
| The Subtle Art of Fucking Up

𝑷𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒆𝒏𝒕 𝑫𝒂𝒚


"Please you have to help me! I can't let this get out, Please!"

What the hell had I gotten myself into? He was eccentric and so fucking annoying. Why had I allowed this fool into my office again? As every excruciating second passed, the answer to that question became vaguer

"Take a deep breath Matthew, you are going to be fine," I breathed, taking a deep drag of the cigar hanging off my lips. This clown was going to piss his pants in here and I was going to kill Rita for it.

I could see how panicked he was, and deep down I didn't give a shit. In my line of work the more panicked they were, the better for me because billing them for all they were worth became a whole lot easier.

I took another drag from the stick and stood up from my black leather chair. I rounded the large desk to him and rested my ass on the edge of the polished wood before crossing my leather-clad legs.

"Breathe in and breathe out, Matthew," I cooed softly. The man was frightened and if truth be told, it gave me a certain thrill. I loved seeing frightened men - not to talk of terrified politicians - they were just icing on the cake. As Senator Mathew followed my earlier instruction, he looked up at me with pleading eyes. Everyone - including him - knew that I was the only soul in Transville and damn near the whole continent, adept at handling shit like his.

Simply put, I made things disappear or appear, depending on what you wanted.

Matthew kept taking in fresh air into his lungs, and I nodded at him in encouragement and approval. He wasn't going to die on me, at least not today. When I saw he was more level-headed, I crouched low and leveled my eyes with his. "Now, can you tell me what happened?" I asked softly, blowing a puff of smoke into his face.

He bobbed his head obediently and swallowed. "They have pictures, v-videos..."

I rolled my eyes in frustration when he broke down in tears, again. I was losing patience, and I was losing it fast.

"Who has videos, Mathew? And what do they have videos of?" I tried again. He was only in here because of his position, and he was pushing it way past his limit.

I placed my hands on his shoulders to comfort him, only for his wailing to increase in sound and grit. I sighed in exasperation. Life was supposed to throw curveballs at you, and you were supposed to suck it up and move on. But apparently, there were more pussies in the world than I cared to count.

"Matthew, answer me," I gritted in frustration, my fingers twitching to squeeze the words out of him. And unconsciously it began to happen. The fingers I had placed on his shoulders to comfort him began to squeeze, and Matthew shrieked at the sudden pain.

Looking confused, he lifted his head to look at me. "I can't stand pussies, Matthew. They have an uncanny ability to drive me nuts," I let out, matter-of-factly, answering the unspoken question his eyes had raised.

He began to speak, but I cut him short with a raise of my forefinger. "You'll have to leave, Mathew, I have other clients to attend to."

This was said so calmly, I was sure the idiot didn't even understand what was going on. When soft words didn't work, threats always did.

"What? Please..." he whimpered, "I'll pay you whatever you need. Help me." This guy was the definition of pussy. Even the way he begged was annoying. This just certified my notion that all men were weak and only acted strong to hold on to power and control, hurting everyone else in the process. I was so tempted to let him rot in the mess he had landed himself in. I bet that he cheated, and his wife found out. Then decided to use the lady or ladies he fucked to blackmail him. I was also a hundred and one percent sure he didn't even know his wife was behind it, which would serve him right. If not for the fact he was an old client of mine...

"How am I supposed to help you if you keep sulking?" I asked him when I got tired of his whimpering. Placing my hands on top of the wood behind me, I leaned against it and waited for his response.

"I - I'm sorry - I -" The fool was stuttering. Great!

I rolled my eyes as I pressed the com on my desk. Within minutes, a voice came through.

"Eve," the voice boomed.

"Rita," I barked, "Senator Matthew is ready to leave."

The phone immediately went dead, and seconds later Rita walked into my office with two hefty men in tow.

"Eve please..." Mathew began but I cut in, not letting him finish whatever rubbish he was about to spill.

"Not another word, Senator." His mouth immediately clenched shut. "Since you don't want to talk to me, go talk to my assistant. Maybe she'll have all the time in the world for you." Before he could respond, I pushed back his chair with the hill of my silhouette and took one last drag from my cigar.

The bodyguards immediately grabbed Matthew by the arms and dragged him out of my precious leather chair. And even as he was being dragged out the door, the pussy kept wailing all the way.

I couldn't help but chuckle. I didn't mind seeing men in that state. I felt immense pleasure knowing I could get them there.

"I am sorry Eve -" Rita began.

"I don't want to hear it. Go handle Mathew and bring me the details. We will discuss your idiocy later." She immediately turned around and walked out, banging on the door in the process.

She knew I wasn't willing to attend to Matthew, yet she sent him in anyway. Whether it was sympathy or sheer stupidity, I didn't know. Neither did I care. She knew not to defile me yet she did. She was going to pay for it. That was just how it was.

I wasn't apologetic for how I behaved. If anything, I reveled in it. Why shouldn't I? I owed the world nothing. Where I was, what I did, was all me.

The woman I saw in the mirror every day had been born from blood, gore, and pain. And she had only one reason to live.


I officially welcome you into the mind of Eve Red.

Jenival_Enyiacreators' thoughts