

As a wolf in the pack, I could feel the power and strength coursing through my body. Together with my brothers, we were a force to be reckoned with, feared and respected in the forest. But when we came face to face with the Ancient One, a European vampire, our confidence was shaken. The predator's dark red eyes held a kind of fearless intensity that made us all pause. We knew that we were facing a creature with centuries of experience and supernatural abilities that we could not match. Even as a pack of wolves, we were no match for this ancient vampire. In that moment, I couldn't help but think about my life and how it had led me to this moment. Being a wolf was a good life, a life of brotherhood and loyalty. It was almost holy in a way. But facing this predator made me realize that there was so much more to the world than I had ever imagined. I knew that if we hadn't come to Forks, we wouldn't be in this situation now. But despite the fear that was coursing through me, I couldn't bring myself to end this life. I felt that there was something bigger at play, that there was a purpose to this encounter that I couldn't yet understand. The Ancient One's friendly, creepy smile only served to make me more uneasy. This vampire was unlike any creature we had ever encountered before. With his supernatural abilities, he could easily take us down. As he decided to run away, I couldn't help but wonder what other dangers lay ahead of us in this new, unknown world.

Xander1987 · Livres et littérature
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9 Chs


Max sat on the couch, lost in thought as she mulled over the events of the past few days. She had called all her exes and asked them to come to Stephen's house, but she couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. As she pondered the animosity between Billy and Cullen, the unnatural beauty of Bella, and the scar on Emily's face, she knew that there was more to the story than what she had been told.

"Where were you in Seattle at that time?" Jacob and Billy's question had confused her the most. She couldn't help but feel that she was somehow involved in whatever they were hiding.

Then truth, it hit me hard, so I am the reason after all. At those I times I wondered if I was seeing the same things through my eyes that the rest of the world was seeing through theirs. Now I know the answer. They were not. I am freak. Before it was due to appearance. But I have genetic proof. But the cause didn't matter. All that mattered was the effect. My last marriage failed due to me. Anger and depression I was feeling was not due to Stephen, it was all me.

Dinner with children was somber. Girls were not talking and twins noticed that and they tried to cheer everyone up. But it was unsuccessful. As dinner with the children ended, I knew that I had to tell them about her upcoming trip to her mother's grave.

"Mom and Harry have something to do next week, so I won't be able to watch over or cook for you. But Mom will call you, so you should take the phone and talk to me about what you did," she explained to the twins. They cried for little bit, but Megan diverted their mind by talking to them and Sophie brought them upstairs for telling stories.

When they left for upstairs, I told Harry about my theory.

He nodded and said "If Stephen was compatible, it doesn't matter it is genetic or not. You have seen the psychiatrist. They also told you that change in behavior is may be due to pregnancy. So it's not only due to your genetics but the response from Stephen also matters."

I didn't sleep well that night, even after I was done crying. The constant whooshing of the rain and wind across the roof wouldn't fade into the background. I pulled the quilt over my head, and later added the pillow, too. But I couldn't fall asleep until after midnight, when the rain finally settled into a quieter drizzle. Thick fog was all I could see out my window in the morning, and I could feel the sadness and anger creeping up on me. And I know that Billy, Jacob and Cullen is hiding something. It is more dangerous than what they are convincing me to be.

Since my sleep was troubled, I woke up early and packed children's things. Their favorite dress, toys books, cd and so on. After that I took a bath and readied breakfast.

Breakfast with children was a quiet event. I wished there was another way. After breakfast, we sat at the living room. . We were waiting for Jacob and Billy.

I heard the sound of the cars.

Jacob came and rang the bell. Harry got up and opened the door. Jacob said as soon as door opened, "we will take his car and my car. "

Harry asked why.

He said "It is for Billy to get in and out."

I said "ok. Have you eaten?"

Jacob said "we ate at Emily's place."

"Ok then let's go "

The silence in the car was palpable, so I decided to put on children's song to lighten the mood.

The wheels on the bus go round and round

Round and round, round and round

The wheels on the bus go round and round

All through the town

The wipers on the bus go swish, swish, swish

Swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish

The wipers on the bus go swish, swish, swish

All through the town

The horn on the bus goes beep, beep, and beep

Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep

The horn on the bus goes beep, beep, and beep

All through the town.

The twins tried to sing along, but they were failing. So Megan tried singing in an opera voice, which made everyone laugh. Harry even tried imitating Jacob's voice, and Sophie put on her robotic voice. After that I tried my lullaby voice. By the end of my singing, twins and girls were sleeping.

Harry told me he will drive. I nodded and called Jacob. We stopped and after little stretching we continued. I was looking outside through window. Trees and houses were passing away from like in an old film. That motion seems to give me some peace and I slept till we reached Seattle. We brought some flowers and gave some to children and Billy and we proceeded to cemetery.

We were standing in front of Lake View Cemetery, which is situated on a hill overlooking Lake Washington to the east and the Cascade Mountains to the northeast. Despite its reputation, the cemetery is a peaceful and scenic place that provides a sense of calm. We were in the section of the cemetery called "Commons," a name which I found hard to accept. I wanted to scream at the board, "She is not common to me!" Then Harry took my hand and I was calmed. I looked down, and he guided me. Jacob was pushing Billy, searching for her based on Charlie's instructions.

This section of the cemetery is dedicated to the burial of indigent and unknown persons who have no relatives or next of kin to claim their remains. Some of the graves were marked with simple markers or plaques, often with just a number to identify them. I cried silently, unsure if I was crying for them or for my mom.

Finally, we reached her grave. I don't know if it was the mood or the place, but the children were silent. I didn't know what to say to her. I didn't know her well. I hoped for some time that she would come for me. All the stories I heard at that time said that mothers loved their children so much that it would break their hearts to leave them. Years later, I woke up from my dream and yearned to create my own family. And Harry was the start of it. When he was born, I couldn't understand how a mother could leave their children.

I bent down and began to clean the surrounding area by pulling out weeds. The children also bent down and started to clean. Within a few minutes, it was done. Afterward, I stood up and looked at Billy.

Billy was staring at the name on the grave. When he noticed my stare, he sighed and began to speak. "When I met you, you were a free bird. I loved that about you. I couldn't do what you were doing with your life because I know my life is with the tribe. Your experiences were incredible. I know it was selfish of me, but I wanted you to live with me so that I could live through your eyes. But I know that what I loved about you is the reason you left me. I realized that at the time when I found out you had left me. But I never stopped believing that you would come back someday and tell me your stories. But you were long gone before that. I am a little angry with you for not telling me about the pregnancy, but I understand the reason. You wanted to fly. But you could have sent me a letter to inform me. Maybe you wanted her to be a free bird like you. But I think you failed at that. She made her own tribe, and she is protecting it just like me. So I am happy and proud of our daughter and her children. This is Max and their children. They finally know what happened, and they came here to see you." After that, he was silent.

I looked at the grave and tried to speak, but I couldn't find the words. After some time, I said, "Mom, I always wanted to ask you why you left me, and now it seems like I am too late. But from my father's words, I can see you moving like a butterfly, and you were different from both of us. Maybe everything happened for a reason, or maybe everything is random. But I know in my heart that I yearned for my real mother to be with me so that I could share my day with her. I lost that chance, but I have been given another chance to learn about my father. So I am grabbing my chance and living with as much as I can. So I love you, mother, and I will come and see you whenever possible." And I put flowers on the grave.

The children arrived one by one and called her "grandma" as they placed flowers on the grave. Jacob pushed Billy towards the grave, and Billy kissed his hand, touched the stone, and placed flowers on top.

After that, we sat down around the grave, and I told her about our lives, what we were like, and what we were doing. The children picked up on that and shared about their lives, what they liked, and what they didn't like. Billy told us about his life, how he got married, and about his other children and wife's death. After some more time, we said goodbye and left the cemetery.

The children were hungry, so we went to a restaurant to eat and then went to Stephen's house. When we arrived in front of the house, I called Jacob and Billy and said, "I will tell Stephen personally about my condition."

Jacob asked, "Why?"

I replied, "He needs to know so that he can move on with his life."

Jacob tried to say something, but Billy stopped him and said, "You can decide."

After that, we went inside. The children squealed when they saw their fathers and hugged them tightly. Harry and Sophie, however, did not. Harry nodded and stood beside his father, and Sophie half-hugged him.

We went inside and drank some refreshments. As usual, Richard broke the awkward silence, "So what's up, gang? Why so serious? And who are they?" he asked.

I started telling them what had happened and about my real parents. They were stunned at first, and then they looked at Harry and Billy, and they nodded. I also explained about the tribal situation and the event that was going to happen. I said it was my way of accepting the tribe and family. I also said that Harry wanted to be with me to see the procedure. They nodded and agreed, and the children were quiet, especially the twins. This was the first time they were leaving me.

They went and shook hands with Billy and Jacob, and one by one, they took their luggage and left with the children. It nearly broke me to see them leaving. After they left, I nodded at Harry, and he took the children upstairs.

I looked at Stephen and started telling the real story. I cried and said, "I'm sorry, Stephen." Stephen looked relieved and sad. He took my hand and hugged me. He said, "You don't have to say sorry. Our doctor also said it has something to do with hormone imbalance. Now we know what the problem is, we can treat it and tackle it together."

But I looked him in the eyes and said, "The issues that were there before are still there, and it would only add to my condition and our failed marriage."

I told him to bring back the children after the doctor and Jacob feel it is safe. I left the vehicle there for the twins since it already had child seats.

I went upstairs and looked at the twins; they were sleeping, and Harry was there with a book in hand. So I kissed them on their forehead, and I went down with Harry and said goodbye to Stephen, and we sat inside Jacob's car. Jacob started the car, and we went back to Forks.

I don't know what happened after two to three hours. I woke up from my sleep inside the car due to hearing a sound like something snapped. I woke up and looked around. Harry looked at me and asked, "What happened?"

I asked, "Did you hear something?"

He said, "No."

As we continued driving, I looked around and outside, noticing that it was dark and foggy. I felt restless and hot, and asked Jacob, "Did you turn on the heater?"

"No," he replied, looking concerned. "Are you feeling okay?"

"I don't know," I said. "It feels suffocating."

Jacob looked at Billy nervously before saying, "its okay. We'll reach Forks soon enough."

"Okay," I replied. Harry grabbed my hand and patted it, and I began to feel a little better.

After a while, Jacob said, "Harry, you drive. I'm a little tired." Harry looked at me with concern, and I nodded at him.

We stopped the car, and Jacob sat behind me while Harry took the driver's seat. Harry kept looking at the mirror to check on me, but the tension was increasing, and I began to feel more agitated. I tried to control myself by thinking about the forest, greenery, and rain. It helped calm me down a bit.

Finally, we reached the house, and I got out of the car quickly, inhaling deeply. Harry's phone rang just as we arrived, and it was Stephen. He handed me the phone, and I asked, "What happened?"

Stephen told me that the twins had woken up an hour ago, crying and asking to see their mommy. My heart broke when I heard this, but I reassured them that I would visit them soon. Stephen started a video call, but the reception and quality were very poor. I could see the twins' red faces due to crying, and it made me feel even worse.

"Its okay, my little kitties," I said, trying to comfort them. "It will be over soon, and don't worry your dad. Just sleep with him tonight, I know, it's tough" Max said sympathetically. "But don't worry I'll be back soon. And in the meantime, I have a story that might help you sleep better tonight."

"What story?" Keri asked, his eyes lighting up.

"It's a story about a magical forest," I said, grinning. "Would you like to hear it?"

"Yes, please," Kame said, perking up.

I launched into the story, and the twins were soon enthralled. They listened with rapt attention as I described the enchanted trees, talking animals, and secret treasures hidden in the forest.

As I finished the story, the twins were yawning and rubbing their eyes. "That was amazing, mom," Kame said, his voice barely above a whisper.

"I'm glad you liked it," I said, smiling at them. "Now, off to bed with you both. Sweet dreams."

"Good night, Mom," Keri said, as they closed their eyes.

"Good night, boys," I said, waving at them and ended the phone.

After talking to them, I felt physically better, but mentally exhausted.

I said good night to Jacob and Billy before going to bed.

Sleep was terrible. I had vivid nightmares and hallucinations. It feels like some people are talking in my brain. After that same night mare began again. I could see the eyes of wolf and it was pulling me in to his body I was helpless and then it felt like someone stroked my head and night mare faded.

The next morning, I woke up and I walked downstairs, I could smell the aroma of coffee and pancakes in the air. I saw Harry in the kitchen, cooking breakfast.

"Good morning, Harry," I said, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.

"Morning, Mom," Harry replied with a smile. "How did you sleep?"

"It was ok. Did you come to my room at night" I said, stretching my arms.

"Yes," Harry said. "You were burning up. And I put some wet sheet on your head. Do you want some?" He asked and lifted the pan "

"Sure, I'd love some," I said, taking a seat at the table.

As we were eating, Jacob walked into the kitchen, rubbing his sleepy eyes. He sat on the on to their chairs, looking groggy.

"You were here last night" I asked him

He replied "Yes you were burning up. So I dropped Billy off and came back here. I don't like the sofa it is not hard enough"

Harry said to that "you don't have to sleep here" then continued speaking to me" I called Sophie Megan yesterday after reaching here"

Jacob Shrugged.

Ok guys I am going to run and have a work out at GYM wit Seth.