
Eternity's Dragon Emperor

Young Lin Chen, ensnared in treachery, the fantastic beast slaughtered, was cruelly disparaged by the woman he once rejected. At the unspeakable moment of shame, the seal within his body shattered, and the nine monstrous chaotic dragons emerged, terrifying the Gods and Buddhas of the heavens! Henceforth, before me, the Great Emperor, is but a grain of sand, I am the Dragon Emperor, invincible throughout the cosmos!

pakei66 · Oriental
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150 Chs

(Chapter 88)Beast Spirit Fruit

Yan Lin didn't understand the source of Lin Chen's confidence, but since he said it, he should trust him for once!

He, himself, never uttered empty boasts carelessly.

"I have a Beast Elemental Spirit Fruit. As long as the level of the Void Beast is below level 7, taking this Beast Elemental Spirit Fruit will allow for an immediate rise of one level. However, there is only one Beast Elemental Spirit Fruit. Which of you five have confidence? Anyone can come and claim it!"

Su Hongyi walked over slowly, a bright red fruit in his hand that exuded a pleasant atmosphere.

The war is imminent. If Su Hongyi has any treasures, he naturally would take them out quickly.

Let's improve the combat strength of the disciples first!

"Beast Elemental Spirit Fruit?"

Feng Mingcheng and Fan Anzhi's faces showed a trace of longing.

However, they soon realized that it wasn't their turn to compete at all.

Su Yuwei raised her beautiful eyes and said calmly, "Give it to Lin Chen!"

Her own Void Beast realm had reached level 7, so this Beast Spirit Fruit was useless to her!

In terms of combat effectiveness and realm, Feng Mingcheng and Fan Anzhi were still slightly inferior.

So they wouldn't compete either.

Only Fang Luo and Lin Chen were left.

Whether for selfish reasons or for the sake of the sect, giving the Beast Elemental Spirit Fruit to Lin Chen was obviously the best choice!

Lin Chen raised his head, a smile on his face, "Thank you, Little…"

Before he finished speaking, Fang Luo noticed a flash of dissatisfaction in his eyes.

He stood up on his own initiative and said to Su Hongyi, "Master, I hope that you can bestow this Beast Elemental Spirit Fruit upon me. If I take this fruit and still fail to win the battle, my life is yours!"

"Why is that so?"

Su Hongyi was taken aback, then smiled bitterly.

Fang Luo was the disciple he first accepted into the sect and trained personally. He had not disappointed him and had displayed his talent to the fullest. Over the years, he had remained firmly in the position of senior brother.

Now, both of them wanted it.

But there was only one Beast Elemental Spirit Fruit!

Recently, Su Yuwei had secretly given Lin Chen many training resources, and Fang Luo seemed eager.

If it wasn't given to him, would it make him feel resentful?

Before the war, once dissent arises, things will become much more difficult.

After some contemplation, Su Hongyi handed the Beast Elemental Spirit Fruit to Fang Luo.

"Thank you, Master! I will definitely shine in the battle and defeat all opponents!"

Fang Luo clasped his fists, appearing both happy and proud.

To obtain this Beast Elemental Spirit Fruit was, of course, a good thing.

What truly made him proud was that he had snatched it from Lin Chen's grasp.

Su Yuwei couldn't help but frown, her beautiful face filled with indifference.

Lin Chen saw Su Yuwei's mood and quickly sent a voice transmission, "Senior Sister, there's no need to be angry. Senior Brother Fang yearns to make contributions to the sect. I understand his feelings."

Su Yuwei picked up the wine bottle and went to drink again, her face expressionless.

Fang Luo held the Beast Elemental Fruit, a flash of pride on his face, "Now, my Void Beast is at level 6. If I rely on the Beast Elemental Spirit Fruit to reach level 7, even if I encounter the rumored genius Su Huanxue, I won't be afraid at all!"

"Well, this Beast Elemental Spirit Fruit has a 90% chance of directly promoting your Void Beast, so take advantage of it."

Su Hongyi nodded, extremely satisfied with Fang Luo's fighting spirit.

"Thank you, Master. Upon giving me this fruit, I definitely won't let it go to waste."

Fang Luo appeared flamboyant, his eyes filled with excitement.

As he spoke, he did not forget to glance at Lin Chen.

"Heh, this kid is so arrogant. He takes advantage and still pretends to be the good guy."

Tuntun scratched his head, "With his level of ability, he's not worthy of three punches from me. I don't know where he gets his confidence!"

Lin Chen also gave a casual smile and did not mind.

After obtaining the fruit, he was still teased by him a few times, both overtly and covertly.

His disposition was petty.

Under everyone's watchful eyes, Fang Luo sat down cross-legged and consumed the Beast Elemental Spirit Fruit.


As the Beast Elemental Spirit Fruit erupted with a terrifying wave of energy, a spirit crane appeared in front of Fang Luo.

It was his level 6 Void Beast, the Iron Feather Crane!

The Iron Feather Crane's feathers were as hard as iron, and its long beak was as sharp as a sword.

When fighting, this Iron Feather Crane was extremely fast, using its beak to fight the enemy!

If careless, one would be pierced through the body by the beak of this bird!

The explosive force at that moment was enough to penetrate steel.

"Senior Brother, come on!"

"Yes, you are the future hope of our Lihuo Sect."

"As long as you take this Beast Spirit Fruit and level up your Void Beast, then Su Huanxue will definitely not be your match."

All around, some of the inner sect disciples revealed expressions of envy.

Only Lin Chen stood with his hands behind his back, gazing at the mountains and swamps below as if his mind was clear and untroubled.

His aura exuded an otherworldly indifference!


Just when the power of the Beast Elemental Fruit was about to dissipate, the Iron Feather Spirit Crane suddenly gave a cry, and light began to bloom.

Many inner sect disciples held their breath in worry.

As long as the Iron Feather Crane's level increased, their senior brother would definitely shine in the upcoming battle!

Suddenly, Fang Luo opened his eyes, and a rich light burst from them, flickering continuously.


With a shattering sound, Fang Luo's spiritual energy surged.

His cultivation actually increased from the peak of the 8th level of the Earth Spirit Realm to the 9th level of the Earth Spirit Realm!

Everyone couldn't help but cheer.

This was a great thing!

Unexpectedly, when Fang Luo was raising the level of his Void Beast, he was also able to rely on this spiritual energy to break through his own realm!

Although he was still one realm below Su Huanxue, Su Huanxue's cultivation had been rising so rapidly that she must have an unstable foundation.

On the other hand, Fang Luo had worked steadily and step by step in recent years.

In terms of real combat effectiveness, Su Huanxue likely wasn't Fang Luo's opponent!

However, the smiles on everyone's faces didn't last long.

As the light dissipated, the smiles on everyone's faces faded.

Although Fang Luo's own realm had improved, the level of the Iron Feather Crane had not changed.

It was still level 6!

Fang Luo stood up, a look of disbelief on his face, and roared, "Impossible. There is a 90% chance of a breakthrough, why can't I break through?"

Even Su Hongyi looked shocked.

Was this too unlucky?

There was a 90% chance yet he still couldn't increase?

Fortunately, Fang Luo's own realm had improved, so it hadn't been wasted.

Before the battle, Su Hongyi could only comfort him, "Fang Luo, there's no need to be discouraged. Your own realm has improved. With your rich combat experience, there still might be a chance to win against Su Huanxue!"

"Yes, Senior Brother, there's no need to be discouraged!"

"Maybe it was just short of that final step?"

Other inner sect disciples also spoke up one after another.

Fang Luo nodded, "I have never doubted my combat strength. I have sensed many times before that my Iron Feather Crane has reached level 7. Perhaps in the next battle, I will be able to break through!"


Fang Luo's words drew a sneer.

Everyone looked around, a little embarrassed.

The one sneering was none other than Su Yuwei, who was drinking to the side.