
Ethereal Academy: ( A Battle For Dominance )

Amelia's ordinary life was about to take a dramatic turn. Strange occurrences and unexplained events would soon become her reality, revealing a world of magic and a centuries-old battle between good and evil. And yet, she had no idea that her most ordinary day would be the one that changed everything...

claretogechi8 · Fantaisie
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30 Chs

Chapter 2 :A Journey To Ethereal Academy

As Amelia got to school, she quietly went to her seat awaiting the days lecture, but that didn't go as planned as grace and her friends came knocking on her desk ....

Not now Amelia thought to her self as the headache gripped her again

Hey Amelia what are you doing seating all alone when you can actually do something with your time grace said.....

She might actually be thinking about how to get another part time since her present one doesn't seem to pay well lyra one of her friends said and they all burst out in laughter..

Can you guys just leave me alone today? She begged

What right do you think you have to beg huh...?? Grace asked in fury, is it because we still allow you stay here even though you aren't up to our standards in this school

I mean you are the only student in this school who's poor and does part time in order to pay your fees you don't have any right to beg or object to whatever I tell you

Now get up and follow me she shouted

As this was going on Amelia was going through much pain as the headache kept increasing as the time passed

When she didn't get up, grace dragged her up and started dragging her away with her friends hailing her...she dragged Amelia to the restroom and tried shovving her face into the toilet

But then great anger from nowhere filled Amelia and she shouted in a loud voice with blood shot eyes

''I told you to let me be!!!!!!!!!'' Her voice echoing everywhere around the school shaking the grounds cracking and breaking the Wall's...

Students became terrified when this happened... Grace fainted due to the gravity of the scream and one of her friends peed on herself....

Amelia gradually started calming down and the grounds stopped shacking, soon the school securities rushed in a started asking students who where there what happened and they pointed at Amelia with shaking hands

She was escorted out of the restroom to the principal's office to be questioned.....

Mr Joan's the principal of Excelencia highschool was standing at akimbo thinking about what just happened when a knock sounded at his door

Come in he said and the security came in with Amelia.....How may I help you he said to them...

Sir, we went to investigate the cause of the earthquake and other things that happened in the school just now, and the students around reported that this student is the cause of it all.....

Amelia was lost in thoughts when this was happening, she was still in wonder how her anger could cost such a terrifying thing to happen.

Alright you can leave her to my care Mr Joan's said to the security..sir are you sure the securities asked him, I mean we can stand guard outside one of them said Okay, you can stand outside he replied.....

Young lady you can have your seat he said, Amelia seat like a log of wood still lost in thought.

So what exactly happened he asked her she remained silent without saying a word to him

I just asked asked a question he yelled at her. Why did the students say you where the cause of what happened??

I don't know what happened she said, I just remembered grace trying to bully me and I wasn't feeling well then and I just got myself few minutes ago and saw grace on the floor then the security brought me here she explained...

I need to hear from the students who were there when this happened

Josiah please come in he said to one of the security men after few minutes he came in.

Go and get some students who where at the scene he ordered... Okay sir he responded and left. He came back later with Lyra who looked terrified and scared when her eyes meat with Amelia's

What's your name the principal asked her Lyra she responded

Okay I would like you to give a clear explanation of what happened at the restroom just now he said

We we're on our own trying to talk with her when she shouted on a loud voice and her eyes turned bloodshot like she wanted to devour someone, the grounds started shaking and walls started cracking and breaking.....we were all scared and she even pushed grace down and she fainted..... I thin she's a witch, she doesn't belong here Lyra please send her away she cried

That's a lie they were trying to bully me Amelia tried to defend herself...

With all I have heard so far, you are very dangerous to this school and you have also cost a lot of damages, parents will withdraw their hoods from this school once they find out, if we refuse to expel you...

Am sorry Amelia but we can't let you stay here..... You will have to vacate the school premesis within 24 hours, otherwise you'll have to pay for the damages and also leave the school.. I hope am well understood the principal said, you can leave now he added.

Amelia knew begging won't result to any any positive results, so she left the office and went to her locker to get her things

As she was walking through the hallway students made way for her as the information has passed through the whole school and students were afraid of her

She packed her stuff in a box and left the school with many thoughts on her mind.....

As she treked home that hot afternoon with a heavy box on her hands thinking about her life and also what happened that day.....

She was still in wonder that she caused such destruction in the school, This has never happened before, she was know for her anger but never as this ever occurred....

Out of nowhere a strange woman looking so beautiful came to her and started walking by her side

I know you must be wondering about what happened to you today, and answers I would give you if you come with me she said

Who are you and How do you know what am thinking Aliana asked fozen in her spot.

You can call me master Zara, only if you come with me will I be able to tell you how I knew what you where thinking the woman said

Amelia being desperate to find out what was happening and also in fear for she doesn't know if the woman was lying

I am not lying to you Amelia the woman said shocking Amelia the more as her desperation grew more

I'll come with you, Amelia said to the woman and with a snap of finger the disappeared from the sight of people around.

And with that, Amelia's life changed forever. She vanished from the sight of her classmates, leaving behind a trail of destruction and wonder. As she disappeared into thin air, she felt a strange sensation wash over her, like she was being pulled into a new dimension.

When she opened her eyes, she found herself in a strange, hidden place. Master Zara stood beside her, a knowing look in her eyes. "Welcome to Ethereal Academy, Amelia," she said, her voice low and mysterious. "Here, you will learn the truth about yourself and your powers. And you will discover that you are not alone."

Amelia's heart raced as she looked around, taking in the strange, otherworldly sights. She knew that she had entered a new world, one that was full of magic and wonder. And she knew that she would never be the same again.

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