

Ace, Ty, Trevor, and Theo are reincarnated into a new world of where Descendants roam the magical realms, however, they will be reincarnated into the same body. How will they face the challenges as one? Will they manage to keep their secret, a secret? Will they aim to change this world or will they be corrupted by their past? Dive in as our protagonists attend one of the eight academies, as they collect petals and study the different elements under the Primordials. As they adventure through the different realms and explore the lost art of summoning.

Hedtea · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
31 Chs

Caleb (I)






After their second year, their body was now that of a ten years old. Their magical power, control and body was growing at an outstanding rate, they would soon have to control their growth as in their current state they would raise too many suspicions in the outside world. They also increased their summoning ability. Each of them was now able to summon three different beings at the same time meaning that Caleb's body had the capability of summoning twelve beings together.

As their anniversary approached, a new consciousness showed itself for the first time in two years. Caleb had actually regained control of his body. He had appeared one day when they were all relaxing with their pets.

◇I swear, Flame is way stronger than any of your summons, we have been training a lot.◇

Aas it's master thought if it's name, Flame, a fire salamander that rested a few meters away in a ball-like form chirped. It was indeed a very strong summon with different fire related abilities. It was as big as a grown man's arm, it's skin seemed to be made out of molten lava as the fire energies inside it were visibly moving around. It also had two big green eyes that resembled jewels, it had two black large fangs coming out of its mouth.

Ace had acquired Flame only a few days ago and the salamander had grown exponentially as it finally reached maturity the day before. The rest of the summoned creatures were as powerful as Flame was but Ace loved bragging about the gorgeous summon she had.

Trevor had a completely different summon, from the opposing element. Ice. It had the body of a jellyfish made completely out of ice crystals that bent the light passing through and created a symphony of colors around it. On top of it's round top, it had a small crown made out of one single ice block. He had named it Jellice, which was the perfect name for the creature. It was the size of a small newborn child but had some very powerful abilities.

Theo had several summons as he didn't have a favorite one. He mostly summoned a new one every day in order to study more where they came from, and how the entire summoning thing worked as he continued to summon even more powerful creatures every time he tried. His last summon had been pure yellow, which indicated it's mastery over the toxic element, frog the size of a man. It poisoned a significant part of the forest but they had learned healing magic way before so the damage was fixed within seconds.

Due to this incident, he was only allowed to summon new things from certain elements like the shadow cat it had now. It was a black cat but it was made entirely of shadow, only it's white eyes were visible once night came. He didn't really bother naming them as he changed them constantly.

Ty was the happiest with his summons. He really took care of them and always had more than one summoned. Now he had his friendly Blob which was the most important one to him as it was his first summon and a new light creature. It looked like a big turtle that could change its size from fitting in their palm to them being able to lay in its shell. Its name was Jeremiah, no one really knew why but they called it J for short.

It was this day that they heard a voice they had not heard in a long time.

~Why are we slacking off when we could be working right now?~

They were all startled with all the summons reflecting their master's emotions and freezing in time. No one knew what was happening except for a dryad that was somewhere chuckling.

~Don't be surprised to hear me, I never died~

◇Wait wait, time out, what the actual f*ck?!◇

◯You sucked the words out of my mouth◯

๑Firstly, ew, and secondly, what happened to you Caleb?๑

۶Wait… Caleb? THE Caleb?۶

~I'm glad someone knows who I am, you must be Theo~

๑I am indeed, how did you know that๑

~You must have already figured it out haven't you? The same way you can access my memories I have been growing from your memories and personalities. In two years I mentally grew from a defenseless five year old a cold blooded individual with some personality issues~

๑You have our best traits don't you?๑

~Haha, you are indeed smart, in order to survive, I had to adapt, and that meant to take the best part of every single one of you and use them to become one again~

◇T-that actually makes a lot of sense◇

◯So what do you want?◯

~Oh common, don't be like that Trev, I am a friend, not a foe~

Due to their mental link they could tell he was indeed not lying and everything he said was true. Still, they were shocked to find out the being they thought was long dead, the one responsible for their awesome lives since they came to another world, was still alive and was their… friend?

~We have to train more if we will survive in this world, right now we have the body of a ten year old, and by the rate in which we have been growing, we will reach fourteen in a year~

۶Am I the only one that is lost?۶

◇Not this time buddy◇

~Oh yeah, I forgot you didn't have access to some of my memories, alright that can be fixed, here~

As he said this, a ton of information flooded their brain, it was just something little Caleb had overheard his family talked about when he was supposed to be running errands.

At the age of fourteen, all casters of every kingdom would travel to the royal capital of Cadir in order for the entrance exams to one of the major Academies. The exam was not based on richness but talents, that is why some commoners had the means to go into the academies, something all nobles were able to achieve as they received private tutoring as they grew up.

They had one year to prepare, summon Nya and activate the necklace before heading into the Neutral Grounds where the capital was established. They would also have to hide their own aura, growth, talents and most importantly, their summons, as no one could know their nature as summoners.