This fanfic is just for fun and the writer just wants to escape from reality! ===== Genji Tomoya is a man who died when he was 29 years old. The reason why he died was unknown to anyone, what was clear was that he was given a second chance by Old God because Old God accidentally listened to his last prayer. Let's follow Tomoya's journey in another world a.k.a Isekai filled with endless adventure and beautiful women who will be conquered by him.
Yada Yada .. I am not a Mage, I am purely a Warrior but can use Magic if I want it, unfortunately almost all of the Magic that I master requires a large [Mana].
Uh, wait a minute .. so far I was not purely a Warrior? well whatever.
"Let me emphasize, I am not a Mage, I am a Warrior who can use Magic. I hope Miss Elize can understand my situation!" I said crouching so I could look into Elizabeth's eyes and then smile at her.
Elizabeth blushed after hearing my answer, most likely it was because she made a misunderstanding and was also treated like a child by me.
I then stand up and gave Elizabeth a headpat, Elizabeth blushed because I was constantly treating her like a child.
I didn't think about it, at least I have left my mark in her heart, so .. I will just ignore her for now and when I manage to save her from the Goblin's sudden attack, I will try to approach her.
Elizabeth wanted to say something to me but Sergeant Vogt told us all to get ready and I then walked towards Nana leaving Elizabeth who was still stunned but a few moments later finally decided to follow me.
I along with Nana, Leeds and Elizabeth also made a party to backup the 'Alibur' and 'Battleaxe of Daybreak' parties which could be said to be our main strengths.
Unlike Masaru, I am currently standing in the front line while surrounded by two women and one girl whose three have beautiful looks, I even see the envious eyes of many men who are well .. I will ignore them, except for Kreuk who I see his expression face is very attractive.
I am currently still wearing my Goblin Slayer armor but I have improved its quality by replacing its material which was originally Iron into Adamantite.
I also changed the color to black, because I didn't want the blood of the monsters I killed to change the color of my armor with their dirty blood.
Overall, my Goblin Slayer armor could be considered a combination of Momonga (Ainz) and Goblin Slayer-san, unfortunately I didn't bring two Long Swords so that my appearance could be more similar to Momonga's.
My weapon is still the same as the Katana which can change into many types of firearms, but because she doesn't have a name, so I decided to name her "Momoi Sayaka".
Her name indeed sounds like a woman's name, of course it's all because I remember a wise words that say like this "Behind a successful man, there is a great woman behind him!".
So I named her "Momoi Sayaka" which incidentally was the only woman I truly loved in my previous life, unfortunately Momoi left me because *sniff* God had let her rest in peace in heaven.
(A / N: Please don't search that name on Google!)
I will not tell my story in my previous life any further, for me my previously life which had been the history of my life is only to be remembered not to be shared.
Although sometimes I miss the figure of Momoi, but I know that not everyone has the luck to be born again as I am currently experiencing, at least I can meet with Momoi when I have finished my journey and arrived in heaven.
~~~ Future Tomoya POV ~~~~
Those are my words that will come true because I would never have thought that I would meet Momoi again when I visited the world of Otome Games after I lived for 2 years in the world of [Knight and Magic] to learn how to make a Giant Robot.
However .. it will be a story that I will discuss on pages that are still very far away, for now let's continue my story when I was in the world of [NEET dakedo Hello Works].
~~~ End POV ~~~
"What's wrong Tomoya?" Nana asked me, then she wiped my tears that suddenly flowed.
"Just remembering something warm but painful. Thank you, I'm fine now!" I said smiling at Nana and then kissed her cheek as a sign of my thanks to her.
Nana wasn't blushing as usual but she was still staring at me with a look filled with worries.
I tried to ignore the look in her eyes and suddenly I smell something so smelly that it makes my nose hurt a little.
It was a group of Goblins and Orcs who to me they were dirty monsters and always liked to catch humans, either as food or as a satisfying sexual appetite.
My Inner Slayer forced me to immediately slaughter them all so that no new Goblin Slayer stories were created in this world, I, who is a fan of "Goblin Slayer", really knows how bad the world that "My Big Brother" lives in and one of my biggest regrets is the sanctity of the Sword Maiden that no longer deserves to be called the "Maiden" taken by the Goblins.
Therefore, when I meet the Goblins and Orcs .. My Inner Slayer will automatically activate and make me want to immediately jump and slaughter them all (Goblins and Orcs).
But thanks to [Everything is a Game] I was able to calm myself and then immediately I stopped them all (the Expedition Team) before the "Wings of Twilight" realized the existence of the Goblins and Orcs.
They were all curious as to why I was stopping them all, I did not tell them all because I had detected the presence of a monitoring team which a few moments later appeared in front of Sergeant Vogt and explained the situation.
After hearing the explanations from the monitoring team, they all began to get serious and Nana suddenly asked me.
"How do you know?" she said, who still hadn't smelled the Goblin and Orcs.
"That's because I have a wolf's sense of smell even though I didn't activate my [Half-King] mode," I said in a whisper to her ear that made my Inner Beast Ear Lovers unable to resist stroking her ears.
Fortunately [Everything is a Game] forced me to calm down and not be tempted by my Inner Beast Ear Lovers that were far stronger than my Inner Slayer.
Nana felt a little amused when her ears touched my breath when I whispered to her, she even blushed and her tail swayed like a dog's tail when she (Dog) felt happy.
Leeds, who rarely spoke but who had sharp ears heard my answer and then she began to imagine when she stroked my tail and also made me sleep on her lap while cleaning my wolf's ears in my [Half-King] mode.
As for Elizabeth, she uses her Magic to make her hearing sharp and then begin to imagine what Leeds imagined.
I who didn't know anything suddenly got goosebumps and when I looked at Leeds and Elizabeth, I knew that something bad would happen to me.
End XD
So .. is this counted today? (in My Country, this is not counted Today, but Tomorrow)