

Plan. Analyse. Design. Code. Test. Debug. Release and Repeat. A Developer's life revolves around this simple lifecycle. Caught in an unknown accident, Noah, a young alpha tester is reincarnated into the game world he was testing. Moreover, in a world that is soon to meet its end. Blessed by the goddess of infinite possibilities, Noah is granted an ability to live the world with his previous developer's privileges. Open Console. Execute Script: script-0.sh ===== Reader Disclaimer: The first few chapters were written in haste to get my idea on paper. Please add comments if anything turns out too confusing (Some are intended lol, will be explained as the story progresses). Hopefully my language will also get better with time as well. Hope you enjoy the story. ===== Credit to KnightOwl for novel cover background. ===== Discord: TBA Patreon: TBA

k_a_m_u_i · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
50 Chs

Chapter 23

The mana stones present around the area were withering away one by one in minutes.

Anyone could tell that he was going to die once the mana stones around them depleted.

"Noah…," breaking the silence was Emilia. Unbothered by the mana pulses heading towards her, Emilia continued walking towards him.

"Miss, please stop. We need to think of a plan before we go near him," Turk yelled, holding her down by her shoulder. "We don't know what is happening to him."

"He is forming a contract with the Wyte dragon, I can feel it," Emilia shot back.

"Are you even sure it's him?"

"I am sure. He is even wearing mother's bracelet on his hand. It's my little brother."

Shocked by the revelation, Reynard, Melissa, Luke and Edgar couldn't believe it.

"Calm down, miss. Rushing won't help anyone. If you want to save him then we need to come up with a proper plan. One wrong move and he'll explode," Reynard explained.

Not wanting to risk Noah's safety, Emilia agreed. The group moved to a safe area behind a boulder to formulate a plan.

"That still doesn't explain the ice or the black flames," Turk voiced his opinion.

"Noah had contracted with an ice spirit during his time at the ice temple," Edgar answered.

"Wait, what? Melissa!" Reynard glared. "You helped him contract with a spirit?"

"Whatt??..I just explained to him, nothing more. He is quick to catch on. I didn't think he would be able to contract with a spirit so soon. Well, luckily, he has only awakened two of the six elementals he has affinities with," Melissa shrugged.

"You mean three? Seeing space elemental itself was a rare sight. How could you leave that out?"

"Space?" This time it was Melissa who was shocked. "He awakened space elemental as well?"

"Well, yeah. I've taken the boy for a few hunting trips. He used ice and space freely."

"So seven elementals?"

"Wait, so it really was Noah who took the supplies," Melissa spoke thoughtlessly before covering her mouth.

Reynard and Luke quickly caught on and glared at Melissa.

"A ten-year-old with seven elemental affinities…"

The entire group stood with their mouths wide open.

"From the looks of things at least he doesn't have much capability in space yet. But it is something to consider," Reynard summarised.

"Is that why he was taken by the altar?"

"We'll continue the investigation after Noah is rescued. All information regarding Noah will be classified, is that clear?" Emilia spoke sternly.

Acknowledging, each of them bent the knee.

"So, how do we go about this?"

"If he is forming a contract, then there is not much we can do but wait. If we interrupt him mid way it might hurt him," Turk spoke up.

"If he doesn't complete the contract, he'll die," Luke asserted.

"As the spirit was just born, it shouldn't be that difficult. If he has already contracted with an ice spirit before, he must be knowing how to do it safely. He just needs time. Even if he succeeds, he will likely die shortly after looking at his current injuries. Melissa, can you go back and prepare healers to come here," pausing for a moment, Reynard continued after he made up his mind," we'll continue to stay here and heal and supply mana so that he has enough time."

Agreeing to the plan, the group split up.


Splitting up with Skadi, Noah decided to confront the new born dragon first. As much as Noah wanted Skadi's help while creating a contract with the newborn dragon, creating a contract while fighting in between both of them would be even more impossible.

With the phoenix now distracted from the dragon, it slowly came down to the ground. With blood dripping from the cracks on it's scale, it was clearly in pain.

Calmly walking towards it, Noah decided to confront it. As he reached near the dragon, he could feel it gazing back at him coldly.

Without stopping, Noah continued forward, finally stopping when it reached his face.

Noah knew it was a risky gamble to come this close, but he had to try. Placing his hand on the snout, Noah closed his eyes.

From the previous battle, Noah knew that he would feel pain whenever his domain was damaged. From this he hypothesized that he should be able to absorb damage as long as it is inside the domain.

Concentrating on the parts of the body where the dragon was hurt as his own, he could feel the damage being transferred to him little by little.

As more damage accumulated, he could feel the bones in his body crack and blood flowing out from his mouth.

Watching the little boy in front of him doing the incredible feat, the dragon lifted his face up slowly. He could feel Noah grab on it's snout with all his strength determined to heal all of it's injuries.

Feeling his sincerity, the dragon withdrew its hostility.

As most of the bones in his body were fractured, Noah had to falter to the ground as wounds accumulated.

Reciting the archaic script for mana contract, light started to form around the both of them.

The dragon calmly brought its face near Noah, enough to touch it's forehead on Noah.

"I, Azeas, pledge my loyalty to my liege, Noah Wyte."

He could hear a loud and slightly gruff voice. Although he only spoke one line, Noah was filled with happiness.

Fire element awakened.

Mana +200

Fire affinity +1%

You can now use skills with fire attribute by learning magic circles based on your intelligence.

You can now form contracts with fire spirits based on your affinity.

Spirit contract between Noah and Azeas has been formed.

Fire spirit contract created.

Mana +200

Fire affinity +1%

You can now learn fire spirit unique skills by learning magic circles and relationship with your contracted spirit.

[Name: Noah

Level: 40 (50/2,900,000)

Class: None

Title: None

Grade: F

State: Mana Overload-weakened. All stats will be 10% of original. -1 health every 5 mins.


Fire: 12% Water: 5%

Wind: 7% Ice: 7%

Psychic: 3% Divinity: 1%

Health: 10/15,200 Mana: 10,900/10,900

Strength:52 Stamina: 56

Agility:46 Intelligence: 81

Dexterity:40 Charm: 51

Luck: 32

Stat Points: 14


|— Goddess Aditi's Blessing

| |— {6}

|— Ice Temple Self Defense Sword Style (F Rank)

| |— {5}

|— Skadi Ice Spirit

| |— {0}

|— Basic Ice Elemental Series

| |— {15}

|— Intermediate Ice Elemental Series

| |— {15}

|— Ice Temple Self Defense Spear Style (F Rank)

| |— {5}

|— Ice Temple Self Defense Bow Style (F Rank)

| |— {5}

|— Azeas fire Spirit

| |— {0}]