to her attack.

"Okay, Sarah, stop it okay…" Marlene grabbed her and held her. "We're here to relax and bathe sweetie…" 

"Awe… okay…" she pouted but understood.

"My, you are just like your brother…" Alex said, teasing Marlene.

"Oh my god…" Marlene said, and sighed, patting and cuddling Sarah. "Don't pay attention to what she says, okay…"

Jess left the room Drake was in, and walked to her bedroom to go to bed herself and began to undress. Her seemling tight jeans came off and her long sleeve shirt as well, she may have been older and mature. Her looks and figure kept her looking great for her age. But. Drake was left alone, forgetting to grab shorts to change into after a bath, he got out of bed. He stretched his back and arms up high, popping his bones. "I feel refreshed alright…" he still didn't shake away his feeling in his gut, so all he could do was prepare for what could happen.

After an hour, the girls all came out in towels and entered Marlene's bedroom, only they didn't see Drake there. They began to get changed with Marlene helping Alex into some of her loose clothes and then helping Sarah into some of Marlene's much younger clothes she had kept around. "Oh my, you are just adorable in my stuff…" Marlene praised Sarah.

"I bet… she is adorable in just anything huh, and look at her eyes they make anything work and your hair" Alex was just envious of her cuteness and happy to spend time with Sarah again.

"Where is big brother?" Sarah asked. "I want to cuddle him already…" She was restless.

"Don't worry, how about we play a bit and wait for him to come and find us… then we can all sleep together okay" Marlene said, acting like a mother.

"Yeah, don't worry about him Sarah, he will always come back to you…'' Both Alex and Marlene knew they couldn't get in the way of their siblings' love. It would feel not just wrong but incredibly selfish of either of them since they also know about their problems at home.

"Okay! How about… a board game?" She asked them. Wondering what they wanted to play.

"That may take too long to finish, so how about a card game…? I got a deck of cards we can use… so let's play" Marlene said, getting a deck of cards to use.

"I call being the dealer," said Alex, and together they played go fish.

Drake was in the bathroom, just missing them after leaving the parents' Master bedroom bedroom. He did see Jess in a nightgown, barely in any clothes and what looked to be just a thong and at that moment. It was mutual they wouldn't talk about the incident. He grabbed some shorts to wear and in the bathroom, he was a bit distraught. "After having a heart-to-heart with her… I did that… oh my god…" he felt so bad. He just continued and got to take a shower to clean off and then into a bath. "I cannot talk about that… ever…"

After a few more moments, he was in thought. 'I… should leave some spare clothes here… just so I can stop being a burden and taking her father's stuff… I hardly see him around now that I think about it… forget it… I'll hopefully have time to talk with him… but, if I'm going to school. I'll need to grab my things, I left them back… at that place… you know what…' he gripped his fist. "Screw it… we're abandoning that God-forsaken house…" he knew that would mean he would be homeless. But, he just couldn't take that chance. "If she's in danger… fuck that,I'm old enough, and strong enough, as long as she isn't staying at that damn house… I'm free to fight back as much as I please…" the spark of anger fueled him and grinned out of habit. He didn't want his school life to be ripped away. He didn't want his chance at living at all to be taken. And most importantly. He didn't want to hear or see his sister crying ever again. He had a chance, and he was going to take it. "Even… if it cost me my life… I will keep her freedom safe at the very least…" This single degree he had declared for himself subsidized that uneasy feeling he felt.

Still, though, the mental trauma, but also the physical trauma he endured, was truly something he couldn't forget. Not even if he wanted to. It was far too great. The pain and words he heard with every beating. He felt his hands shake. "No more wavering… if I'm gonna do this… I cannot feel anxious." He told himself and began to relax into the bath. "I'm not weak… not anymore…" he closed his eyes, and relaxed in the water. "I will start the change… for my sister… for me… for my new family… this will end with me goddammit" Now rested up and became far more calm. He got out of the bath. And once he dried off, he changed and headed to the bedroom.

Opening the door, he saw them playing. And seeing them smiling and thrilled. It was only more reason to be so motivated. "You're all enjoying yourselves," he said, shutting the door behind himself and sitting at the edge of the bed.

"Big bro!" Sarah smiled and rushed to him. "Yay, let's go to bed now…"

"You were having fun though weren't you? There isn't a rush." He asked.

"Hehe yeah, but we were just waiting for you…" she said looking up to him.

"My my, when did I get such a clingy and sweet little sister…" he said, patting her head.

"It's touching you two get along, but what about us?" Asked Alex.

"Yeah, what about us? And I hope you two keep things to sibling love" Marlene teased.

"Haha, if that was a concern don't worry…" he said and was interrupted.

"I'm gonna marry him, not either of you…!" Sarah said, clinging to him. "He's my brother first…!"

Both Marlene and Alex leaned over. "But if you do, we can't be your big sisters," Marlene said. And Alex then spoke up. "So you can't… you have to stay as his cute little sister… okay?"

Sarah was then thinking. "Uh… um…"

"You're thinking hard about it huh?" Drake chuckled and sat her down up on the bed.

"Okay! Fine… only because I want you both as my big sisters!" She said and held both of their hands. "Please marry big brother, then we can play a lot!" She smiled up at them both.

"Hey Drake…" Alex said, looking at him. "I can't take it… she is so cute! And precious! I want my own kids already!" She was on the verge of tears.

"Don't start crying…!" He said and then noticed Marlene embarrassed. "Don't be so dramatic too…" 

"But… marriage, so soon?!" She was also smiling.

Drake sighed. "We can talk about our future together, the three of us… another time… let's go to bed…" he said and moved away from the bed.

"Wait, you're not joining?" Asked Marlene.

"There isn't a lot of room… I'll just sleep on the floor…"

"No! You have to be in bed for us to cuddle Draky!" Even Sarah now wanted to include them.

"I agree with her D… you gotta join us…!" Marlene said and got an idea. "Everyone off!"

Shortly after, Drake was made to lay in the most middle of the bed. Alex slipped onto his right side, then Marlene to his left, with Sarah laid on his chest.

"She's so small she fits right in… space for everyone and everyone gets to cuddle you…" Alex said and did just that too.

"Well… as long as everyone is comfortable," he said and saw Sarah already out cold hugging him.

Marlene then laid on his shoulder brushing her legs with him and Alex did the same. "Yeah, I'm good like this… night drake…" She kissed him on the cheek and tried to get some sleep.

"Night… and night to you Alex." He said but felt Alex grab his cheek, and began to kiss him on his lips.

"That's a good night kiss… from me… night Draky…" she leaned on his other shoulders and fell asleep.

"Night, all of you…" he said and tried to fall himself now.

His sudden decision and change were just to himself. He would have liked to talk to both Alex and Marlene about it, but not In front of Sarah. Not yet anyway.

In the middle of the night, Marlene got out of bed and walked downstairs where her father was who just got home.

"Your mother said you wanted to talk with me…?" He asked while leaving the two rolls of cash Trey gave him on the table. "Before we do, give these to that young man… or just make sure to take it okay"

"Okay, and is this your money? Why give it to him?" She asked, going to sit down.

"Not exactly, that boy's guardian asked me to give it to him… so what did you want to discuss?" He asked, and she then looked away.

"It's serious… and it's about Drake… today, we went out to meet with a friend of his… and on our date, we stopped to eat. He told us something he didn't bring up when he came home last night…" she explained and told him what exactly Drake's father told him.

This alarmed Tristan. "I see…" he thought back to the talk with Trey. 'It's getting way out of hand.' "Thank you for telling me… but why are you telling me? Shouldn't he be the one?" He asked and wondered why his daughter would go so far.

"It's not right to keep this hidden… maybe he would have, but it's hard to talk to you ya know…" she said and looked up at him. "Papa… please help me… so I can help Drake… even if you don't like him, he… can't live like this."

He looked at her and saw how much this meant to her. "I'll do what I can dear… but I won't abuse my power… so, how about I just patrol the neighborhood around Sarah's school. I can't do it every day… and I can't give too much manpower… So I'll only do it every other day, got it? I do get how bad the situation is… and I do want to help him. But this situation is far too delicate… Since you care a lot for the boy, I might as well tell you…" he then went over briefly the talk he had with Trey back at the Cafe. He explained it to her not in too much detail, but just his history and what they know about his father.

She did her best to stomach it and kept an open mind about the whole thing. So when the talk was over. She got up. "Okay… I'll keep all this in mind…" she walked over to him and hugged him. "Goodnight papa…"

"Goodnight dear… please be careful from now on, do you understand…" he raised his hand to pat her head.

She let go and walked back upstairs to her room. 'This… is bad…' she thought as they both had a heavy talk. Back in the room, she laid back beside him and clung to his side a little more than usual. She did try to sleep but that got a bit hard for her to manage.

Tristan did stay awake a bit longer, 'just what can I do… stand by…? No, I need to start working on this case… and take care of it efficiently. Only one last chance huh… but can a man like that really wait this long? It wouldn't make sense… I imagine that's that sort of threat he kept telling Drake over and over… maybe this time. He doesn't plan to keep his word. Something feels odd too… Why hasn't he taken action to find his son or daughter? Maybe he wouldn't need to be sure. I don't know the details but… I'll be very careful about who… and how many patrols are being done. If he catches on, we would only ruin things… I should get in touch with that girl's teacher… and contact Trey again. I will do everything in my power to end this' he got up and began to leave again. He only stayed to be his daughter for a moment after all.

Friday came, and in the morning Drake was awake first before anyone. So when he sat up he looked and saw his sister still asleep on his legs after moving. Marlene had been grabbing onto his side and hand, but also on his other side, Alex was doing the same, however, her breasts were surrounding his hand. "I remember you being a lot flatter…" he said to himself about Alex, he carefully took his hands away and carefully picked up Sarah, leaving her in his place between both girls. He got out of bed and stretched. "I should go get our things… before anyone wakes up to notice. And I should get a chance to talk with her father… if I'm gonna do this, I should at least keep him in the loop of things…"

He quietly sneaked out of the house and changed into his clothes for school. Since he was going there anyway. But they were slightly beaten up since he wore them last when he was beaten. Walking home was no trouble, hardly anyone was around to bother him. It was when he stood at the door of his apartment that it all set in. His choice and the danger to come if he seriously goes through with it. "No going back… and… I will defend myself this time…" he unlocked the door and could smell the cigarettes lit, drugs pilled, and the amount of beer and alcohol through the house. He covered his nose and walked to his room. What was strange to him was. He didn't see anyone. "This feels… strange… whatever, grab our shit and go…" he told himself. As he walked to the bedroom he slept in with his sister. Grabbing his backpack he unpacked it and began to fill it with his clothes, but most of his sister's. He left the room and saw blood in the kitchen. He didn't feel anything for his mother. After all, he knew. It was her choice to have another child, he remembered how she wanted to fix things. Not just that, but the times she allowed the man to continuously harm them. She was just as guilty in his eyes. Drake left the apartment and the smell of it all disappeared. He left the apartment and even ditched the key. A message for his father. That he wasn't coming home. And neither was Sarah.

Things were surprisingly smooth for the most of it. However, he could feel nothing but tense. "It's done… now, to live free from them."

Once he got to Marlene's home. Jess was there at the door first to greet him. "Welcome home…"

He looked up to her from the steps and smiled softly but also a little stunned from her words. "I'm home…" he walked inside with her. Telling her where he had gone. But did also tell her of what he planned on doing.

"I hope it's no trouble for you…" he asked her, setting his bag down and unpacking his sister's clothes.

"Well… I don't mind… with my husband out working, I run the house. So what I say does usually go. So of course she can stay here… but, what about you?" She was concerned.

"Don't worry… I plan to live with Maria and her husband. I lived for a time with them once I was out of juvenile detention… I'm so sorry I never brought that up…" he stopped and looked at her. Picking up his sister's clothes to give.

"That's alright, and you don't need to go so far… What about your sister? Drake, you're more than welcome to live with us you know…" she insisted.

"But your husband and we can't see eye to eye… and I feel like he doesn't exactly like me." He said.

"Nonsense… I've known that man since our time in high school…  he is a lot kinder than you think… you do remind me of him a bit too. So please stay and live here okay. Your sister would be devastated not seeing you, and I think my daughter would enjoy the idea frankly… you two will get to act like a husband and wife early" she teased but did mean what she said.

"It's too soon to think of that, not that I'm against it! But, okay fine… I'll live with you… I am grateful and will hope to make it up to you if you let me" he hugged her tightly and she happily held him back. Patting his head.

"Is my boy going to cry again?" She teased him.

"No…" he chuckled knowing she was messing with him.

"It's okay, you know… to show some weakness… but I think you already knew that… go wake up the girls… I'll have breakfast for us ready… you four have school after all…" she let him go. And walked to the kitchen to start making breakfast.

He left his backpack on the couch and left to do as she asked. He entered and saw both of them smothering Sarah. "I'm sorry…" he came over and began to shake both Marlene and Alex. "Hey… Alex, Marlene… time to wake up, Sarah, you as well"

Sarah, being used to it, instinctively woke up. Shortly after Alex and then Marlene. "Morning," Sarah said, crawling to him to be coddled.

"Morning… Jess is making breakfast… So go ahead and freshen up in the bathroom…" he told her, helping her down from the bed.

"Okay…" she sleepily walked away.

"I'll go with her…" said Alex.

"Me too" and Marlene joined. But both didn't leave without first kissing Drake.

Alex was first, with one on his lips, and then Marlene right after her.

Drake was shocked but did show affection back to them both. After that, he got up again and left-back downstairs. "I think… I just now have come to terms with… I'm dating two chicks…" he was normally level-headed and calm. But, right now it has dawned on him all that has developed. He accepted it and wasn't going to regret any of it. Once back in the kitchen he helped, since now Jess had to feed three more people. He began to help him make enough food.

"I didn't know you could cook" she was surprised. And watched as he naturally stepped in to help with the quantity. And prepared lunch with her, for them later.

"I work as a cook at a diner… so I have experience" he explained and helped further.

"Wow… is there anything you can't do?" She praised and continued as well.

"I'm sure there is…" he said and continued. "I managed to wake them up, they're together in the bathroom getting ready so they will be down soon…"

"Thank you for doing that…" she said with a smile.

"My pleasure… so… I've been thinking… I have come to terms with something…" he said.

"Oh no dear, I'm married… but i know after last night, when you saw me, maybe… in secret I don't mind" she teased him a bit more intensely this time.

"That isn't…" he chuckled. "Alright fine… how about after school…" he said with a sly look but a look in his eyes to know he was joking back at her.

She laughed and smiled. "Yay. You can take a joke… I'm sorry, go on…" she was happy that she could talk with him so casually.

"Hehe, I'm glad you got it. It was a gamble saying that anyways… what I wanted to say… I've decided. I'm no longer going to be a hostage to them. You could say I'm running away, but… I feel like it's time… it would go against what my counselor suggested, but… I'm sure he won't complain. So yeah, I'm not just going to move here and leave it at that, but… I want to live. I want my freedom. And I want my sister to live in a family who can love her. I haven't talked about it much… but, I'm at my limit here. So… if at any point something happens to me, can you promise me, you will raise Sarah?" He asked her with a smile.

"Uh… Drake… that sounds like you're speaking your very last words to me… I hope that isn't the case, so fine. I'll raise Sarah for you. However, if I'm doing that, you need to promise me something. You cannot risk your life… I want to see you graduate… I want you to see your own sister grow up. I want you to live a happy life. If we can promise each other what we want, then I'll accept your proposal." She said, wishing his very best for his future.

He nodded. "Of course… I'll do my best to promise you that… is it a deal?"

"Of course… Now prepare the table. It'll be time to eat soon. She said getting plates ready with food.

He did just that, and soon the girls all came down together cheerfully and all saw him making the table. It was a unique sight for sure. They looked stunned and paused. Alex whispered to Marlene. "Is that Drake?"

"I… am sure…" Marlene said back, and sure enough, he noticed them.

"Come down and eat already" he was back to his usual self.

"Hm…" Sarah was thinking. "You are my big brother right?"

"Of course… who else would I be…?" He looked down and smiled, patting her head.

"Hehe, okay…" she smiled and held onto his hand.

Marlene looked at Alex. "You know...has he ever told you what sort of dreams he had?"

"That's a vague question…" Alex responded. "I can't imagine you want to know his nightmare or wet dreams… so you mean his future right?"

"Yeah, wow you're cool, sexy, and observant…" Marlene responded. "But also a perv huh?"

"Why thank you, and… when I think about it. No, I don't think he's ever mentioned any of his dreams like that… he might have been too focused on surviving" she explained.

"Hmm…" Marlene thought silently and gathered at the table together. They began to sit and eat together, while also Jess was wrapping lunch boxes for all of them. "Oh crap!" She got up and went back upstairs grabbing the cash that was left for Drake. She brought it down and handed it to him.

"What the hell are you doing?" He asked. Not wanting to accept her money if that was what she was doing. "I don't need your charity Marlene…" he was concerned.

"No, don't think like that, this is money my dad gave me… and he said, someone gave it to him to hand to you. I'm guessing it's someone you know?" She was worried since he looked mad, but she did also understand it was a misunderstanding.

"Oh. It must have Trey." He said and then took the cash and his expression changed to one more calm.

"The counselor?" Asked Alex.

"Yeah, he's the only one who would do this, and every time I deny, he just gives it up… I'm sorry you had to go through the trouble… and It was my misunderstanding." He told Marlene and grabbed her hand to have her sit down


She smiled and nodded. "It was no trouble… but what are you going to do with that?" She was curious after all she knew he had to pay off bills for his house, and neither of them had learned he had made his choice.

"Well… for one, I'm buying Sarah cuter clothes. The stuff we have is old. And getting hard to keep clean or from getting ripped."

"No way! Really? Is that alright though…?" Sarah asked, first excited, but then sad because she knew of his money trouble.

Drake nodded and smiled. "Yeah of course. It's about time you get a much better wardrobe… I know the old clothes we had were barely considered cute. And I know you've been wanting nicer dresses and clothes… so yeah, we'll get you lots of new clothes" he reassures her.

Her eyes lit up as she was going to be spoiled and this little dream she had of wearing much cuter things was coming true already. "Okay! Can my big sisters come too?"

"Of course…" he looked at both Marlene and Alex.

"Are you sure?" Alex asked since they also were concerned with the same problem. He had to deal with his father after all if he couldn't pay.

"Yup… I've decided… I'm gonna start living… I mean, why shouldn't I? I have a little sister to take care of… I have school. I have the support of two people I consider real parents. And two of the most unreasonably devoted girls who care about me more than I do for myself. So… yeah. I'm gonna start living. I won't be held down anymore by them. So Sarah. We won't ever be going home again. Because, and I've already talked it out… we're living here" He said. "With our new family…"

Sarah couldn't help but smile. And start to cry tears of joy and excitement. She couldn't even speak for herself.

Alex was stunned by this claim and Marlene was too. After everything, he's told them. They were concerned. But the look on his face and eyes. They then looked at each other and agreed on something without a word spoken.

Jess went and helped Sarah, smiling at her as she clung to Jess. "There there…" she attempted to calm her knowing how much this meant to her.

In Sarah's mind, she was happy. But she was also scared. 'We're no longer going back. I'm so happy… and I get nicer clothes… yet' she leaned into Jess more.

He was smiling, but he still had concerns. Thus it wasn't going to be easy. It was never meant to be and never was. He just knew his life could go either way now. Knowing that someday his father would start using any of his resources to find them. He couldn't worry about that now. After all, his sister, for the first time in her life. Was crying tears of joy and excitement. 'I hope… those are the only kind of tears you cry from now on… or so god help me…'

*I'm having fun writing, so I might push out another at the end of the year :D enjoy and happy holidays*