
Chapter 60 Looks like it came from the dead

Song Evening star felt as if he had come to earth.

Father died in a car accident when he was very young, hit-and-run, no compensation.

Her grandparents thought she was a daughter and didn't want to lose money, so when her mother took her away, they didn't even see her.

Later, her mother took her to marry Lu Weilin.

The first two years were quite harmonious, but the turning point appeared when the mother became pregnant and gave birth to her younger brother Lu Haochen.

It is possible that there is a preference for sons in the bones of Haicheng people, and Song Wanxing is not Lu Weilin's own, so she was naturally ignored.

As a child, her life consisted of taking care of her younger brother.

When she got older, all her expenses had to be compromised for her brother.

If it were not for the free normal school, if it were not for her commitment to go to school she would not ask for a penny from her family, she would have worked after high school.

She can live smoothly until now, Song Wanxing think is also a miracle.

Back in the evening, Jin Ze still cooked dinner.

For a moment, Song Wanxing thought how wonderful it would be if she and Jin Ze were not married by agreement, but really married.

He works well, respects women, cooks, and is the perfect modern husband.

But she soon realized that Jin Ze had married her only to get out of a blind date arranged by the old lady.

A medical prodigy like him should only be interested in people of his intellectual equal.

She quickly threw the idea out of her mind, she felt that it should be a kind of dependence when she was helpless, Jin Ze just helped her solve the problem.

So she has a "if only he was really my husband" illusion.


The next day, the school held a general assembly, Qian Cong was injured for a time to conduct a profound review.

It is said that the review of the Qian Cong incident is actually the accountability of Song Wanxing.

After all, it was Director Zhao Hui who called the meeting.

Dozens of people in the conference room, no class teachers were called.

At this time, Zhao Hui sat in the chair.

Clearing his throat, he said, "In view of the teaching accident caused by teacher Song Wanxing, it has brought a very bad impact on the school." Therefore, after a meeting, the Educational Administration group reached a unanimous decision, that is, to expel Song Wanxing, and publicly inform. I hope everyone will take this as a warning and not make similar mistakes again."

As Zhao Hui spoke, her eyes fell on Song Wanxing.

The contemptuous eyes seemed to tell Song Wanxing: If you had admitted your mistake with me yesterday, perhaps I would have interceded with the above, but if you dared to challenge my authority, I would have let you go!

Zhao Hui thought Song Wanxing would cry, would beg for mercy, would say she was wrong.

But Song Wanxing's expression was too calm, as if firing her would not affect her mood at all.

Compared with Song Wanxing's calm, the surrounding colleagues heard the result of the punishment, everyone's face showed a look of surprise.

Maybe he thought the punishment was too harsh.

Can Zhao Hui is the director, officer big level crushed people.

They finally can only look sympathetically at Song Wanxing, who let her so unlucky, this thing happened in Li Lijuan's class.

Li Lijuan is Zhao Hui's only daughter, out of things, she will certainly protect Li Lijuan, and put Song evening star this powerless and helpless people out.

The most angry than Tao Xinyuan, she could not help wanting to stand up for a good friend Song evening star speak.

Only at this moment, the door of the meeting room was opened from the outside!