
Chapter 1

''O Come on Vi, lets go play the moon is out please please'' Seven year old Bibiana pleaded with her twin sister who pouted at her, and looking away. Vivian sighed again not wanting to appear mean to her sister's request but not really wanting to face the wrath of their father when he discovers that he has been disobeyed again. But when she looked at her twin sister's swollen, red face she wondered again why she always has to be the matured one among the both of them, after all she was the younger of the two, a part of her could not stand to see her sister upset especially after she had made that promise that they would go out together when the moon was out, when she didn't reply to her sister, she cringed knowing what would follow soon. And true to her suspicion Bibiana started crying ''You promised Vi, you promised we will go out and now your not even talking to me. Torn between the need to comfort her sister and the need to disobey their scary father. Vivian reluctantly made her choice. Standing up from her bed she approached her sister and cleaned away the flowing tears.

''Fine we will go, but promise me we will get back immediately, I don't want father or anyone to find out that we left the castle'' Vivian whispered in a low comforting tune. Bibiana was so happy to oblige she nodded her head hurriedly, and wiped away all her tears adjusting her dress and smiling mischievously at the idea of sneaking away from the Castle with her sister. She was so happy that finally she was able to convince her Vivian.

Lord Augustus sat in his chambers, his mind unsettled he needed an heir who would succeed his throne and the last thing he wanted was for his abominable daughter who according to the seeyer the God's has chosen to rule his kingdom. He despised that child with everything in him. Th3e only reason she was still alive was because killing her now will threaten his throne alongside the life of his loving daughter Bibian. He needed a solution on how to eliminate Vivian quietly, and secure his throne with either a son or with Bibian. His great adviser had earlier told him to exercise patience and allow the twins to grow older that way it will be easier to terminate the life of one without causing any problem to another. He had taken that advise until recently he discovered that the bond between the girls were growing stronger.

''What troubles Our Lord?'' Master Owen asked making his presence known. He was an elderly wrinkled man who was in his early eighty. Augustus sighed if it were any other person who interrupted him from his thought that person will be meeting his creator soon. But for Owen he pardoned. ''The thought on who will exceed my throne after am no more still troubled me, I cant bear the thought off leaving my throne to that evil child, I can't'' Augustus replied with a raised voice.

''Easy my lord, for every problem has a solution except death. I though we have discussed on this issue and you agreed to exercise patience. ''

lord Augustus frowned before speaking '' Yes I took your advise, but decided to take another measure, I had Erica the cook to add some poison to Vivian's meal some days back not enough to kill her but to enough put her down and make her ill , Only for Bianca to also fall sick some days as well. I also have noticed that their bond is growing tighter despite everything am doing to break it. I fear I have to act fast'' The King concluded. Owen nodded not understanding what the King meant by that, as he excused himself leaving the King to his thoughts.

''What kind of wickedness is this, How could a father despise such an innocent child this way? what wrong has that girl ever done to him. No NO I can't let this happen'' Yola hissed in anger as she carefully kept the bowl of water on the table which she used to spy on her evil husband and King. Sorcery in this Kingdom was an abomination and those who practiced the act of magic, would die by fire burning they were called dark witches by the people, and will not be spared no matter your gender, age or position you hold. That is why Yola was very careful when doing this, she stood to loose her life if discovered, She has served in the Castle as a head maid even after being married as the third wife of Sir Owen. The only privilege being one of Sir Owen's wife gave her was not being harassed by any man or woman and being able to speak her mind, and her privacy. She was often compelled to protect most servants who were abused to the annoyance of her husband and co-wives, which she didn't really mind. As she paced in her small room trying to come up with a plan on how to protect the little Princess, from her evil father.

Lost in thoughts Yola failed to notice another presence in her locked room, this person was dressed in white with an angelic face and a white overflowing hair.

''Do not interfere in destiny Yola'' a calm voice that belonged to the person said startling Yola who was lost in thoughts. ''Blessed one I didn't see you my apologies, please I need to save this child she doesn't deserve what is about to happen to her, of what use is my ability to see things if I can't protect her from harm'' Yola pleaded kneeling before the immaculate figure. ''I am aware of how this desire to protect burns inside of you child, but you must not interfere for this is not your destiny. The Gods are wise, just know that we are not deaf neither are we blind we have heard the cries and agony of our people and have decided to act. This children will be the fall of evil, Do not interfere.'' With the last warning delivered the Presence disappeared, leaving Yola confused and sad.

Okay for clarification of some things, No precise location was used. Bibian and Vivian are identical twins, although Bibian is some minutes older than her sister, although we will get to know more about them and everything in the upcoming chapters and also be able to introduce more characters as well.

This book also makes use of Rural and Urban sites, The rural site has to do with the castle, royalthy of the tribe and existence of supernaturals as well.

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