
Eternity Fantasy

A boy named Zeix who is failure in his life one day jumped from a bridge to end his regrets but for his surprise he was transported to a fantasy world

Zenki_Rai · Fantaisie
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29 Chs

Chapter 10: End of Sword

Zeix looked at the Demon General and said, "Is that so? So you are my enemy?"

The demon sneered, "You killed my whole army with that attack. I would also be dead meat if I didn't have my sword."

Zeix thought to himself, *I should have used my full strength.* Then he asked aloud, "So what do you want?"

The demon replied, "Oh, nothing. I'm just here to... kill you." As he said that, he summoned a sword in his hand and hurled it towards Zeix. Zeix dodged the attack. The demon then summoned five swords around him and lunged towards Zeix.

Zeix responded by summoning fireballs around him and launching them towards the swords. The swords exploded on impact. Zeix then launched another fireball directly at the demon. The demon summoned another sword and tried to cut through the fireball, but it exploded, sending flames everywhere. The force of the explosion threw the demon back, shattering his sword into pieces.

The demon thought, *His every attack is hitting and destroying my swords. Who... who is this man?*

Zeix opened his hand, and wind started to swirl around him, forming into a spear of wind. Seeing this, the demon exclaimed, "He is using fire and wind magic rapidly!"

Zeix aimed at the demon and shot the spear. It tore through the air and land towards the demon with incredible speed. The demon thought, *It's too fast! I need to create a barrier!* But before he could react, the spear was already upon him, slicing through his body and turning it into pieces. The entire area around the impact was destroyed. The remaining lower part of the demon's body fell to the ground, blood flowing like water.

Zeix turned back and said, "Well, time to go home."

**To be continued...**