
Eurrecca the Savior Angel : WHAT A FUNNY SCENARIO?


(Third Person Point of View)

As the man and Eurrecca walking towards the man's house. Eurrecca saw a bunch of kids playing with a small snake and burning it. Eurrecca suddenly runs towards the bunch of kid and get the snake in the fire with her hand. The kids and the man got shock and thinks she was stupid. "What the hell are you doing? You are hurting yourself. Just let it be, it was just a useless snake.", Then man yelled. But then Eurrecca still trying to get the snake in the fire. Then snake bites her. But she didn't stop from saving it. "Are you insane? your gonna get poisoned from it. Let it be!", the man said and grabs her hand.

"You know what, call me stupid but I am still gonna save this snake, this is my nature. No matter what's happened or what scenario I was. I won't gonna change my mind and my heart. I know what I am doing is right. The snake nature is to attack anything when it feel it was in danger. And my nature is to give someone a hand, to someone's in need. Don't change your heart because the world is cruel to you. You gonna lose yourself if you do that, look the snake is now safe and feels comfort. He was resting in my hand, like nothing happened.", Eurrecca explained to the man. Then man doesn't know if he will be amazed or feel so dumb on what Eurrecca said. "By the way, mister I still doesn't know your name. Can you tell it to me?" , Eurrecca asked."Call me Brian", the man replied. And then Eurrecca gather the kids and teach them something that changes their hearts. "Hey little one, Why did you bully Mr. snake?". The kids replied , "The snake is just a pest, it doesn't contribute good to the nature". "You know what snakes have been misunderstood since the beginning of time, they are not pest they eat frogs, toads, lizards, insects, fish and, most importantly, help control the rodent population, which carry diseases. If they vanish in the world, the balance of it will be affected". Eurrecca reply to the kids. The kids suddenly felt something new to their hearts. While Eurrecca talking to them, their hearts feel like it was coated on a warm feeling that they never been encounter. the kids right away say sorry to Eurrecca and to the snake. And they promise they won't do it again to any other creatures or to anyone. Eurrecca became happy with it. And they continue their way to Brian's home. But before they left, the one kid whisper to her something. "Sister please be careful with Brian, he was a bad guy, my dad told me to be to stay away from him". Eurrecca smiled to the kid and said yes, and left. While the man still confuse on what he felt about.

When they came to the Brian's house a lady running toward hims crying. "Brian!!! Crystal is in a high fever. We need to take her to the hospital right now!!!". The lady said and runs back on their home. And Brian's follows him. Inside the house Eurrecca saw a child in the age of 8 trembling due to a high fever. Brian and the lady packing their things they need to bring in the hospital. Eurrecca holds the hand the kid. She started to close her eyes, and pray. She prayed that the kid's fever will go away. Eurrecca doesn't understand why she was doing that. Why she was praying. But there something inside her heart, telling it was the right way to do. Then suddenly the kid wake up and the fever vanish magically. The child saw Eurrecca and shouted, "MOM!!!! BROTHER!!!!!! Come on there was an Angel here!!!!!". Brian and the lady rush to her and they see that the child's fever is gone like nothing happened. They are still confuse because how can a high fever suddenly vanish in an instant?

"Crystal are you okay? how do you feel right now?" Brian asked. "I am alright brother, but look I saw an angel,!!!!!! the angel is Real!!!!!! Look at her wings!. Huh? hey miss Angel where are your wings? I saw it when I've open my eyes. It was so beautiful. Please show it to them." Crystal said. Brian her Mom Laughs and thought that Crystal is hallucinating because of her fever earlier. "She was Eurrecca and she wasn't an Angel. I just saw her in the river, NAKED MOM!." Brian replied while laughing. His mom got shock for a while and ask Brian to talk with her. Eurrecca and Crystal left behind. "I am sure that you are an Angel. Because I know someone whose an Angel too, ". Crystal said happily.

Crystal POV

(earlier before Eurrecca came to their home.)

Hey MR. Angel!!! how are you? hehehe can I see your wings right now? "Sure" , a man said and then he show his wings to Crystal. Wow It was so huge!!!! but why does it was color black Mr. Angel? "You wanna know why? I will show it to you." the man said as he possessed the poor girl.

please tell me if the story is so boring or need to improve I am just a beginner so please bear with me. and help me to grow. I can accept criticism so I can improve myself. Thanks in advance.

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