
Eternity Fantasy

A boy named Zeix who is failure in his life one day jumped from a bridge to end his regrets but for his surprise he was transported to a fantasy world

Zenki_Rai · Fantaisie
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27 Chs

Chapter 2: Trial by Fire

Zeix plummeted from the sky, screaming in terror as he fell towards the jagged peaks of the mountains below.

"Are you kidding meeeeeeee?!" he shouted, the wind whipping past him as he descended rapidly.

As he hurtled towards the ground, Zeix cursed the God who had sent him here. "Dammm you waste of a God!"

With a deafening crash and a massive explosion, Zeix collided with the earth. For a moment, everything went white, and then darkness engulfed him.

When Zeix finally opened his eyes, expecting pain and broken bones, he was astonished to find himself unharmed and intact. He blinked in disbelief. "Huh? How is this possible? I should have died after falling from such a height..."

Surveying his surroundings, Zeix realized he had landed amidst a landscape of towering rocks and mountains. He sighed heavily. "Well, at least I'm alive... This is my second chance to improve myself. Even though I don't have any superpowers or anything, I can still strive to live happily if I work hard."

Looking up, Zeix saw the night sky above him, adorned with countless shimmering stars. Despite his circumstances, the sight brought him a moment of peace.

Zeix began walking, his journey through this unfamiliar world just beginning. As he traveled, fatigue weighed heavily on him, and after three days of continuous walking, he collapsed to the ground, his stomach growling loudly from hunger.

"I haven't eaten or drunk anything in days... I need to find food or water, anything to stay alive," Zeix muttered to himself, pushing himself upright.

After what seemed like an eternity, he heard the faint sound of water trickling nearby. Desperate, Zeix hurried towards the source and stumbled upon a serene lake. With relief flooding through him, he dropped to his knees and eagerly began drinking the water.

However, his joy quickly turned to agony as searing pain ripped through his stomach. He fell back, clutching his abdomen in agony, and began vomiting blood.

"No... It can't be..." Zeix gasped, realizing too late that the water was poisoned. "Shit... Poison..."

As he writhed in pain, a deep growl echoed behind him. With great effort, Zeix turned his head and froze in terror at the sight of a colossal dragon looming over him, its scales shimmering black and red in the moonlight.

"Looks like my dinner for today is a human," the dragon rumbled ominously, taking slow, deliberate steps towards Zeix.

Still reeling from the effects of the poison, Zeix could only muster a weak response. "I am... Fucked..."

To be continued...
