
Eternity Fantasy

A boy named Zeix who is failure in his life one day jumped from a bridge to end his regrets but for his surprise he was transported to a fantasy world

Zenki_Rai · Fantaisie
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29 Chs

Chapter 25: Full Name

The door to the quaint inn swung open with a gentle creak, revealing a girl with vibrant pink hair, dressed in a tidy maid uniform. She greeted Zeix warmly, her voice as inviting as the inn itself. "Welcome to our inn," she said with a bright smile.

Zeix stood just inside the doorway, his eyes scanning the cozy interior adorned with warm hues and flickering candles. "Thank you," he replied courteously, "I'd like to book a room, please."

"Of course," the maid replied cheerfully, gesturing towards the counter. "You can go over there and book one."

"Thanks," Zeix nodded appreciatively and made his way towards the counter. Upon reaching it, he encountered another maid, this one with striking red hair and the same pleasant demeanor. "Could I book a room for a week, please?" Zeix inquired politely.

"Certainly," the maid replied with a friendly smile, "That'll be 5 silver coins, please." Zeix retrieved the coins from his pouch and placed them on the counter. The maid handed him a sturdy brass key and directed him, "Your room number is 38, just upstairs. Enjoy your stay!"

Zeix accepted the key with a nod of gratitude, but instead of heading straight to his room, he stepped outside into the bustling streets of the capital. Opening the map he had received earlier, he traced a path through the winding alleys until he reached the bustling Adventurer's area.

Among the various guilds and shops, Zeix spotted a bustling merchant guild. He paused, considering his options. "I think I should be a merchant rather than an adventurer," he mused to himself. With newfound determination, he pushed open the door and stepped inside.

The interior buzzed with activity—people chatting, drinking, and negotiating deals. Zeix approached the counter, where a young man with dark green hair greeted him warmly. "Hey there, can I register as a merchant?" Zeix asked, already sensing a shift in his path.

"Sure, sir," the young man replied, handing him a form and indicating a small fee of 2 silver coins. "Please fill out this form and pay the fee."

Zeix took the form and pen, noting to himself, "I can understand and write in this world's language." He swiftly filled out the necessary information and placed the coins on the counter.

As the young man reviewed the form, he paused and looked up curiously. "Sir, you haven't written your full name," he pointed out politely.

Zeix's brow furrowed in realization. "Ah, right. Only humans have surnames in this world," he muttered to himself, a fleeting memory flashing before his eyes—a painful reminder of rejection and abandonment.

In his mind, he heard his father's harsh words, "You are a waste, nothing." His mother's voice echoed softer but equally dismissive, "Let's leave him."

A resolve hardened within Zeix, and he straightened, meeting the young man's gaze with determination. "But I do have a surname I can use," he declared quietly but firmly. "My name is Zeix Elven."

To be continued...