

Ace, Ty, Trevor, and Theo are reincarnated into a new world of where Descendants roam the magical realms, however, they will be reincarnated into the same body. How will they face the challenges as one? Will they manage to keep their secret, a secret? Will they aim to change this world or will they be corrupted by their past? Dive in as our protagonists attend one of the eight academies, as they collect petals and study the different elements under the Primordials. As they adventure through the different realms and explore the lost art of summoning.

Hedtea · Fantaisie
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31 Chs

The truth shall set you free






◇What the f*ck you mean you can't do it?◇

۶Yeah dude, it was the most interesting part۶

◯Okay okay everyone, chill, let him explain◯

۶I feel a monologue is coming۶

"I can't kill you, even though you killed your youngest son, you are not worth dying.

Trash like you should not rest in peace, you don't deserve peace. You will be forever reminded that your power means nothing to me, and I promise you, someday I will kill you, you won't know when, so everyday you will wonder, is it today?" -Caleb's tone was ice cold, it even sent shivers down all listener's spines.


۶That… was… AMAZING!۶

"Y-you, w-why are you doing this? I didn't kill my youngest son, I-I, truth is, I don't have a young son" -Sir Thornwood was not brave enough to look up to this mysterious figure eyes so he kept his gaze fixed on the floor as he felt his eyes begin to overflow with tears of frustration, icompetence, fear and anger.

۶Wait what?!۶

"What do you mean you don't have a young son? Are you that inhumane to deny your own kin?! Does the name Caleb mean anything to you?!" -Caleb could not hold his anger in anymore, hearing his father neglect him like that was unbearable.

"H-he was never my child, he was not my kin, he… he was adopted…"

~Wait what? I was adopted? Were they not my family? Who is my family?~

◯We are◯

◇Ugh I am cringing so hard but yeah, family family, love and sh*t◇

◯Always the most caring right?◯

۶Guys, be more sensible, caleb is hurting۶

~Actually I am not, I am glad that trash does not flow in our body's veins~

◯That is a good way to look at it◯

◇Wait… isn't brains been a little too quiet today?◇

๑My name is not brians and yeah, I have been wondering, who are your real parents ? Could it be that our summoning here is related to your true bloodline?๑

"Thank you, for setting me free from the chains that your blood brought"-Caleb's tone was now thankful, no trace of anger left in his voice.


A couple of days passed since Thronwoods battle and Caleb and the rest had been training incredibly hard since then, they realized they were already an overwhelming force but decided they needed to grow even stronger, especially if they wanted to summon Nya and finally get to use the necklace that had always hanged on their neck since then.

Back at the Thornwoods manor, Caleb's adoptive father had been waking up in the middle of the night sweating as the stranger's promise ranged on his ears since that day, his house had not been fully rebuilt as the mysterious attacker almost whipped them off the map, his older sons had returned to their respective academies with vengeance on their minds.

They intended to become stronger in order to defend their father and prevent him from being killed by some random caster who was younger yet more powerful than them. They were definitely jealous of this caster and had to train harder than ever.

Caleb's maximum summons had gone up all the way to ten while Ty's was a twelve, Ace was nine, Trevor and Theo's was eleven, making a total of fifty three summons their body was able to maintain. They had also discovered several abilities they could use with their summons like sharing their senses. Their main goal was for all of them to be able to have independent bodies so their training and fighting would improve, however, this was a step that required a tutor, a tutor they would have sooner than expected.


A month had passed since the events at Thornwoods manor. It was a simple autumn day, where the colors of the foliage had already changed from greens to purples and pinks. It was really a sight to behold.

Caleb was sitting on one of the branches of their tree which they called their home. Thanks to their proficiency in nature magic, they had all added their own tweaks to their "base" in order for it to be comfortable to everyone, the weird statues had been replaced by some better looking ones that were not only made of wood but some of stone or even ice.

They were mostly mythological beings with their faces or bodies changed a little in order to resemble their old bodies. Ace had adopted the figure of the Greek goddess Atena, Ty adopted that of a giant made of stone, he found funny the thought of a statue in stone of a man of stone, Theo was a mixture between Hades and a demon and Trevor was an archangel. They had their favorite elements that were represented with them in their statues alongside them.

Caleb was watching the sun set as they all felt a pull from a different realm calling for them to summon it. Caleb leaped off the top of the tree and landed gracefully without a sound on the floor below even though it was a ten meters fall. They immediately went to draw the pentagram with their nature element and it shone brightly green in midair before turning light green and eventually… white!

The pentagram's were supposed to turn black before the summon crossed through under the master's influence, but this one was trunking white! Would it mean the summon would be… free?

They had a lot of questions about summoning, especially spiritual summoning as they had only managed to summon physical beings from other realms, they figured that when they could figure out how to make a being out of pure magic, they would be able to take control of it, they believed the only non-elemental magic was spatial magic but they were wrong, alongside the spatial non-elemental magic there existed chrono and mental magic, with their respective domains being time and mental power, otherwise called will power. There also existed arcane magic which was pure magic and other unknown "elements".

The pentagram started expanding greatly until it became a door ten meters tall, a pure golden door. When it opened, a single being passed through. A woman appeared human, with a dress made out of golden leaves, a crown of thorns resting on her blonde hair that perfectly matched her fair skin. She had pure green eyes that changed from deep dark green to a light one. This was the only hint to her identity as Primordials could not do anything about it.

"Finally, we meet again"