

The setting of this book is based in Nigeria. Tom bring an average kid in his early twenties was sent out to look for work at Dennis place but on getting there he got the opposite of what he intended on getting. Maliu being a madman sat at the gate of chief Michelle where he suddenly picked up a piece of paper and mistook it for a newspaper. Madzi is a drug dealer and a hustler on the streets, commonly known as “ mad zee" by her friends.“mad zee" was however sexually abused by the street lord kilham. Tom went in search of money for the treatment of his sister's health. Zeelah has been struck down with appendicitis and was admitted in the hospital. Zeelah is Tom's younger sister and the only daughter of Mr and Mrs fuoye. Mr and Mrs fuoye had little to feed their children,but with the little they had it wasn't still enough to feed the family. So Tom went into the streets to search for job just to make sure everyone is okay being the first born of the family but he got the opposite of what he intended on getting.

Florence_Gbadeyan · Urbain
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8 Chs

Chapter six

NARRATOR: ( On their way to the police custody, they met bomboy. Bomboy is an average kid who was always current in everything that was happening in the neighborhood)

Bomboy:( sees the guards holding Tom)Ah! Tom! What happened? Where are they taking you to?

Guard 1: we found this pistol in his clothes

Bomboy: Ah! Okay ooo! I will help you inform your family at home about your arrest

Guard2: Alright no problem, at least that might get him a very good lawyer because we are still yet to know what he was doing at this odd hour with a pistol in his hands

Tom: I was just strolling

Guard 1: with a gun abi? You would explain to the detecty like that( let's go).

Narrator:( Bomboy got to the neighborhood and knocked on the door of Mr. Fuoye's house)

Bomboy: kpom! Kpom! Kpom!

Mr Fuoye:( snoring from his sleep when he heard a knock at the door) who's that?

Bomboy: it's bomboy ooo!

Mr Fuoye: Ah! Bomboy keh! Lagos newspaper! Ah! ( He goes inside to call out his wife and his daughter)

Bomboy: I'm still here ooo! Make una no waste my time abeg!

Mrs fuoye: who's at the door?

Bomboy: it's bomboy ooo!

Mrs fuoye: Ah! Okay I'm coming ( she opens the door and found him outside sitting on a pacement)

Bomboy: Ah! Mama you don waste my time finish ooo! Well I've brought news about your son ooo! Tom!

Mrs fuoye:( shocked) what happened to my son?

Bomboy:( notivlced the sudden uncomy look of Mrs. Fuoye) mama calm down ooo! No let your blood hot nau

Mrs fuoye: okay ooo ! I'm calm

Bomboy: Eh! Eh! When I was going back home, I saw two guards holding Tom by the trouser, they said they are taking him to the police custy that they found a pistol in his clothes

Mrs fuoye: pistol keh? From where? Ah God, this is definitely a set up! Ah Jeovah! God no look me like this .....( She puts her hands on her head and shouted as she draws the attention of her husband and daughter).

Zeelah: Mum! What's wrong? Bomboy what happened? Why Is my mum crying?

Bomboy: The guards have arrested your brother and they are taking him to the police custody because they found a pistol in his clothes.

Zeelah: Ah!

Mr Fuoye: Ah!

Bomboy: sorry! Take heart , the best thing is for you to look for a competent lawyer that is very strong because they wan charge am ooo! Sorry! Zeelah! Sorry ooo!( He leaves them outside the house and headed to his house)

Mr Fuoye: where did he say he was going to?

Mrs fuoye: chief Dennis house ooo!

Mr Fuoye: Again? And you know that thisan is up to no good

Mrs fuoye: He only told him that he got him a job but he didn't tell him which job it was

Mr Fuoye:( picks up his phone and puts a call to chief Dennis) hello Dennis! What stupid work did you give my son to do because now he is in the police custody, all thanks to your stupid work.

Chief Dennis: And who am I speaking with please?

Mr Fuoye: This is Tom's father

Chief Dennis: ooh okay! So what happy and why are you calling me?

Mr Fuoye: What work did you give my son to do that landed him in the police custody

Chief Dennis: work? I'm sorry, I don't know who this is please because I've always been on my own and minding my own business but if you need my help, I'm ready to assist you on this

Mr Fuoye: Ah! Ah! But my son said he was coming to your place.

Chief Dennis: please he didn't get here ooo! Maybe he went somewhere else

Mrs fuoye: Ah Dennis ( cuts in) ... Get my son back for me ooo! Because he told me personally that hewas coming to your place

Chief Dennis:But he didn't get here nau! But I would help you get him out don't worry

Zeelah:( sobs) I want to see my brother ooo!

Chief Dennis:( hangs up the call) Ah! This is a mess but I'll give a call to the detective ( he dials the number of detective Kolawole)

Detective Kolawole: hello my handsome chief! How have you been?

Chief Dennis: well, have been good and you, how is the family and I hope you're good?

Detective Kolawole: All good sir

Chief Dennis: okay, that's good. So my reason for calling you is because , I have one if my boys held down in your custody and I demand for his release immediately. Don't worry about your pay, I will get it settled.

Detective Kolawole: okay sir, based on his crime, well his bill is 150,000.00 sir

Chief Dennis: Don't worry, send your bank account to me and I would forward the money to you immediately.

Detective Kolawole: okay sir! ( He sends his account number and immediately he was credited) sir thank you for patronizing us sir , we would be seeing you more often sir

Chief Dennis:( smiles) release Tom Fuoye now

Detective Kolawole: Alright sir we would do that sir and he would get back to you before 10.00 am tomorrow morning.

Chief Dennis:( smiles) good.

NARRATOR:( AT EXACTLY 10:00 AM.Tom was released and he was sent to chief fuoye's house)

Tom:( sits on the sofa)

Chief Dennis: I hope you were able to carry out the assignment given to you last night?

Tom: yes sir

Chief Dennis ( smiles) good. What would you like to eat so Stella can have it prepared for you .

Tom: I'm okay sir

Chief Dennis: ( smiles) don't worry you are safe now, especially when you work for me, be rest assured that nothing and no one can bring any harm to you.

Tom:( silent and didn't give a response).

Chief Dennis: please excuse me for a moment...( He left the sitting room for the bedroom, had his bath and came back downstairs to meet Tom who was still sitting on the sofa)

Tom: ( feeling uncomfortable) I would like to take my leave now sir,

Chief Dennis: why so fast? We still have another discussion

Tom: what is it about sir?

Chief Dennis: I need your sister tonight

Tom: Again?

Chief Dennis: yes ! Again and what big deal is there anyway I mean, she is no longer a virgin anymore

Tom: ( furious and cuts in)... Because you disvirgined her

Chief Dennis: ( Smiles) And I feel good with it tho and I'm sure she also feel good about it too

Tom:( furious) I don't think I can do this for you right now, I went in an errand for you and I got arrested.

Chief Dennis:( cuts in...) That was because you didn't carry it out well, or do you think bailing you out with 150,000 was easy? Knowing so well that I could use the money for something else.

Tom: anyhow.... But I'm not giving you my sister

Chief Dennis: okay then if you insist , I won't force you

Tom: ( suprised he didn't threaten him) really?

Chief Dennis: yes. Do u still want to take your leave?

Tom: yes sir!

Chief Dennis: okay. ( He opens the door for him and Tom went out)

NARRATOR:(Later that night, chief Dennis sent some of his boys to go into Mr and Mrs fuoye's house. Tom was beaten up and his left arm broke in the process while zeelah his sister was taken again to an hotel where chief Dennis was).

Tom:( in pains) my hand ooo! Yeh!

Mrs fuoye: ( screams as she found out that zeelah was missing) no!!!! They have carried my daughter away..... No!!!!!!

Mr Fuoye: (tries to console his family) it's okay , I'm very sure that we would still see zeelah

Tom: ( deep in thoughts and also in pains )

Narrator:( back at the hotel)

Zeelah:( in a room with her face covered and her hands binds).

Chief Dennis: ( uncovers her face and unbinds her hands) don't shout

Zeelah: ( mummering) please! Please sir! I will do anything you want sir, please sir! Don't hurt me nor my family sir

Chief Dennis: it's fine zeelah, I can't hurt you.

Zeelah: so what exactly do you want from me ?

Chief Dennis: satisfy me

Zeelah: ( shocked) what?

Chief Dennis: yes, you heard me right

Zeelah: ( nods in disagreement) no sir! Please sir, I can't do this sir

Chief Dennis:you have to , it's a must or do you think I brought you here for a joke or a show off .

Zeelah: please sir !! Don't let us do this sir

Chief Dennis: looks like u enjoy forceful sex right?( He points a pistol at her face) if you don't do this now, I would use the pistol to destroy every fine girl qualifications you have and I would send your corpse to your family and no one would arrest me for it

Zeelah: okay sir( frightened) I'll do it sir

Chief Dennis: better, now stand up and remove your dress

Zeelah:( removes her clothes and stood naked).

Chief Dennis: good girl( he forcefully slept with zeelah for the second time but this time it was less painful for zeelah).

Zeelah:( didn't ulter a word until he was done).

Chief Dennis:( after two hours, he got up from zeelah and gave himself a rest ) yeah, that's good , you're even sweeter than before.

Zeelah: ( furious)

Chief Dennis: get ready you're leaving soon

Zeelah: ( checks the time and saw that it was just 11:45pm).but it's late already?

Chief Dennis: and so?

Zeelah: ( quiet)

Cheif Dennis:( stands up from the bed and headed straight for the bathroom, took his bath and was ready to drop her off)

Zeelah:( putting on her clothes as chief Dennis did a record video of her nakedness)chief Dennis: you look so good baby and with this video I can hold my body for two week that I'm going to be in Abuja. Now a word of advice, don't tell anyone about what we did tonight because if you do..... Your video would get to all social medias and you know what I mean by that so be a good girl . Just tell your family that you ran away from the hands of the kidnappers okay?

Zeelah:( nods in agreement) okay sir!!

Narrator:( They both came down from the hotel room and went into the car and a car with no plate number waited outside for them. Immediately they entered , the car drove off)