
Ethereal Academy: ( A Battle For Dominance )

Amelia's ordinary life was about to take a dramatic turn. Strange occurrences and unexplained events would soon become her reality, revealing a world of magic and a centuries-old battle between good and evil. And yet, she had no idea that her most ordinary day would be the one that changed everything...

claretogechi8 · Fantaisie
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30 Chs

Chapter 5 : Friendship, Magic And Fire

The First Day of Class

Amelia woke up early, feeling refreshed and eager to start her first day of classes. She took her bath and found what to wear, she sat down on her bed while waiting for lily

After some time, lily came and they both made their way to the dining hall for breakfast.

As she entered the dining hall, she was greeted by the warm smile of some students around.

"Good morning, lily! Bring Amelia and Come join us for breakfast." Eva called on to them

Lily took Amelia and they had a seat between the friends

Tell us more about yourself and how you got to know about your powers Ethan said to Amelia.....After they sat down

Amelia took time telling them about herself omitting the stealing part

As Amelia finished sharing her story, the group listened with fascination.

Eva nodded enthusiastically. "That's amazing, Amelia!

We're all discovering our powers too. Well, except for Theo, who's already a prodigy." Theo blushed, looking down at his plate.

Harmony leaned in, her eyes sparkling. "We're all in this together, Amelia.

We'll help you master your powers and navigate the academy."

Sasha grinned mischievously. "And we'll have some fun along the way, too."

Harmony smiled warmly. "We're glad you're here, Amelia. You're one of us now."

Lily smiled, her eyes shining with pride. "I knew you'd fit in perfectly, Amelia.

As they where chatting, a good looking boy came into the hall, he drew attention from girls just like Adrain yesterday

Who's he Amelia asked Harmony knowing she will have answers..

He's a big time playboy, breaking girls hearts is like a hobby to him...

Avoid him too if possible because he's bad news, Sasha chipped in

Enough of the chitchat guys,now, let's finish breakfast and get to class. We don't want to be late on our first day!"

The group chuckled and continued eating, chatting about their expectations for the year ahead. As they finished breakfast, they all gathered their bags and headed out of the dining hall together, ready to face their first day of classes.

As they walked, Amelia felt a sense of belonging she hadn't experienced in a long time.

She was grateful for her new friends and the support they offered. Together, they entered the power discovery class

Amelia's first class at the Ethereal Academy is "Power Discovery," taught by Professor Lyra, a wise and experienced mentor. The class is designed to help students uncover their unique magical abilities and learn how to harness them.

As Amelia enters the classroom, she feels a mix of excitement and nervousness. She's eager to discover her powers, but also worried that she might not have more than one

We will be exploring different exercises to awaken your magical potential. Professor Lyra said as she began the class

Today, we'll explore the foundations of your magical abilities. Remember, your powers are unique to you, and understanding them is crucial to mastering your craft."

Amelia leaned forward, eager to learn.

"First, let's discuss the types of powers:

- Elemental control (fire, water, earth, air)

- Energy manipulation (healing, shielding, projection)

- Mind abilities (telepathy, mind reading, illusions)

- Shape-shifting

- Magical constructs

"Your powers may fall under one or multiple categories. The key is to understand their strengths and limitations." Professor Lyra taught...

Amelia's mind raced with questions. How did her mind-reading abilities fit into these categories? What were her strengths and limitations?

Professor Lyra continued, "To discover your powers, you'll need to:

- Practice meditation and focus exercises

- Experiment with different magical techniques

- Learn control and discipline

- Embrace your unique abilities

"Remember, your powers are a part of you, but they don't define you. You are the master of your craft, and with dedication and practice, you'll become a true master of magic!"

Professor Lyra began the next lesson, "Now that we've explored the types of powers, let's dive deeper into understanding your unique abilities. Today, we'll focus on:

- Identifying your power source

- Understanding your power's strengths and limitations

- Learning control exercises

"Your power source is the wellspring of your magic. It could be your emotions, your thoughts, or your connection to nature. Understanding where your power comes from is crucial to mastering your craft."

Amelia thought about her mind-reading abilities. Did they come from her emotions or thoughts?

Professor Lyra continued, "To identify your power source, try this exercise:

- Close your eyes and focus on your magic

- Trace your power back to its source

- Note any patterns or triggers

"Next, let's discuss strengths and limitations. Your powers may excel in certain areas but struggle in others. Knowing these boundaries will help you grow and improve."

Amelia realized her mind-reading abilities were stronger with people she was close to, but struggled with those who had strong mental shields.

Finally, Professor Lyra taught control exercises, such as meditation and focus techniques, to help the students master their powers.

Now, we'll discover our powers together! Please join me in a circle, and we'll explore our magical abilities."

The students formed a circle, eager and curious. Professor Lyra continued, "Close your eyes and focus on your magic. Let it simmer beneath the surface, ready to emerge."

As they meditated, a glowing light enveloped each student. Amelia felt her mind-reading abilities stirring, while Eva's hands glowed with a soft, blue light. Ethan's eyes flashed with a mischievous spark, and Sasha's hair seemed to grow longer and more vibrant.

Professor Lyra guided them, "Now, let your powers emerge! Embrace your unique abilities, and let them shine!"

The students opened their eyes, and their powers burst forth:

- Amelia read the thoughts of her classmates

- Eva conjured a gentle breeze

- Ethan turned invisible

- Sasha's hair grew longer and more vibrant, entwining the others

-Harmony influenced the emotion of people around her

The classroom erupted in a joyful chaos of discovery, with each student exploring their powers. Professor Lyra smiled, "Remember, your powers are a part of you, but they don't define you. You are the masters of your craft!"

As the lesson ended, the students cheered, thrilled to have discovered their powers together. Amelia grinned, feeling a sense of belonging and excitement for their magical journey ahead

The four friends went straight to the cafeteria to have their lunch.

They all settled down after getting their foods.

Wow Ethan, you were amazing back then, I mean you turned invisible, that's really an awesome power you've got Harmony said to Ethan as the eat lunch

You were also cool, I mean you can manipulation people's emotions Ethan replied her as the all continued to mavel at each other's power

They spent a lot time discussing about their power's, Finally the left the cafeteria, Amelia was walking in front as the continued gisting on their way to the house....

As Amelia turned to reply a question thrown to her she bumped into a white haired girl who was accompanied by a friend.

What the fuck, did you just touch me??? The girl exclaimed with eye's filled with fury

Am sorry, I didn't mean to bump into you Amelia Apologized immediately.

You must be crazy right?, No tell me is there any other word worse than crazy, that's what you are the girl barked.

Excuse me Miss "stone cold", Harmony interrupted, her name is Mora not stone cold losser! the other girl fired, she's Ivy Mora's cohort.

Well, I don't care whatever her name is but she shouldn't talk to my friend that way after all she apologized for bumping into her sorry ass, Harmony countered.

It's okay Harmony, let's just leave here, I'm too tired and I don't have time for all of these, Amelia said and started making her way out of the cafeteria with the rest of her friends.

"You don't walk out on me" Mora pulled Amelia back and pushed her chest fuming with anger. Amelia decided to let it slide as she didn't want to ruin her first day , come let's go she told her friends as she lead the way out.

Watch out!, Amelia!!!!, It was too late before Amelia could know what was happening, a heavy ball of fire was coming straight at her. She panicked and closed her eyes expecting the fire to hit her.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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