
Even if it kills me I'll try again

Story of a hero named Nero that travels back in time to fight the demon king and change fate of his friends

MrJoul · Fantaisie
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This is it the finally drorvthat lead to the demon lord.

In front of massive steel door party of three is s ready for their final battle

There is a priest know as Keith with his expensive equipment. He isn't that tall but don't get fooled by his height he is pretty durable.

There is a beautiful girl known as Nana she is the mage of this team. She is total opposite of Keith she is pretty week but smart.

And for last party member Nero he is the swordsman he has short dark brown hair and blue eyes. He is the leader of the party he is destined to fight and kill the demon lord

As they push the door they feel that Thay are finally ready to end it one for all. As the door open in the blink of a eye Nero is the only one that stands he sees his best friend his best palls falling on the ground decapitated. He is shocked but he knows that there is nothing that can be done he needs to do it himself he is destined to do it to finish it all alone.

The demon lord laughs

"That was she power of your party is this a joke for you, did you really think that you and your friends could even hurt me. Your five year long journey was not enough to get to my level of strength you are s human band am a magical being a demon. Now fight me "hero" show me what your made of."

As Nero tried to swing his sword moments of his time together with his friends flashed in front of his eyes.

He said to him self

"I'm not a hero I'm a pathetic being a weak human. I should have trained for this moment my whole life not just five years. If I were stronger I would have save them."

As he said this words demon lord smiled

"I was looking forward to this battle. But I will give you another chance. This time don't desepoint me this is the reason you were born to fight me be a worthy opponent let it be a fair fight."

As demon lord snapped his fingers Everything went black Is it the end?

No it is the beginning of a future hero named Nero.